Category: Animal Testing

  • Is the Use of Animals in Scientific and Commercial Testing Justified?

    This comes as a result of the need to test cosmetics, new drugs and the effects of chemicals on living organisms before they reach the public mass market. It comes as no surprise however, that this has caused massive uproar with animal activists and pet owners globally, arguing that there are many other alternatives to…

  • Does Animal Testing Still Have A Place In Medical Research

    Humans have been using animals for many uses like food, commotion from one place to another, games, and for many other purposes. One of the extended uses of animals is their use in research. With the advancement of medical technology, the count of animals being used in the experimental research has sky rocketed. Millions of…

  • Why Animal Testing should be Banned

    Introduction Science is doing several kinds of inventions to make the life of everyone easier. Animal testing is also a part of science as from where researchers do inventions in the field of biology. In animal testing different type of organisms are used for various purposes. Scientist makes many types of medicines, vaccine, skin and…

  • Why Animal Testing is Bad?

    Imagine being trapped in a cage that is about the same size as you, being burned, poisoned, drowned, shaved, and ejected several times a day. Animals have foreign chemicals poured onto shaved skin and into eyes. This causes them a lot of pain, suffering, and distress. These experiments can cause animals to become permanently brain…

  • Animal Testing should Be Banned

    Introduction Imagine watching scientists insert various needles into you while you are sitting there, wide awake, in excruciating pain, knowing very well that there is nothing you can possibly do to remove yourself from this situation. Well guess what? That is exactly what animals such as mice, rats, hamsters and monkeys frequently go through. Therefore,…

  • Animal Testing: An Ongoing Debate

    Throughout the decades, the world has seen some significant advantages regarding animal rights. From ensuring that animals cannot be physically mistreated within a domestic household to the promulgation of conservation efforts throughout the world, humanity is slowly moving forward to a place where animals do not need to endure needless pain. However, there are certain…

  • Is It Correct To Test On Animals?

    In today’s world, this topic is very controversial, in comparison to the past. In addition, it keeps growing daily. Animal testing is any type of procedure in which requires forcing live animals for purposes of research that is likely going to cause them harm, distress, and pain. In animal experiments, scientists can inject the animals…

  • Animal Testing In Science Is Not Ethical

    The outcome of scientific studies that involved animal is not eternally trustworthy. This is due to the reason that in the year 2004, there are 92 % of the medication that successfully gets through the preclinical trials include the use of nonhuman animals in experiment has come to nothing as the medication that had been…

  • Animal Testing Pros Essay

    Is morality valuable when it comes to medical progression or human success? Animal testing is a familiar concept but many do not know the extent of what is involved when it comes down to what the scientists use or how they experiment. Whether it is called animal testing, research, or killing, it is a cruel…

  • Animal Testing Is Expensive: Essay

    When you use the cosmetic products, perfumes, hygiene products, and pharmaceutical drugs you see in your local drugstores, supermarkets, etc., there is a big chance that animal test subjects went through the pains of being abused, tortured, or poisoned in order for those said products to be able to be put on the shelves and…