Category: Capitalism

  • The Industrial Age and Capitalism

    Introduction Industrial Age can be defined as the time when people became actively engaged in the development of manufacturing machinery. The given historical period is associated with many break-through technological advances and inventions, which consequently permeated almost every aspect of human life. The industrial revolution is closely related to the rise of capitalism as well.…

  • Capitalism: Benefiting the Public Good

    In the purest form of capitalism, which is a laissez-faire economy, power is concentrated in the hands of private individuals or businesses that own capital goods. The government plays only a secondary role in the country’s economy, so the decisions made by businessmen are unrestrained. Aiming to get a higher profit, individuals facilitate the economic…

  • Capitalism in “Out of This Furnace” by Thomas Bell

    Introduction Capitalism is one of the most effective forms of governing at the present moment. However, it has not been that beneficial for the first wave immigrants who moved to the United States of America to find better living standards and conditions in general. The book, written by Thomas Bell that is called “Out of…

  • Public Capitalism in Promoting the Common Good

    Capitalism is both an economic and political system in which the financial market, production, and concepts of private ownership are driving factors for operation and success. Power in a capitalist society is held and maintained by those with wealth. Although capitalism is not a government system, it often interacts and influences with the government the…

  • Socialism as an Alternative to Capitalism in the United States

    Table of Contents Introduction Political Economy Current Capitalist System Weaknesses of Capitalism Socialist Economic System Negative Aspects and Outcomes Discussion Possible Solution Conclusion Annotated Bibliography Introduction The United States has always defined itself by its ideological values and political beliefs which have become the centerpiece of citizens’ lives. The country has emerged as a Democratic…

  • Christian Business Operation in Capitalism

    In the world of capitalism, companies strive to be profitable as they can while providing their products or services. However, this ideology does not always align with the Christian beliefs and principles that do not place profitability as their primary interest. Although some Christians agree with the fundamentals of capitalism, other Christian theologians propose different…

  • Division of Labor in the Context of Capitalism

    Table of Contents Introduction Importance of Division of Labor to the Capitalist Economy Efficient Production Examples Conclusion References Introduction One of the main tasks of economic systems is maximizing output per unit of input. Resources include money, time, human labor, technology, and natural supplies. Division of work ensures that each employee specializes in a specific…

  • Capitalism and Socialism, Democracy

    Democracy is a political or social unit that gives power to the citizens in which they observe it through a free and fair electoral system. When the citizens do not exercise democracy themselves, then the elected representatives carry it out. This kind of system is illustrated by having recognized equality rights and freedom both in…

  • Strengths and Weaknesses of the Theories of Capitalist Imperialism Proposed by Hobson-Lenin

    Table of Contents The Lenin-Hobson capitalist imperialism theory Differences of the Lenin-Hobson capitalist imperialism theory Weaknesses of the Lenin-Hobson capitalist imperialism theory Conclusion Bibliography The Lenin-Hobson capitalist imperialism theory The imperialism theory was first developed by John Atkinson Hobson, a Briton, in 1902, and it was later adopted by Vladimir Lenin. This theory argues that…

  • Why Capitalism is Better Than Socialism

    Currently, most economies in the world are in chaos, especially in the United States. As a consequence, the arguments about the advantages and disadvantages of socialism and capitalism as competing systems of the economy have been increasing. Socialism is an economic system where the government controls or owns the means of production and goods’ distribution…