Category: Capitalism

  • The Industrial Age and Capitalism: Key Features and Impacts on Society

    Industrial Age can be defined as the time when people became actively engaged in the development of manufacturing machinery. The given historical period is associated with many break-through technological advances and inventions, which consequently permeated almost every aspect of human life. The industrial revolution is closely related to the rise of capitalism as well. Together,…

  • Contemporary Racial Capitalism in Flint

    Table of Contents Introduction Environmental Racism and Racial Capitalism in Flint Conclusion References Introduction The racism and neglect of human rights witnessed in areas inhabited by a nonwhite population are alarming. Research by Pulido (2016) traces severe cases of inequality and imbalance in the city of Flint, whose major inhabitants are blacks. The research shows…

  • Inheritance in Capitalism and Ethical Grid

    Background In their book “Moral issues in business,” the authors William H. Shaw seeks to demystify the notion that inheritance is justified by capitalism by examining the works of D.W Haslett. He explores this concept from a wealthy point of view rather than an income point of view where he identifies that though the top…

  • Capitalism and Gay Identity by D’Emilio and Berube

    Introduction Capitalism plays a major role in the separation of people according to class and status. Gay identity puts individuals into a different social class. In this paper, the author will review the link between gay identity and capitalism from the perspective of two essays. The two are written by D’Emilio and Berube. Essays on…

  • Capitalism as a Means of Promoting Inequality

    In this paper, I will prove that capitalism is the means through which the rich subjugate the rest of society, as evidenced by the pervasiveness of inequality in “The Jungle” by Upton Sinclair and the “Address to the Prisoners of Cook County Jail” by Clarence Darrow. The degree to which capitalism has impacted the distribution…

  • Protestant Work Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism

    Introduction Protestant work ethic In the realms of religious philosophy that governs motivations for wealth creation and distribution, is Protestant Work Ethic or otherwise termed as Puritan Work Ethic which stemmed from ancient classical doctrines from Catholicism. Conventionally, the mainstream church doctrines promoted good works; business with ethics and avoiding all worldly circumstances that would…

  • The Superiority of Socialism Over Capitalism

    In most western countries, capitalism is typically lauded as the most effective way of regulating market relationships, whereas socialism is traditionally frowned upon as a threat to free trade. However, not only does socialism suffer from a prejudiced attitude reinforced by the infamous witch-hunts, but also has a range of advantages compared to capitalism. Specifically,…

  • Social Classes and Capitalism: Sociological Theories

    According to the concept of social classes taken from the leading U.S. social class ranking, I belong to the middle class. This article focuses on the ideas of capitalism based on social classes while describing the concepts of perspective, conflict, symbolic interaction, and functionalism. Regarding functionalist theory, society’s many structures and procedures exist because they…

  • Capitalism and Socialism in the Marxist School of Thought

    Given his views on history, sociology, philosophy, economy, and politics, Karl Marx is well renowned in academia circles. While his ideas were created based on the events of the 19th century, I still find some modern day relevancy in them despite widespread criticism. To begin with, his idea that capitalism was always doomed to collapse…

  • Capitalism and Religion: Sociological Perspective

    Religion in the form of beliefs and rituals has always played a significant role in the lives of all the known societies worldwide. Enlightenment and the subsequent development of social sciences led to attempts to rationally analyze the impact of religious traditions on the lives of nations and individuals. In sociological tradition, such scholars as…