Category: Climate

  • Mitigating Climate Change in Massachusetts: Policy Recommendations

    Introduction Problem Statement Climate change is an acute problem that involves a number of harmful effects on the environment and living beings on Earth. The consequences include extreme weather events, rising maximum and minimum temperature, poor air and water quality, sea-level rise, heat waves, shrinking glaciers, biodiversity loss, ocean acidification, health risks, and economic implications…

  • Climate Change, Its Causes and Implications

    Introduction Climate change refers to the long-term transformation of regional climatic patterns. Warming unequivocally results from the high greenhouse gas (GHG) concentration in the atmosphere (Seo, 2017). The earth’s surface has significantly warmed following the industrial revolution, although some regions have experienced increased precipitation. If these changes are not mitigated to fall below or within…

  • Climate Change: Dealing with the Problem

    We would like to point out our agreement with the fact that climate change is a real phenomenon, which, lately, became infested with the issues of politicization, which, subsequently, resulted in a massive disinformation problem (Van der Linden, Leiserowitz, Rosenthal, & Maibach, 2017). We can all agree that climate change is among the most important…

  • Natural Climate Solutions for Climate Change in China

    The environmental situation in China has become especially aggravated in recent years. It is due to the rapid pace of economic development with a predominance of the extensive type of development, when attention is paid to the rate of increase in production capacity and nature is viewed as a source of free resources. The crisis…

  • Oil Spills and How They Are Related to Climate Change

    Since the discovery of oil and the emergence of the petroleum industry, the human impact on nature and the environment has grown exponentially. It was the moment when humanity became an active partaker in climate change. As of now, the overall influence can be described as primarily negative. It is because “oil is a toxic…

  • A Climate Change Emergency in the US

    Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion References Introduction Scientists now agree that climate change is the result of human activity. Some of these activities include the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation. Although many gases are emitted into the atmosphere that creates the greenhouse effect, carbon dioxide builds up and stays in the air…

  • Harmful Impact of Climate Change

    Climate change is one of the most notable environmental problems that humanity is facing today. The United Nations (UN) defines it as ‘long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns’, which are affected by both natural cycles and human activities (United Nations). Global warming is one of the major consequences of climate change, and it occurs…

  • The Science Behind Climate Change

    The greenhouse effect is the retention of solar heat in a natural way that makes the earth habitable. Gries, Redlin, & Ugarte (2019) state that “even before the industrialization and the rising importance of fossil fuels, the Earth’s surface was modified by human activity through deforestation, agricultural activity, and urbanization” (p. 1031). Excessive energy use,…

  • Responsibility for Climate Migration

    During the search for the causes of the collapses of historical and modern societies, Jared Diamond’s Five Points Framework emphasizes the environmental factor as pivotal. In the same way historic nations met their demise when faced with the degradation of the environment, the modern world is jeopardized by climate change. As conflicts develop, the natural…

  • Climate Change: Improving Global Health

    The climate of the planet is changing, and today it is impossible to deny. The temperature of air and water is increasing every decade. When discussing warming, people often discuss the risks to nature and the economy: plants and animals will suffer from high temperatures, and droughts will force many people to move to other…