Category: Church

  • Reflections of the Black Church From Yesterday Till Today

    The aspects of slavery in the United States started in the August of 1619, when 20 Angolans’ names were first recorded in a journal entry. These blacks were ushered into the British colony in Virginia, later to be sold to English colonists. The idea of enslaving Africans grew in the United States, which acted as…

  • Reaching Migrant Workers in the Malaysian Church: Establishing a Leadership Model

    Table of Contents Introduction Significance of the study Research background Literature review Conclusion References Introduction The research topic is “establishing a leadership model for reaching migrant workers in the Malaysian Church”. It intends on determining the most effective leadership approach for reaching migrant workers in Malaysia. A number of strategies are available to church ministries,…

  • Women’s Dignity in Hong Kong’s Church and Society

    In the chapter, ‘Promoting Women’s Dignity in the Church and Society in Hong Kong’, Mary Yuen explores the role of women in the Church circles based on the understanding of the Christian faith and various teachings. Mary Yuen says that it was not until the 1960s that the women in North American and Europe finally…

  • Women Leadership Within the Church

    The research project looks into details the place of women in the church which is women leadership in the church. Women for a long time have been denied the opportunity to lead in the church because for that long time they have been seen as inferior to men. The goals and objectives of this project…

  • Ethical Issues of the Southern Baptist Convention Church

    The CNN article published on 23rd May 2022 addresses the ethical issues surrounding leaders of the Southern Baptist Convention church who are facing allegations of having mishandled sexual abuse reports. The leaders are said to have intimidated the victims and those who advocated for them and resisted reform suggestions over two decades (Sutton et al.,…

  • Lake Worth Church Fire, Texas: Causes and Fatal Consequences

    Table of Contents Abstract Introduction How the fire began Fighting the fire Death and casualties from the fire outbreak Factors that led to death of the three fire fighters Conclusion Reference Abstract On February 15, 1999 fire broke out at a church in Lake Worth, Texas. It led to the death of three fire fighters…

  • Government and Church’s Role in Wealth Redistribution

    Introduction Faith has played a crucial role around the world by guiding those in leadership both in church and government to enhance the care of citizens. Sider (2020) asserts that all people were made in the image of God, which is the true definition of the nature of a person. In addition, governments are meant…

  • The Church Guides on Sexuality and Cohabitation

    Table of Contents Introduction The Church’s Position on Matters of Sexuality and Cohabitation Different Teachings Regarding Cohabitation Before Marriage Conclusion References Introduction Cohabitation before marriage has long been a debate between families and religious institutions. This practice has been a common factor throughout history and the current generation (Balswick & Balswick, 2018). Some people think…

  • Grey Fathers Church From Sociological Perspective

    Religion is a complex and integral phenomenon within the humanity’s history which can be defined in a plethora of different ways. According to Tylor, the key element of any religion is a belief in spiritual beings (59). Different creatures fall under the category of spiritual beings in different religions, be it ancestors, divine beings, or…

  • The Second Great Awakening and Its Influence on Baptist and Methodist Churches

    Introduction The Second Great Awakening refers to a Protestant religious revival primarily in the US in the early 19th Century (from around 1795-1835). The period marked remarkable growth notably manifested in the Baptist and Methodist Churches. Data from various sources indicate that Baptists and Methodists initially consisted of a paltry 19.4% of the American Christian…