Category: Climate

  • Climate Redux and Earth System Governmentality

    Climate change is at the top of current discussions around the globe. Allenby’s “Climate Redux: Welcome to the Anthropocene” and Lovbrand et al.’s “Earth System governmentality” offer timely insights into this discussion, albeit in different ways. On the one hand, Lovbrand et al. (2009) discuss how the integrative Earth System approach impacts our understanding of…

  • Global Warming: The Importance of Addressing the Climate Crisis

    I agree with your statement that global warming has many consequences, and a few of them were listed in National Geographic’s video. Besides, multiple evidence-based scientific discoveries emphasize the importance of addressing the climate crisis urgently. As the population grows globally, industries that serve and feed them enforce production and become more harmful to greenhouse…

  • The Future of Coal Plants Regarding Climate Change

    The use of coal plants to provide energy has been at the center of the growth of many economies of the world. In the US alone, coal powers 25% of all electricity used domestically and industrially (Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration, 2022). On the other hand, studies associate coal with the emission of greenhouse…

  • Climate Disruption: Attracting People’s Attention

    In recent years, the Earth’s climate has changed markedly, with some countries suffering from abnormal heat waves and others from winters that are too harsh and snowy for their liking. Many environmentalists argue about global climate change, including increases in average annual temperatures, melting glaciers, rising sea levels, and more. The problem is still relevant…

  • Strengthening Resilience and Adaptive Capacity to Climate-Related Hazards

    Table of Contents Critical analysis of the issue Current Status Recommendations Reference List Critical analysis of the issue There have been numerous attempts to raise awareness both in the masses and among various business owners, however, no focused strategy that everyone would abide by has been implemented. This is particularly the reason that it is…

  • Climate Change: Factors and Future

    Introduction Climate change is the gradual change of the Earth’s climate due to the rising amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. As a result of the shift in equilibrium, the ecosystem is under threat, including the future of humanity. For instance, the average global temperatures have risen by 1.2˚C, with the most significant changes…

  • Health Issues Caused by Climate Change

    Table of Contents Introduction Health Issues Caused by Climate Change Problem Statement Ways of Solution to Current Health Issues Impact on Health Care Delivery System Conclusion References Introduction Climate change is induced by the rise of Earth’s temperature. In recent years, it has globally increased by almost 2ºF (“Climate changes allergies and asthma,” n.d.). Its…

  • Business Transformation in the Context of Climate Crisis

    Table of Contents Supporting An Environmentally Sustainable World Challenges of Sustainability in Investments Opportunities of Sustainability in Investments Conclusion References Supporting An Environmentally Sustainable World In modern society, in conditions of urbanization of the population and concentration of industries, environmental problems are becoming increasingly important. Both enterprises and individuals show a responsible attitude to environmental…

  • Climate Disruption: Understanding the Problem and Its Significance

    Table of Contents Introduction Definition of Climate Change Reasons Consequences Solutions Actions Everyone Can Take in the Future Conclusion References Introduction Now, the climate crisis is a significant challenge facing humanity. Rising average temperatures substantially impact the planet’s climate, and these effects will become even more potent over the years. Besides global warming and melting…

  • The UN Climate Change Conference: Indigenous Concerns

    Climate change and planet-warming are the much-spoken issues nowadays, as they cause drastic changes on the Earth. The majority of countries exploit natural resources while producing oil, piles, and other non-recyclable products. The level of carbon dioxide has reached its maximum point increasing the level of water in oceans. COP 26 (UN Climate Change Conference)…