Category: Agriculture

  • Virtual Water Trade of Agricultural Products

    Annotated Bibliography Zhang, Yu et al. “China and Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement Countries: Estimation of the Virtual Water Trade of Agricultural Products.” Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 140, no. 3, 2017, pp. 1493-1503. This article was written by a body of researchers under the organizational leadership of Yu Zhang, a professor at Nanjing University. It was…

  • Agricultural Adaptation to Changing Environments

    Table of Contents Introduction Methods used in Previous Studies: Impact-based Approaches Response-based Approaches Vulnerability-security Approach Context of the Current Study Study Approach and Design Evolution of Agriculture in Dundas Future of Agribusiness in Dundas Adaptation of Agriculture to Climate Change in Canada Conclusion Introduction Chapter 2 of the book under review, whose authors are Mike…

  • Sustainable Agriculture and Future Perspectives

    Sustainable agriculture a system which combines animal and plant production in a given area. Sustainable agriculture is essential in that it ensures the earth can be reused and renewed by future generations. It focuses on using natural water, soil, and pest management instead of synthetic chemicals and petroleum-based fertilizers (Raliya et al., 2017). The ability…

  • Industry and Agriculture: Use of Technology

    Table of Contents Introduction Technology in Agriculture Technology in the Industry Conclusion References Introduction Technological progress has skyrocketed over the past few decades, allowing for the simplification and enhancement of a variety of processes within every domain. Industry and agriculture are among the areas that have experienced a vast rise in effectiveness and performance quality…

  • Agriculture-Led Food Crops and Cash Crops in Tanzania

    Table of Contents Introduction The Aim, Conceptual Clarification, and Conceptual Framework Discussion Analysis Conclusion Recommendations Reference Introduction Tanzania is well-known in the international market for producing eatable goods that are traded both within the country and used for exports. “Maize, wheat, rice, sweet potatoes, bananas, beans, sorghum, and sugar cane” are the most often cultivated…

  • The Agriculture Industry’s Digital Transformation

    Agriculture is a critical sector for all countries because it feeds their populations. The planet has experienced a consistently rising population for decades, which means that there is an ever-growing demand for food. Therefore, the agricultural sector has had to undergo constant development in terms of the use of labor, land, and biological resources. One…

  • Radio-Frequency Identification in Healthcare and Agriculture

    In the 1970s, barcodes seemed like the height of sophisticated product tracking. However, both technological progress and market demands have developed significantly in recent years, presenting new identification and tracking opportunities. Specifically, radio-frequency identification (RFID) has gained traction due to its ability to transmit data over distance. According to the most cautious of estimations, the…

  • Impact of Bioterrorism on the U.S Agriculture System

    Table of Contents Introduction Impact and Effects of Bioterrorism on the U.S Agriculture System Conclusion Works Cited Introduction The fear that biological weapons of warfare might be used against U.S citizens has been a source of considerable concern among politicians as well as public health officials. Media coverage concerning the issue has also risen to…

  • Aspects of Pesticide Use in Agriculture

    The article by de Gomes et al. (2020) investigates socio-environmental factors connected with pesticide use in agriculture and food production. From one point of view, it is beneficial for food production because it increases the number of crops, but from another point of view, it has a destructive impact on the environment. Pesticides allow agriculture…

  • Food Additives Use in Agriculture in the United States

    Table of Contents Introduction Chemical Inputs in the American Agriculture Industry Benefits of Chemical Additives in Agriculture Harms of Chemical Food Additives in Farming Research Significance Conclusion References Introduction Today, agriculture makes significant contributions to the development of the U.S. economy. Many industries are closely related to this field, including food sales, forestry, fishing, and…