Category: Brand

  • Social Media Marketing: The End User’s Attention and Factors Affecting the Popularity of Brand Posts

    Social Media is a term that refers to Internet-based platforms that enhance information sharing (Kaplan & Haenlein, 2010). Social media increases communication amongst users of Internet by allowing the sharing of information, messages, videos, and even audio. Social Media has significance for both business and regular consumer of the Internet. There are six types of…

  • Accor Hotel Brand: World-Leading Hotel Group

    Logo Image. Source: (Accor – World-leading hotel group in hospitality, n.d.) Website Screenshot Head Office Location Address Information The headquarters of Accor is situated in Tour Sequana, Issy-les-Moulineaux, within commuting distance of the southwest district of Paris, France. Accor’s main office is located at its headquarters in Paris, France. The actual postal address for their…

  • IMed Brand Driving a Paradigm Shift in Healthcare

    Executive Summary The influence of artificial intelligence (AI) is dynamically increasing in the healthcare industry. AI experts believe that it is a revolutionary technology, and its impact in the medical sector is “life-changing” (Mills, 2020, para. 4). Its great potential drives a transformative change in the modern-day and future medical care system by advancing patients’…

  • The Huskyboost Brand’s Social Media Marketing

    In the modern world, small businesses struggle to promote their services for various reasons. Such is the case with, a company that provides various boosting services for players in online games. Boosting in-game services showcase a perfect example of an overrepresented market segment. For instance, World of Warcraft – the main area for…

  • The Power of Positioning: Unleashing the Potential of Brand Storytelling

    Positioning issues are directly related to trust, consumer loyalty, and desire to buy brand products. That is why positioning strategy is about differentiation, individuality, and strengthening positions in relation to competitors. It is also about what to rely on and how to create the right brand associations. A well-promoted and well-known branding affects absolutely all…

  • Nature’s Best Pet Food Brand’s Target Market

    This paper is dedicated to the study of the target market for a new pet food brand called Nature’s Best, which is soon launching on the market. This brand’s high quality and focus on natural ingredients will soon make it the favorite dish of every pet. In general, an audience-focused approach is more efficient than…

  • &pizza Brand’s Situational Analysis

    The 21st century has brought people various new possibilities in marketing and sales. Nowadays, opening a new place, whether it is an expensive restaurant or a small coffee shop, has become more accessible than ever before. On the other hand, however, the constant expansion of the market makes it complicated to keep the visitors attached…

  • Zara Market Segmentation

    Table of Contents Zara Market Segmentation: Introduction Market Segmentation of Zara: Main Body Zara Market Segmentation: Conclusion References Zara Market Segmentation: Introduction The concept of market segmentation plays an essential role in setting up a company’s target customers. By selectively choosing the main market sector, a firm can deliberately increase its competitiveness in this given…

  • Brand Management: Tea and More

    Table of Contents Introduction Major Facts and Problem Possible Solutions Advantages and Disadvantages of the Possible Solutions Choice and Rationale Converting Contracted Employees to Permanent References Introduction Global Tea was founded in 1985 in Los Angeles by three sisters who shared profound love for fine teas. Tea and More (TAM) outsourced the tea business and…

  • Marketing Communications Strategies for Consumer Vehicle Brands in the UK

    Introduction The success of the business in the present world has largely depended on the marketing activities of that business. Marketing refers to the procedure and implementation of that processes to plan and execute the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of goods, services, or ideas creating exchanges, which will meet any individual and organizational objectives.…