Category: Animal Abuse

  • The Controversies of Animal Testing

    Science has made tremendous progress in the last few centuries. Since the introduction and subsequent application of the scientific method, almost any scientific discipline has seen the rise not possible otherwise. Many of the branches of science, like applied physics, chemistry, and medicine, have also changed the level of welfare of humanity dramatically. However, several…

  • Animal Testing and How It Should Continue

    Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion References Introduction Humans have been finding new ways of exploiting animals for many centuries. Animal testing has become an integral part of the pharmaceutical, biomedical, and cosmetics industries. This process has provoked many hot debates in recent centuries, with different arguments and opinions on both sides. Some people…

  • Protection of Animals and Humans From Cruelty

    Table of Contents Introduction Comparing Organizations’ Recommendations for Protecting Animals Shortcomings of the Recommendations The Realistic Strengthening of the Recommendations References Introduction Animal abuse is a common issue, and it involves malicious harm or major neglect of animals. In most cases, failure to protect animals can lead to safety issues for humans and pets or…

  • Animal Testing: Finding an Alternative

    Table of Contents Introduction Supporting Arguments Believing Questions Biases Conclusion Works Cited Introduction These days, ecological problems present a pressing concern, and for this reason, a harmless attitude to nature, the planet, and animals is becoming an increasing trend among contemporary people. This tendency also regards animal testing, which is common in the beauty industry…

  • Animal Testing: Use of Animal in Biomedical Research

    Table of Contents Introduction Reasons for Using Animals in Biochemical Research Reasons against Using Animals in Biomedical Research Conclusion Works Cited Introduction For over 100 years, animal testing in biomedical research played an important key role in many of the medical and scientific studies. Thanks to advances in animal research, people across the globe are…

  • Scientific Experiments on Animals from Ethical Perspectives

    Table of Contents Abstract Introduction Summary of Findings The Three Arguments for the Opinion Discussion Conclusion References Abstract This paper discusses the controversial topic of using animals in cruel scientific experiments. Three ethical approaches are considered, namely the consequentialist perspective, the Kantian deontological view, and Donna Yarri’s Christian character-based perception. Strengths and weaknesses of each…

  • Animal Testing in the Modern World

    Table of Contents Abstract Introduction Problem Solution Conclusion Reference List Abstract Studies that appear in various medical journals repeatedly demonstrate that animal testing amounts to wasting human and animal lives. Medicines and vaccines that are successfully developed and proven effective in animals such as mice and many primates fail when used in human beings. Medicines…

  • Animal Experimentation: Arguments For and Against

    Science is very important in society because it is through it that different discoveries are made. Scientific methods for instance are used to discover a medicine to cure different diseases and come up with innovations that improve the lives of human beings (Brundage and Michael 10). In the field of medicine, scientists highly use animal…

  • The Ethical Side of Animal Testing

    Animals often become objects of scientific research aimed to test new cosmetics, medicines, methods of treatment, and food. It leads to the endless hardship of hundreds of thousands of animals, which until recently were considered to be a sole means to check drugs and products. Nowadays, new advanced technologies, especially AI and cell technology, allow…

  • Animal Testing in the Modern World

    Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion Work Cited Introduction Animal testing is among high controversial and ethical issues of the modern world, where both commercial and scientific organizations are increasingly generating products, which require extensive testing on model organisms. The concern is manifested in the fact that animals are sentient beings as well, which…