Category: China

  • Chinese Immigration: An Immigration Of Indifferences

    Pope Francis once said during a visit to the island of Lampedusa “We are a society which has forgotten how to weep, how to experience compassion – ‘suffering with’ others: the globalisation of indifference has taken from us the ability to weep!” (Liaugminas). Pope Francis was bringing to light the issues surrounding the topic of…

  • Family Values In Bangladesh And China

    For each family and cultural background, family values are different. Values give families a sense of viewing the world and its circumstances, as well as an identity by helping family members to better understand their background. Another reason why values are so important to families is because it provides a sense of hope and significance…

  • Population Growth in China and Its Negative Effects Essay

    Population growth is defined as the increase of numbers in a population, whether it be in a country, state, or city. The way that population growth is calculated is with a simple equation; this is the birth rate added to immigration subtracting the death rate and emigration. Population growth affects the government and economy both…

  • Impact of Confucianism on China: Analytical Essay

    The key idea of Confucius’s Philosophy was a united and good-running system. Its structure was to instruct individuals to act naturally propelled and self-controlled and to empower individuals to accept their obligations, which would, thus, develop a superior self and an agreeable society. Confucious lessons urge others to be deferential and have an agreeable society.…

  • How Did the Geography of Ancient China Impact It’s Culture: Critical Essay

    Ancient China was isolated from other parts of the world due to its geography, and if you have ever looked at the map Asia is isolated from other countries and continents including, Europe, Australia, and others. The geography of Ancient China consisted of a lot of deserts including two major deserts, the Gobi Desert and…

  • The Current Status Of The LGBT Community In China

    Gender identity and expression. The diversity of the sexes and their ways of expressing themselves through fashion. The first is for gender recognition, on the clothing, rethinking the lines between what is socially acceptable for both males and females. The LGBT+ community for sex is open to the fashion industry has brought a great deal…

  • How Coronavirus Affects the World Economy?

    A global pandemic originated in China, has left businesses around the globe counting costs. A global, novel virus that keeps us confined to our lodgings – for days, or even for months – is already revamping our relationship to government, to the outside world and even to each other. Some changes that experts expect to…

  • The Important Solution to the Coronavirus Pandemic

    With the fear of the second wave of coronavirus infections in China emanating from imported cases and rumours that local transmissions might still be ongoing, it’s becoming crystal clear that there is no end to this battle with the unseen enemy which is running into four months now. Lockdowns, testings, quarantine, self-isolation, social distancing, and…

  • The Unusual Effects of Coronavirus

    Rush on toilet paper, planes running empty, drop in the quality of telephone calls, dogs and cats thrown out of the window … The disturbances caused by the Covid-19 epidemic lead to a cascade of consequences that sometimes go. .. very far. The quarantine of millions of inhabitants, the closure of schools and universities, the…

  • Essay on Overpopulation Solutions

    “Overconsumption and overpopulation underlie every environmental problem we face today.” by Jacques Yves Cousteau. This quote means to tell me that overpopulation is really killing our environment, and overconsumption is the second problem. While overpopulation grows and so does our economy, we are running short on resources such as food and water because we are…