Category: Animals

  • Analysis of Routine Vaccination of Felines

    Introduction to Vaccines A vaccine is a preparation of attenuated or killed pathogen that is administered for prevention, betterment, or treatment of a contagious disease Vaccines are one of the most important developments of the modern world and save an estimated 2-3 million lives every year by preventing and controlling infectious disease outbreaks The first…

  • Are Bengal Cats Rare: Argumentative Essay

    If you heard someone saying that “it’s hard to find a Bengal cat” then this cat’s unique breeding history must be the reason behind this notion. Let’s find out more. So, are Bengal cats rare? The answer would be no. They are not rare. The only thing which makes their availability a little bit difficult…

  • How Human-Beings and (Their) Feline Companions Live Together in the Contaminated Domestication: Essay

    Domestic cats live shared lives with (their) human companions. They grow up together and influence each other commensally. Unlike other tamed animals, such as dogs, horses, and cattle, cats are not useful and loyal to humans. Thus, the time when cats were truly kept by humans as pets were late, compared to others. Nevertheless, the…

  • Occurrence of Endoparasites in Domestic Owned Cats in Dhaka City

    Pet animals, particularly cats, and dogs, play an important role in societies worldwide. They are important companions in many households, contributing to children’s physical, social, and emotional development and their owners’ well-being, especially in the elderly (Wong et al. 1999). The domestic cat (Felis silvestris catus) is one of the most popular pets all over…

  • Essay on Roupenian’s ‘Cat Person’: Critical Analysis

    Our perception of a fictional character derives from our understanding of character to be a set of beliefs, values, moral fiber, and personal traits that within a work of fiction transcend beyond the plot to communicate the complexities of the internal self. However, beyond this definitional understanding, Kristen Roupenian’s contemporary short fiction, ‘Cat Person’, explores…

  • Essay on Cat in ‘A Man Called Ove’: Character Analysis

    In A Man Called Ove, Fredrik Backman uses the cat to symbolize Ove’s firm stance on principles, fairness, and loyalty. The author does this by representing the cat as Ove’s conscience. The cat is a key character in the novel. It plays an important role by acting as a lens that allows the readers to…

  • Behaviour and Welfare of Geriatric Cats

    Introduction The meaning of Animal welfare is how an animal is coping with the conditions in which it lives. It can simply define as well being of animals. Among them, pet animal welfare is very important. Cats are popular companion animals in the world. Cats that are housed exclusively indoors generally live long and healthy…

  • Modernisation and Westernisation of the ‘Japanese’ in Natsume Soseki’s Sanshiro and I Am a Cat

    It is impossible to define the Japanese as purely Japanese. In this essay, I will explore how the Western cultural influence during the Meiji restoration from (1868 – 1889) and the Meiji era (1968 – 1912) of Japan (Weir, 2000) has affected and merged with traditional Japan. Thus creating a country of multi-layered culture, that…

  • Public Health Risks Associated with Cat Faeces in Public Places 

    As the Veterinary Officer in Dublin City Council, you are asked to explain to the general public, the public health risks associated with cat feces in public places Introduction The Litter Pollution Act 1997, Section 22, enforces the law regarding dog soiling in public areas. These laws are enforced by Dublin City Council’s Litter Warden…

  • From Wildcat to House Cat: The Domestication of the Cat

    Cats are one of the most popular house pets on the planet. They can adapt to small living spaces, such as apartments, and are relatively easy to care for. Cats also rule the internet; they are present in many memes, and cat videos are one of the most prevalent videos on YouTube. The question, however,…