Category: Canada

  • Sexism In Canada: Forms And Reasons

    Sexism has been an evolving issue globally for decades. More specifically, women’s rights and inequality has been the topic of issue for hundreds of years. Sexism is something that has given women inconfidence and the ability to believe they are lesser than the men in this world. Before in Roman law, women couldn’t own a…

  • Essay on Aboriginal Racism in Canada

    There is no arguing that there is and was discrimination towards Aboriginal people and their families in Canadian society. It is a serious social issue. There is no excuse Aboriginals should be treated this way in society. Factors such as: historical barriers, present barriers, racism, victimization and equality are all things that have affected Aboriginals…

  • Immigration Discrimination In Canada: An Essay

    Housing remains a prominent issue for immigrants when trying to settle in an area. Vulnerable immigrant groups such as low-income, visible minority groups rely heavily on government and non-government organizations that provide funding and resources for attaining housing. Another major aspect in the process of immigration is the integration into the host community. “Integration refers…

  • Same-Sex Marriage and Discrimination Against Same-Sex Couples in Canada: An Essay

    Today, there are many developed countries in the world that still do not accept gay marriages and think it’s inappropriate. In those developed countries, gay/lesbian couples are denied their rights to marry even if they’re a citizen. A couple whom is gay/lesbian also pay their fair share of taxes, follows the law and serves their…

  • Nursing Shortage as a Serious Problem in Canada: Critical Essay

    The Canadian Nurses Association (CNA) has highlighted an impending shortage of nurses who have the skills and knowledge to meet the healthcare needs of the Canadian population, a lack, according to the CNA, that has been unequaled in past decades (McDonald, C. and McIntyre, M., 2019, p.317). Economic analysts and political analysts have voiced a…

  • Essay on Indian Residential Schools in Canada and Their Architectural Purpose

    The architectural techniques used to implement the Indian residential school system in Canada is a fundamental but frequently overlooked aspect of the overall system, which isolated “150,000 First Nations, Métis, and Inuit children from their communities and families over the duration of a century and a half” (Mortice, 2017). The residential structures were the sites…

  • Ecotourism in Canada: Areas it Focuses on, Importance and Impact

    Ecotourism is a dynamic and far-reaching sector in the economy of the countries, especially in Canada. Ecotourism in Canada is categorized into two segments, natural ecotourism and ecotourism emphasis on the arts and culture of the local people. It has a positive impact on social and economic aspects of Canada which is evident through its…

  • The Forms Of Mediation In Canada

    Canada has had a long and contentious relationship with criminal law and its approach to punishment. The early Canadian societies of mostly French and English settlements evolved their notion of punishment through a predominantly religious lens. Christianity possessed a great deal of authority in the culture, and exemplary punishments were preferred. The Grand ordonnance criminelle…

  • Future Prospects for Work in Canada

    The future of work in Canada will see intensified debates between business and workers, pitting Canada’s growing small business and corporate class against the working class. Even at a time when more Canadians are entrepreneurs, independent contractors, working from home, and working on more favorable, convenient terms, one can still see every day Canadians having…

  • LGBTQ Human Rights In Canada

    INTRODUCTION Gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgender have been subject to segregation in numerous social orders around the world. Unlikely LGBTQ in Canada enjoy a few of the most prominent legitimate rights and securities within the world. Homosexuality has been legitimate since the section of the Criminal Law Correction Act (too known asBill C-150) in June…