Category: BP

  • British Petroleum Company’s Strengths and Weaknesses



    Introduction One of the premier energy companies of the World is British Petroleum. “It is the fourth largest company in the whole World. In the energy sector BP is the third largest company of the World” (Bamberg, 2008). One of the most prolific companies of the world, BP has its own strengths and weaknesses. In…

  • BP Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico



    Summary Facts On April 20, 2010, there was an explosion at the BP Deepwater Horizon oil rig, which resulted in the release of over 130 million gallons of crude oil into the Gulf of Mexico (Meiners, 2020). This oil spill was the largest in US history and still has environmental consequences many years later (MSNBC,…

  • British Petroleum Company: Organization’ Social Performance



    Table of Contents Introduction Products Salient stakeholders key roles and responsibilities Stakeholders influence on financial performance Controversial corporate social responsibility concern Stakeholder coalition plan to target controversial issue Stakeholder formation challenges Conclusion References Introduction British Petroleum (BP) is a multinational company that deals with gas, crude oil, and petroleum products (Frerrier, 2010). Its headquarters are…

  • British Petroleum Company Risk Assessment



    The issues related to climate change have attracted a lot of attention and have become a part of the agenda of socially responsible companies. Thus, many companies tend to implement research on development of ways to reduce negative impacts of industries on the environment (Where do companies stand on responsible corporate engagement 2014). Being environmentally…

  • The British Petroleum and the BTC Pipeline



    What are the main ethical issues and dilemmas Bp faces in this case? British Petroleum faces various ethical issues and dilemmas, which revolve around the idea of transporting the oil to various states and protecting the communities where the pipeline passes through. Most of these ethical issues include environmental issues, human rights issues, social issues,…

  • Oil Spill Crisis as a Result of the British Petroleum



    The oil spill leaking into the Mexico gulf is as a result of the British Petroleum drilling rig which exploded at a rate of five thousand barrels a day. It was reported that about eleven workers died in the explosion that took place on 20th of April (Jones, 2010). The likely cause of the disaster…

  • The Effects of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill on BP’s Financial Prospects



    The Deepwater Horizon incident has significantly impacted the offshore drilling industry, particularly BP. The company faced significant fines, damage claims, and legal bills, forcing it to sell a significant part of its assets to cover the costs. The value of the company’s bonds went down amid the crisis resulting in the re-purchasing of 2010 gas…

  • British Petroleum Company’s Executive Retirement Issues



    As the board chairman, how will you address the issue of the CEO’s early retirement and his severance package? When confronted with the issue of early retirement of the current chief executive officer, I will try to dissuade against the idea of early retirement. As presented in the report by Hunter (2), the company does…

  • British Petroleum Company’s SWOT and BP PESTLE Analysis



    If you want to analyze political and economic factors influencing BP, PESTLE analysis is what you need. For reviewing the strengths and weaknesses of BP, SWOT analysis is perfect. You will find both of these analyses here. Table of Contents Introduction BP SWOT Analysis Pestle Analysis of BP Conclusion Works cited Introduction British Petroleum (BP),…

  • Ethical Treatment of Employees at BP’s Texas City Refinery



    Case study (BP’s workers) This case study is about BP’s Texas City refinery which is the third-largest oil refinery in the U.S. It is regarding the safety of the workers. There was an explosion in the Texas City refinery in 2005, March. The government investigated the causes of a blast at the BP’s plant which…