Category: Child Development

  • Language and Child’s Cognitive Development

    Language development significantly contributes to a child’s overall development as it helps one think, speak, write, express thoughts, and understand. Primarily, language creates the foundation for all kinds of communication. A delay in language development may result in frustration and miscommunication (Otto 46). Therefore, parents should pay special attention to fostering language skills so that…

  • Child Development Theories: Role and Importance

    The complexities and challenges of child development cannot, in any way, be wished away. In equal measure, the optimal growth and development of a child are deemed not only important for the parents and family members, but also for the whole society. As such, it is critically important to understand the social, psychological, cognitive, emotional,…

  • Childhood Development Case Study

    Table of Contents Introduction Social Learning Development Theory Attachment Development Theory Conclusion References Introduction In 1993, Davis described a case study as a story that signifies real, contextualized, and multifaceted circumstances that comprise dilemmas, conflicts, or problems without clear solutions. Child development theory refers to a fact-based ideas that clearly explain how children grow and…

  • Children Cognitive Development

    Table of Contents Introduction Concrete Operational Stage Crisis in Concrete Operational Stage Conclusion References Introduction Jean Piaget is one of the first psychologists who contributed to the study of children cognitive development (Shayer, & Adhami, 2010). In his theory, Piaget observed some characteristics exhibited by children as they developed their cognitive abilities. According to him,…

  • Children’s Socio-Emotional Development and Factors Influencing It

    Trust versus mistrust According to Erikson, between 0 and 18 months, the child has to acquire the feeling of trust without fully eliminating the feeling of mistrust (Erikson, 1950). The feeling of trust will develop in the child if they receive a positive response from the parents. He or she begins to trust his or…

  • Child’s Development and Pre-Operational Reasoning

    Psychological Development According to Freud, from the age of three to age five, a shift in the focus of pleasure takes place in a child’s psychological development (Carducci, 2009). During this period, which he called the phallic stage, the genital area becomes the focus of pleasure. Notwithstanding its name, both boys and girls experience a…

  • A School-Aged Child’s Developmental Assessment

    Table of Contents Introduction Physical Assessment Application Developmental Theory Conclusion References Introduction Developmental assessments are standard health maintenance procedures in school-aged children. Physical examinations may be common and allow to determine subjective and objective information fundamental to providing care. Physical assessments may be inherently uncomfortable for children, therefore, it is important to utilize appropriate techniques…

  • Critical Review of an Article on Child’s Moral Development

    A child grows through a set of developmental components and they all correlate to each other pretty well. Like if one wants to study child development he/ she does not need to go through and ascertain all the parameters of child growth to determine whether the child is growing normally or not? Moral development is…

  • The Role of Environment in Child Physical Development

    Table of Contents Introduction Analysis Literature Review Rough Draft References Introduction Physical development is intense in childhood, and it is paramount to properly understand the processes which take place in different periods of the young age of a person, as well as the factors that have an impact on these processes. In order to better…

  • Ethnocentrism and Racism in Child Development

    In the final project, the case of Dalia will be analyzed to investigate the effects of ethnocentrism and racism in child development, especially during the adolescent period. Teens usually experience overwhelming emotions and several changes in their relationships with parents, peers, and community members. In addition to certain physiological changes, adolescents have to deal with…