Category: Addiction

  • Opioid Use and Opioid Addiction

    A Pilot Cohort Study of the Determinants of Longitudinal Opioid Use After Surgery The number of opioids being released for pain reduction or other needs is overgrowing. However, it remains unclear whether or not patients stop taking them immediately after their intensities are over (Caroll et al., 2012). Previous studies of postoperative opioid use have…

  • Opioid Addiction Between 1850 and 1900 in America

    The timeframe from 1850 till 1900 within American history is remarkable because of the initial crisis of opioids abuse, which affects society to this day. Opioids were viewed as a remedy by medical professionals due to their outstanding pain-relieving characteristics. Moreover, there was no legal regulation for the opioid market, which allowed addicts to purchase…

  • Treating Addictions from a Christian Perspective

    Table of Contents Introduction Background: The 12-Step Program Research Findings Effectiveness of the Treatment Limitations of the Treatment Approach Conclusion References Introduction Christians follow the Bible for guidance and ideas on addressing their problems and leading high-quality lives. Individuals suffering from addiction can rely on the same approach to get the relevant help. Believers in…

  • Prescription Opioid Addiction in the United States

    Prescription Opioid Addiction (POA) is now viewed by many as a serious epidemic in the United States. Approximately 2.5 million of Americans over 12 years old abused opioids in 2012, and this trend is still increasing (Volkow et al. 2064). Additionally, the country has seen an increase in the number of older teenagers and young…

  • Behavioral Addictions: Gambling, Eating Disorders, Shopping

    Gambling, shopping, and internet addiction are complicated issues that can be difficult to handle owing to a variety of economic and political variables. The financial incentive of firms that encourage addictive behaviors is one economic element that makes it difficult to develop programs to combat behavioral addictions (Van Wormer and Davis 260). The gambling industry,…

  • The Problem of Drug Use and Heroin Addiction in US

    Abstract By the end of my speech, the audience will be better informed about the drug use problem in the United States as well as about health and life risks associated with the use of heroin. Drug use is a globally important social problem that needs detailed discussion because increased levels of drug abuse are…

  • Support Services and the Case Review: Drug and Alcohol Addiction

    The List of Support Services Psychiatrists or Physicians Specializing in Addiction Treatment Fritz Jean-Noel, Psychiatrist, MD Sophia H. Zaretsky, Psychiatrist, MD These psychiatrists work with such issues as alcohol abuse, drug addiction, depression, stress, psychosis, and anxiety while proposing different types of therapies, including cognitive-behavioral and cognitive processing therapies. It is important to note that…

  • Chemical Dependency: Crisis of Addiction

    The issue of chemical or substance addiction has long since become rampant all over the world, and the United States is no exception to it. Substance abuse includes the use of any substances such as alcohol, nicotine, medical prescription drugs, illegal drugs and many other subjects. Drug abuse can take a significant toll on any…

  • Drug Use and Addiction Correlations

    Introduction Drugs have a variety of diverse effects on humans. One individual may misuse substances and never develop an addiction, but another may have one encounter and become immediately addicted to that drug. Addiction is described as an unhealthy reliance on an illicit substance or medication. Chronic, relapsing addiction disorders are described as those marked…

  • Policy Memo for Opioid Addiction Among Senior Citizens

    Executive Summary This policy memo aims to communicate what needs to be done regarding opioid addiction among senior citizens. Since the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is well-financed by the federal government, it needs to develop robust strategies regardless of the cost. There is a need to strengthen partnership with public safety initiatives,…