Category: Agriculture

  • In Support of Robotics Use in Agriculture

    Introduction Successful and effective farming has always been concerned with collecting data on the processes involved to ensure that the resources are used in the most efficient way possible. Today, it has become commonplace to use technological tools to determine whether the relevant processes are taking place smoothly. For instance, drones that have the capacity…

  • The Big History of Civilizations – Origins of Agriculture: Video Analysis

    What was a foraging economy and way of life like? Foraging was the leading way of lifestyle for the oldest communities across the globe. This economy did not imply a controlled source of sustenance, meaning that people had to cover great territories. Hunting and gathering were the primary activities of foragers, which ensured the survival…

  • Improving Stress Resistance in Agricultural Crops

    Introduction Traits that protect the crop yielding potentiality will always be vital. Advanced technologies are being used to design products for insect control such as dsRNA which generate new modes of action. Research efforts mainly focused on enhancing complex traits like biotic stress mitigation and intrinsic yield potential which are all aimed at increasing crop…

  • Agricultural Traditions of Canadians

    I would like to describe agricultural traditions of Canadians. Agriculture plays one of the most important parts in Canada’s life. A lot of people are involved in this area of economy. Canadians are great farmers; they work really hard and enjoy their work and results they get. Very often a farm belongs to one family,…

  • Agriculture in Honduras: Existing Challenges and Possible Solutions

    Introduction The economy of Honduras visibly depends on the agricultural sector. Its influence can be traced in the country’s GDP and is properly reflected in the involvement of the population, with roughly half of the workforce involved in agricultural activities. Unfortunately, the most value-added segment of the country’s productivity is also one of the most…

  • Agriculture Development and Related Theories

    Domestication Models Two Agricultural Theories That Oppose Each Other There are two main domestication models used to describe the development of agriculture. Some scientists strongly believe hunter-gatherers first cultivated wild plants by putting random wild seeds in the ground near their homes. The first approach supports the idea that domestication was a slow process that…

  • Hunting and Gathering Versus Agricultural Society

    The hunting and gathering society is considered the most equitable of all seven types, while the agricultural community gives rise to the development of civilization. The societies vary in their structure: the former exists in small nomadic groups to search for food supply, and the latter forms larger groups characterized by possessions and control of…

  • Agriculture and Food Safety in the United States

    Table of Contents U.S. Farm Bill Community Garden Food Movement The challenge of Food Safety in the U.S. COVID-19 on U.S. Food System References U.S. Farm Bill Agriculture in the United States has grown progressively centralized during the previous three decades. Since 2015, the bulk of the foodstuffs has come from farms with yearly revenues…

  • Agricultural Influences on the Developing Civil Society

    Table of Contents Introduction Agricultural Influences on Developing Civil Society Influence of Excess Food Production How Agriculture Brought Industrialization How Agricultural Influence Brought Trade Other Agricultural Influences Conclusion Work Cited Introduction Many historians take different viewpoints on whether the development of civil society led to the introduction of agriculture or the agricultural advancement made society…

  • Agricultural Technology Implementation by Medieval Europeans and West Africans

    Agricultural developments were an essential step in technological progress for humanity that allowed people to sustain high population counts. However, due to the differences in availability of usable soil masses and their scale, West Africans and Medieval Europeans approached agricultural issues with entirely different solutions. This paper will examine how these two regions were affected…