Category: Australia

  • Gender Equality Differences In Australia And Saudi Arabia

    During recent decades, an increasing number of people throughout the world are becoming aware of how crucial gender equality is. Men and women as citizens should have the same power, education, choices and treatment. However, it does not mean that people should treat men and women exactly the same; the key is the rights, responsibilities,…

  • Racial Diversity Within the Australian Community

    Diversity is a concept that reflects on the many ways we are alike while also respecting our individual differences. There are many aspects of diversity, such as cultural, racial and religion. Racial diversity occurs when many different ethnic groups are represented in a community. Not only is Australia a multicultural nation, it is also the…

  • The Features Of Pet Industry In Australia

    More than 60% of Australian households own a pet, the majority of them being dogs and cats. Australians spend around $12.2 billion per year on food, vets and healthcare products and other services for their pets, turning the Pet Industry one of the major growth segments of Australia’s business sector. Premiumization, humanization and demographic trends…

  • Indigenous Civil Rights Movement

    In the mid-1960s an indigenous civil rights movement was starting to occur and there were several individuals that had massive impacts on how indigenous Australians live today. One of these people was Eddie Mabo. Eddie Mabo was born in 1936 on Murray Island but by the mid-1960s found himself fighting for his rights as an…

  • Australian Politics and Active Citizenship

    Liberal democracy can be considered a form of the government’s systems where the rights of individuals and the freedoms are highly recognisable. Liberal democracy also means that the rule of law restricts political power—nations such as Australia, the United States, Canada, and Britain. Follow the system of Liberal Democracy. Liberal democracy attempts to defend civil…

  • The Effects Of Civil Rights Movement

    Throughout the history of Australia, Aboriginal people have faced large amounts of discrimination in society and have not had equal opportunities. Between 1910 and 1970, Aboriginal children were removed from their families by federal and state governments and were forced to adopt a white culture to rid Australia or Aboriginal people. The US Civil Rights…

  • Australian Civil Rights Movement Process

    The creation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights helped pinpoint the discrimination of many Indigenous peoples around the world. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was made after World War II, in 1948, to prevent any similar events. When this was created it showed how, in many countries around the world, Indigenous people had…

  • Similarities Between Australia and the US Regarding Immigration Laws and Policies

    This essay aims to explore migration in The United States of America (USA) and Australia, as in some instances they have very similar migration patterns. It will be an investigation into the similarities between the two countries regarding immigration laws and policies. Immigration Laws and Policies in Australia Australia is a country that has a…

  • The Long Road to Legalizing Gay Marriage in Australia: An Essay

    Today’s society is ever-changing, with new demands being asked from the government regularly, due to this it is important that our government is able to meet and deal with these demands. One of these demands was same-sex marriage. Gay marriage was a law introduced into Australia in 2017, which allowed two people of the same…

  • Essay on Homelessness in Australia

    In a world full of fast communications, rapid technological change, and global reach, many social issues arise leading to social change. Homelessness is one of the main ones that have arisen to become an Australian and worldwide concern. The latest estimates reveal that the number of homeless people in Australia increased by 4.6 percent over…