Category: American Culture

  • Essay on Is Propaganda Detrimental to Society

    The US and Hollywood have worked together for over a century collaborating on hundreds of projects. The origin of the relationship came about once the United States joined World War 2, and the two began producing military propaganda to boost morale. It was vital for the public to get behind the war effort, and propagandized…

  • Glenn C. Altschuler’s View on the Impact of Rock and Roll on American Culture

    Music endures being a significant role in history since the beginning of times. The appearance of rock and roll between 1945 and 1965, became one of the most shifting points in American culture. The development of rock and roll shattered a firestorm of argument across America. The impact that this genre of music brought to…

  • Heroism in Greek and American Cultures

    Heroism ideally is about having great bravery. Culture values and myths are similar because they have the same concept. Ancient Greek is more fighting cyclops, while American culture is more risking your life to save others. The meaning of heroism is someone who is willing to save someone above themselves. Heroism is seen a lot…

  • Essay on Ethical Dilemma: Terri Schiavo Ethics

    What gives us the right to decide when is someone’s time to live or die? Do we have that power? Is it a paper that gives us that power? Is it a verbal message that someone once expressed, and we are following their wishes? Ethics are moral principles, and is it moral to let someone…

  • America’s Literacy Crisis: Persuasive Speech

    Poverty, homelessness, hunger, crime, juvenile delinquency, drug abuse, single motherhood. These are just some of the pressing social and economic issues that plague our society today. But what if I told you that there was another problem, underlying all of these issues, that if we could solve it, would dramatically increase people’s chances of escaping…

  • Culture Shock in America Essay

    America today is omnipresent, but take us back 100 years and you find much more defined straight and narrow socio-cultural boundaries. Those who came to America during the earlier immigration waves were forced to experience a much different reality than they anticipated with the American way of life including different cultural values than the rest…

  • Historical Hostility, Institution and Misconceptions about Native American Culture

    Exploration and conquest were two of the defining traits of old Europe, whether it was discovering entirely new, uninhabited land, or land that only appeared new until traces of civilization were discovered. One such land was the Americas, aptly labeled “the New World”. In the modern day, it is considered a melting pot of various…

  • America’s Junk Food Dependence

    Our society has developed an obesity problem over the past several decades, and the solution seems simple: eat less junk food. But when it’s more affordable and more accessible than healthier options, it’s time we see the problem for what it really is: a dependence on junk food. It permeates our culture and is often…

  • Profile Essay about America

    People in Central America are struggling with crimes of law enforcement, parenting, and even the way the government operates. What’s worse than that is the judicial and executive system isn’t doing anything enough for these people living in Central America. Central America can do so many things different that can help those who live there…

  • Recipe Essay

    Ranch dressing is a type of salad dressing that is made with buttermilk, vegetable oil, and herbs. It is more popular in North America than anywhere else. Ranch dressing is used in different types of salads and is also used as a dip for chicken wings. History of Ranch Dressing Before pasta was invented, tomatoes…