Category: Capital Punishment

  • John Locke’s Perspective Regarding Capital Punishment

    Capital punishment is one of the most controversial issues that evoke heated debates in the United States. On the one hand, Americans place the highest value on human life and people’s basic rights. The right to life cannot be alienated, according to liberal views that reign in the USA (McCarthy, 2017). On the other hand,…

  • Abolition of Capital Punishment

    Contents Abstract Introduction Capital Punishment and Human Rights and Liberties’ Violations The Codification of Morality and U.N. Charter Capital Punishment: The Issue of the Inhuman Nature of the Practice Capital Punishment: The Issue of the Fairness of the Judicial Process Deterrence Factor The Condition of Prevailing Unjust Justice System International Scenario and Stance on Capital…

  • Capital Punishment: Advantages and Disadvantages

    Table of Contents Advantages of Capital Punishment Disadvantages of Capital Punishment Conclusion Works Cited This paper analyses impact of death penalty. Actually, capital punishment refers to a death sentence on individuals who have committed unlawful deeds. Indeed, such punishment arises due to capital offences. Death penalty is normally conducted by knocking out head from an…

  • Why Say “No” to Capital Punishment?

    The death penalty debates have led to the abolition of capital punishment in numerous countries all over the world. The most important arguments against capital punishment include the inappropriateness of violation of the right to live, the possibility of executing innocent people, and the high cost of procedures required for this type of penalties. Death…

  • Support of Capital Punishment in the United States

    ‘Capital Punishment’ means the obligation to death as a punishment for doing a crime. In the US, many states follow the system of capital punishment is strictly and most of the people support it even though some feel that it is not justifiable to terminate life of a human being as a mode of punishment.…

  • Whether Capital Punishment Be Abolished Or Not?

    Since ancient times it is a practice to execute people judged to have committed certain extremely heinous crimes, with a view to sending warning signals among perpetrators of crime, which is aimed to reduce recurrence. All of us are opposed to crime and violence in our society; at the same time, whether we should have…

  • Capital Punishment Applied Research Proposal

    Nowadays corporal punishment remains one of the most controversial issues examined in the context of public administration. Although some people believe that it should continue to exist to ensure an appropriate punishment, others strongly adhere to the opinion that the death penalty should be prohibited due to its inhumane nature. In this regard, it is…

  • Death Row Prisoners in the United States: Abolishing the Capital Punishment

    Introduction The death penalty was a common form of punishment in early societies across the world. Records show that the Roman Empire, Egyptian Empire, Achaemenid Empire, Hittite Empire, Babylonian Empire, and Assyrian Empire all used capital punishment as a way of punishing serious crimes (Garrett 54). The Draconian Code of Athens took the death penalty…

  • Capital Punishment for Crime Deterrence

    Table of Contents Introduction Literature Review Research Question Methodology Questionnaire Contents Conclusion References Introduction Capital punishment has been the subject of considerable debate in the past, and many countries have removed the practice. Nevertheless, the United States has retained the death penalty, and executions are carried out sometimes. One of the primary arguments for the…

  • Is Capital Punishment a Justifiable Action?

    Table of Contents Right to Life as a Basic Democratic Principle State Violence Cultural Impact Conclusion Reference The issue of the justification of capital punishment was raised by political scientists, historians, sociologists, writers, and other authors throughout the development of civilization. At the dawn of history, in primitive societies, ancient cultures, and medieval states, the…