Category: Aggression

  • Analysis of Correlation between Violence in Video Games and Human Aggression

    Media depicted violence has been around for over a century now and has evolved from literature to comics to film and finally to video games, and each stage of progression has been met with societal backlash. In the past ten years however, the rise in mass shootings has caused many politicians to point a finger…

  • Refutation of the Idea that Violent Games Lead to Aggressive Behavior

    Video games have increasingly become a favourite activity amongst a widespread of children and adolescents providing entertainment, social interaction and relaxation. The gaming industry has become a global phenomenon with an estimated worth last reported at $134.9 billion in 2018 (Batchelor, 2018). Video games are a programmed universe, which allows humans to interact with a…

  • Influence of Gaming Addiction on Aggression

    Lately, it has been perceived that addictions are not restricted to practices created by the uncontrolled utilization of substances. There are apparently harmless conduct tendencies that, in specific conditions, can get addictive and truly meddle with the daily lives of those influenced. Due to explosive development in innovation and web use over the most recent…

  • Main Risks and Benefits of Video Games

    Have you ever been so into a video game that you were playing you were literally spaced out of reality? Have you ever played a video game so long that you lost track of time? I know I have on more than one occasion. Have you ever wondered why you get so into a game…

  • Impact of Horizontal Aggression Among Nurses

    In the last two decades, many educational scholars have written about nursing being an oppressed profession. Many nurses faced a lot of frustrations due to inadequate autonomy and power. Due to these frustrations, they tend to be aggressive among themselves. Horizontal aggression in nursing has been present from the onset of the nursing profession, thus…

  • Pros and Cons of Bullying Essay

    Introduction Bullying is a pervasive issue that affects individuals across various age groups and environments. While it is widely acknowledged as a harmful and negative behavior, it is essential to examine the topic from a critical perspective to fully understand its complexities. In this essay, we will explore the pros and cons of bullying, shedding…

  • Psychological Explanations of Inter-group Aggression: Discursive Essay

    According to studies, there is no rigid definition for aggression nor inter-group aggression and therefore it is defined according to the correspondent’s values. The behavior studied may differ from one researcher to another. Bandura (1973) defines aggression as behavior that results in personal injury or the injury of others in society and the destruction of…

  • Analytical Essay on Types of Aggression and Methods to Reduce It

    Aggression Aggression is a term people use to describe the behavior of others that is tended to harm someone else (Aronson, Wilson, Akert, 2016). There are several different types of aggression that some might not be aware of. This paper will explain some of the different types of aggression, how aggression affects people and the…

  • Argumentative Essay on Aggression: Nature or Nurture or Both

    Abstract Aggression is something that psychologists all over are fascinated with. Will anyone ever have the same answer? Is aggression caused by nature or nurture? Are we made with aggression in us from the time we are born, or is this something that we learn as survival mechanisms? How do we eliminate aggressive outbursts, as…

  • Aggression in The Military Pre and Post Deployment: Analytical Essay

    Abstract There is no doubt that every human being has expressed some form of aggression even once in their lifetime. Often times we are able to correct our actions and learn from our mistakes to ensure that our spur-of-the-moment display of anger never occurs again. Some individuals, however, seem to express anger and aggression in…