Category: Anne Frank

  • The Journey of the Jews: The Diary of Anne Frank

    Abstract Jewish people are extremely faithful to their religion Judaism. Jews are monotheistic, and they try to show obedience to God at all times. The traditions that they celebrate are important to them because they like to promote kind acts within their community. The Jews became Hitler’s target for maltreatment during the Holocaust. Hitler was…

  • 5 Paragraph Essay on Anne Frank

    WWII Nazis exhibited extreme adversity and conflict against the Jewish people of Europe. Diaries written like Anne Frank’s Diary of a Young Girl and Bloeme Emden’s first-hand account in Hidden Like Anne Frank represent methods the Jews cope with the ongoing conflict against them. But while they more specifically represent the Jewish people of WWII,…

  • Anne Frank Expository Essay

    “I don’t think of all the misery, but of the beauty that remains.”- Anne Frank. The Holocaust was a tragedy in our world, millions of people were killed because of genocide. Adolph Hitler was the man who ran this plan, he discriminated against the Jews and wanted them killed or slaves. One person who was…

  • Essay on Why Was the Diary of Anne Frank Banned

    Books can help someone escape from reality, learn about the future, and sometimes show how the world could be just as cruel as it is good. For example, Anne Frank’s diary captivated the young writer so much that when she wrote in her diary it was like she was a different person. She went from…