Category: Behaviorism

  • Definition and Essence of Behaviorism: Analytical Essay

    Behaviorism is a psychological school of thought most prominent during the early 20th century up until the late 20th century. The paradigm as a whole defined psychology as the study of behavior rather than the study of consciousness which was once assumed as central to the field. Behaviorism can be defined as “the theory that…

  • Analytical Essay on Psychological Behavior Theories

    I am a strong believer that our behavior comes from a place of learning, understanding, and or influence. In childhood our surroundings affect the way act not only in our youth but our adulthood, if a parent treats their children with violence or if the child witnesses this type of behavior from a certain age…

  • Comparison of the Behaviorist and Humanistic Approaches

    This assignment is going to compare and contrast behaviorism and the humanistic theory and find the differences in two different theories out of the four main theories. Also, there is an understanding on what the theories are and how they are used in present day. Behaviorism is a theory of learning based on the idea…

  • Theories and Worldview Essay: Analysis of Behaviorism and My Worldview

    I think it is important to consider worldview when studying developmental theories because. Everyone has a different worldview and each person resonates with a different developmental theory. Personally, myself I believe in God and that god created the earth for us to inhabit and populate. I believe in the Bible and everything that it says…

  • Behaviourism Philosophy of Education: Essay

    Behavioral approaches to learning are rooted in the minds of John B. Watson and B. F. Skinner. With his stimulus-response model, Watson claims that a particular stimulus evokes observable responses in human behavior. Meanwhile, Skinner’s operant conditioning maintains that pleasant things have an invigorating effect on human behavior, so we repeat desirable behaviors and eliminate…

  • Analytical Essay on Cognitive Dissonance under the Paradigm of Behaviorism in Education

    Introduction: Learning theories are important in learning because they allow for students and educators to communicate so that students have the best understanding of a topic as possible. Cognitive dissonance is when learners try to work together to have consistent beliefs, and alter their behavior or attitude so that it reduces “dissonance”. In his theory…

  • Comparative Analysis Essay: Constructivism Vs Behaviourism

    Constructivism Constructivism capacity that the data of know-how to be transferred to some other individual but can be built or created. It suggests that the learner is much more actively involved in joint organization with the teacher of creating. Based on commentary and scientific study. It is about how humans learn. The trainer makes positive…

  • Addiction in the Context of Behavioral and Humanistic Approaches

    According to the World Health Organization ‘health’ is described as “a state of complete mental, physical and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease”. The word ‘illness’ is defined by the Cambridge English dictionary as being “a disease or period of sickness that affects the body or mind”. These definitions will be used…