Category: Christian Worldview

  • Christianity, Its Values And Beliefs

    Christianity is currently the world most followed religion in the world. The religion has about 2.3 billion followers worldwide1 or about 31.2% of the population1 and teaches the teachings of Jesus Christ. Throughout the world, many people choose to follow Christianity as a way to worship ‘God’ and in return, they are able to attain…

  • The Peculiarities Of Christian Worldview

    Everyone has basic presuppositions that affect the way they think about and respond to the world and life. This is their “worldview.” For many people, their worldview is unspoken and shaped by circumstances and up-bringing. Others, thoughtfully, construct their own understanding. In whatever way, our worldviews are developed, they shape our choices, values and commitments…

  • Christian Worldview And Its Essentials

    When it comes to religion we have no idea where to start. What are the essentials to that religion as well as the worldview you have once you find that religion. Well I can help you when it come to Christian worldview and it essentials parts in this religion. The Christian faith is well known…

  • The Features Of Christian Worldview

    Hidden Worldviews: Eight Cultural Stories That Shape Our Lives is a book by Steve Wilkens and Mark Sanford that is written to help Christians understand eight competing narratives within American culture that have significant influence and power both outside and within the contemporary church. The hope is that this book will help Christians understand these…

  • Gender Equality In Christianity

    A Judeo-Christian perspective is principally structured upon a set of laws given by God- The Ten Commandments. These rules are then believed to be fulfilled in Jesus Christ, a Jew believed by Christians to be the saviour promised to them by God, as written in the Hebrew Bible. During his lifetime, he is said to…

  • Profanity and Influence in Modern Music: Christian View on Secular Songs

    Perhaps you have had this conversation with a close friend. Maybe you have run across this Secular vs. Sacred argument on online forums or social media. Regardless of background or context, many people have been confused by this topic and are perplexed by the lack of clear, undeniable facts. In my research, I have discovered…

  • Manipulation Of Christianity In Poem The Sea Farer

    Introduction ‘The Sea Farer’ is one of the oldest poems of the Anglo Saxon period. Today’s world has the opportunity to know about this poem because of the Exeter Book which is one of the four surviving manuscripts of that age. This is one of the greatest passages of English literature. The 124 lines of…

  • Helping One Another Is the Most Important Thing a Christian Should Do

    “Helping others is the most important thing a Christian should do”. In this essay I am going to discuss whether helping one another is the most important thing a Christian should do; I am going to discuss both sides of the argument and I will discuss what the strongest arguments are to conclude. Firstly, some…

  • The Inception Of Christianity

    Christianity is considered an influential religion, emanated the life of Jesus Christ here on earth. Christianity has evolved over a long period. In the past, there was a belief in polytheistic where they believe in more than one God. The Jews had firmly believed that one day, God would send someone, a Messiah, to relieve…

  • Baha’i Versus Christianity

    This essay will address the issues of when the religion began, a brief history of the person who founded it and what this founder taught, and a comparison between this religion’s teaching and those of Christianity including the similarities and the differences. This essay will argue that the two religions, Baha’i and Christianity, are more…