Category: Capitalism

  • “Modern Capitalism Needs a Revolution…” by Cohen

    Capitalism, unconstrained by any regulatory process, leads objectively to a concentration of production and monopolies – this was Karl Marx’s key idea. Roughly the same idea is repeated in Ronald Cohen’s article (2021) on the collapse of the U.S. economic system, the goal of which is solely to make the greatest profits. The social and…

  • The Vision of Capitalism: Adam Smith vs Karl Marx

    Table of Contents The Division of Labor and Its Outcomes The Value of the Capitalistic Impact Critical Evaluation Works Cited Comparing Smith’s vision of the impact of the capitalist economy to that of Marx, it can be claimed that the former offers a more positive evaluation of the relevant outcomes. Hence, he points out that…

  • Work Motivation: Capitalism, Individualism, Institutionalism

    Table of Contents Individualism vs institutionalism Individualisation Integration Reference Every culture has a set of underlying social values and norms that not only motivate people to work but underpin all social interactions. In a community, some people are characterised by high levels of motivation to work while others hardly work due to low levels of…

  • Church’s Responses to Development of Capitalism

    The Industrial Revolution is one of the most significant periods in human history that drastically impacted society and future development. There was a massive shift from the agrarian approach to the technological method of production, which transformed the common perception of work and people’s lifestyles in general. Factories moved from the manual to the machine,…

  • Karl Marx’s Critique of Capitalism

    The socialist revolutionary, Karl Marx, singled out several socio-economic formations in history and considered the patterns of their development. Slavery, feudalism, capitalism, and communism aspects were discussed by this scholar. Marx revealed the economic contradictions inherent in capitalism, pointing to the inevitability of the transition to the next formation. This paper will examine the key…

  • Capitalism in Brook’s Vermeer’s Hat and Rediker’s Slave Ship

    Timothy Brook takes a sharp-eyed, albeit critical, review into the social, political, and economic context lying within Vermeer’s seemingly undramatic façade. The author writes about capitalism during the 17th century, as presented within Johannes Vermeer’s mundane life paintings in Delft, Netherlands. Contrastingly, Marcus Rediker talks about the development of the slave trade within the 18th…

  • Deleuze’s “A Thousand Plateaus” and Guattari’s “Capitalism and Schizophrenia”

    Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion Bibliography Introduction The book “A Thousand Plateaus” written by the French philosopher Gilles Deleuze and the psychoanalyst Felix Guattari is the second part of the project “Capitalism and Schizophrenia”. Main body As a matter of fact, the authors themselves believe that this work cannot be considered that as…

  • The Industrial Age Impact and the Rise of Capitalism

    Table of Contents The Industrial Age and Capitalism The Contemporary Society Conclusion References It is a common truth that those people who do not remember the past have a limited opportunity to understand the real nature of things that happen to their society. The mindset of the society has experienced significant changes during the last…

  • Poverty and Capitalism in Trash by Dorothy Allison

    Through the book titled Trash, author Dorothy Allison features the struggles of a violent survivor from a poverty-stricken family. Although Dorothy’s story is not a biography, it certainly portrays the life of a working-class lesbian through a reinvented and condensed experience. The girl is depicted as addicted to violence but remains hopeful. Dorothy uses language…

  • East Asian Capitalism and Its History

    Table of Contents Introduction Adapting to Capitalism Conclusion Works Cited Introduction This paper examines capitalism in East Asia. East Asia follows the model known as state-sponsored capitalism. In this sense, the government makes an investment in certain sectors of the economy with the view of spurring growth in the private sector. Countries, which pursue state-sponsored…