Category: Antigone Tragic Hero

  • Essay on Antigone Tragic Hero

    Written by Sophocles his Greek tragic play, Antigone, was a series of conflicting events that led to foreseeable deaths at every turn. The curse bestowed upon a royal family through generations had led to misfortune more so caused by ill-made decisions rather than fate. As such Creon’s role in this story was vital because of…

  • What Makes Antigone And Creon The Tragic Heroes?

    What exactly makes someone a “hero” or a “tragic hero” if you will? Aristotle defined a tragic hero as a man of noble birth with heroic qualities whose fortunes change due to a tragic flaw or mistake that ultimately brings the hero’s downfall. Their tragic flaws makes them more relatable or/and get pity from the…

  • The True Tragic Hero In Antigone

    Sophocles’s play, Antigone, expresses a journey of tragedy, nobility, and virtue through the actions of the tragic hero. A tragic hero, as defined by Aristotle, depicts one of high nobility, who experiences a tragic downfall due to their ignorance and blinding of their pride. However, the tragic hero also gains self-knowledge from their unacceptable actions.…