Category: Addiction

  • Addictions Within Society: Applying a Critical Lens

    Table of Contents Introduction Problem of Addiction in Society Social Order and Inequality Solutions and Importance for Nursing Conclusion References Introduction Individuals’ addictions can be discussed as a serious problem faced by the population in many countries in the world, including the United States. Addictions can arise from many factors, including psychological, biological, social, and…

  • People with Addiction and Substance Use Disorder

    Questions and Answers How has this presentation influenced the care you will provide to this population? Why? Adult patients with opioid addiction need special care and regular monitoring by a professional healthcare provider. According to the American Society of Addiction Medicine (2016), more than 435,000 young and older adults suffer from heroin, and approximately 4.3…

  • Overcoming the Stigma of Addiction

    Table of Contents Problem overview Overcoming the stigma Conclusion Works Cited Addiction is a disease that is recognized as a major public health concern but is generally regarded by society as the result of an individual’s personal choice or a moral failure. In the time of the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of drug overdoses has…

  • Family Crisis Addictions in Psychology

    Description of the Nature of Addiction Crisis Addiction is characterized by the continued use of drugs or any other substance by the body to prevent the indications of physical and psychological withdrawals (Brown, 2000; Hoffman & Froemke, 2007; Stanton & Shadish, 2007). In other words, addictions can be termed as a condition associated with the…

  • Youth Addiction Prevention and Rehabilitation

    Table of Contents Introduction Background information Research Methodology The case study Advocating the prevention of substance use Ethical and legal considerations Conclusion References Introduction Currently, the prevalence of substance abuse among the youth is quite alarming. Substance abuse has a significant influence on youth across the world. Substance use and abuse are leading to unwanted…

  • Addiction Counseling Competency of Assessment

    The chosen competency is selecting and using a “comprehensive assessment process that is sensitive to age, gender, racial and ethnic culture, and disabilities” (Center for Substance Abuse Treatment, 2006, p. 46). The knowledge pertaining to this competency includes test validity and reliability, validated assessment instruments, appropriate use of instruments, life areas to be evaluated, and…

  • Drug Dependency and Behavioral Addictions

    Introduction Drug addiction is a complex condition that includes a variety of aspects that create dependency in a person. Often such dependency may have highly negative consequences for both the person and their family. Non-drug addiction does not include dependency on a chemical from an outside source, but consequences of gambling addiction, sex addiction, and…

  • The Crisis of Drug Addiction

    Table of Contents Introduction Sociocultural Determinants of substance abuse Indirect and direct financial costs Psychological and physical costs Link of drug abuse with crimes and accidents Dynamics of addiction References Introduction Drug use is an act that has been seen among citizens, especially the youthful generation in many countries. It is a problem that is…

  • “Adolescent Alcoholism and Drug Addiction” by Choate

    Clarity of Article in the Abstract, Introduction, and Its Title The article under review revolves around the issue of drug addiction among teenagers and its effects on their respective families. Remarkably, drug addiction is a problem that continues to affect several contemporary families (Campa, Martinez, & Baum, 2017; Knudsen, 2018; Bhat, 2016). Right from the…

  • Drug Use and Heroin Addiction: Informative Speech

    Abstract By the end of my speech, the audience will be better informed about the drug use problem in the United States as well as about health and life risks associated with the use of heroin. Drug use is a globally important social problem that needs detailed discussion because increased levels of drug abuse are…