Category: Child

  • Essay about Paternity Leave

    The world has never witnessed a faster increase in the number of paternity leave recently. The term “paternity leave” is the period of time offered legally for men to take a temporary break from work to take care of their newborn babies. According to research from OECD countries (2016), the paternity leave recipient rate among…

  • Essay on Parents-Child Relationship

    Children are the most important entities not only in the life of parents but also in the life of society and the state to a larger extent. Even before a child is born, his parents have certain notions about what their dream child will be like and the kind of. This study is an endeavor…

  • ‘Firefly Hunt’ and ‘Red Cranes’: A Comparative Analysis

    Introduction Literature has the power to transport us to different worlds, cultures, and perspectives. In this comparative analysis, we will explore the works of two renowned Japanese authors, Matsuo Basho and Yasunari Kawabata, and their respective haiku poems, ‘Firefly Hunt’ and ‘Red Cranes.’ Through a detailed examination of these poems, we will uncover the similarities…

  • Descriptive Essay about the Worldwide Approach to Child Abuse

    This paper will propose a worldwide approach to child abuse. There are many types of child abuse such as sexual abuse, emotional abuse, physical abuse, etc. Neglect is the most common form of child abuse. Psychological abuse includes verbal abuse, humiliation, and acts that terrorize a child. This paper will discuss the effects of child…

  • Essay on Child Abuse in Florida

    The study problem It has been observed that there has been an increase in cases of raping underage children in major urban centers in Florida (‘Child Sexual Abuse | Florida Council Against Sexual Violence,’ 2019). This situation has been prevailing for the last five years. The variables discussed The study is concerned with getting the…

  • Child Abuse Vs Discipline: Opinion Essay

    Children despise rules and just want to do whatever they please to do. I mean who would want a parent commanding them what to do? no one. Discipline is a teaching method that parents and teachers use on children when misbehaving or being disobedient. Many people discipline kids and teach them from wrong to right.…

  • Research Paper on Child Abuse: Use of Radiography and Medical Imaging

    A child under the age of 18 who is intentionally harmed or mistreated is considered abused. Child abuse accounts for the majority of childhood morbidity and mortality causing the community and the victims’ families to lose a fortune. There are many different types of child abuse, which often occur all at once. A child may…

  • Essay on Child Labour as a Real Abuse to Humanity

    This study will explore the harsh and various forms of abuse a child faces in Nigeria. A child is cherished and chastised in Nigeria by the parents or those who care for the child. Adults in Nigeria do not know that there is a thin line between chastising a child and abusing a child. A…

  • Stop Child Abuse: Argumentative Essay

    Nowadays, we often heard news on child abuse. Newspaper, television, radios, and many other media platform remind us daily about child abuse. Even our own beloved country, Malaysia is now happened to have a lot of child abuse reports. Sometimes it happens between the victims’ families. These cases scared us the most because we trusted…

  • Early Childhood Experience: Personal Narrative Essay

    Early childhood is the age of innocence and vulnerability. It is a period to observe what piques children’s interest and giving them the liberty to explore it. I had a wholesome childhood to a great degree but there is one part of my early childhood which has left a slightly unsettling impact on me. It…