Category: Abuse

  • Substance Abuse: Determinants, Widespread Use, Financial Costs, Defense Mechanism

    Substance abuse Substance abuse is also referred to as drug abuse. Substance abuse has been defined as the harmful use of both prescription and illicit drugs. Prescription drugs are also known as over the counter drugs. Illicit drugs are those drugs that have been banned by the government. The abuse of prescription drugs occurs when…

  • Physical, Emotional and Sexual Abuse of Children

    Table of Contents Physical abuse Sexual abuse & Incest Emotional Abuse Economic abuse Other Related Factors Influencing Environment for Child Abuse How to help an abuser understand the impact on a child References The “Child Abuse” is the term given to the violent actions of adults in or out of a family against children. In…

  • Substance Abuse Versus Addiction

    Substance abuse and substance addiction may seem like interchangeable terms. However, they refer to two different health conditions. Both of them have adverse effects on individuals’ lives and health. Nevertheless, substance abuse and substance addiction differ in their underlying mechanisms and, thus, require unalike interventions. The understanding of differences between the two can allow developing…

  • Opioids Abuse and Public Policy Change

    Table of Contents Reasons Why Opioids Abuse is Becoming Common in the United States Impact of Opioids Abuse How to Manage the Problem Conclusion References Opioids are a form of drug often used medically to manage moderate to severe pain in patients. It can also be used to treat diarrhea and coughing. According to Spehr…

  • Community and Domestic Violence: Elder Abuse

    Table of Contents Major types of elder abuse Characteristics of elder abusers Characteristics of elders who are abused Actions to take against probable abuse References Major types of elder abuse There are various forms of abuse that the elderly may go through. Major types of elder abuse include psychological or emotional abuse, where an elderly…

  • Child Abuse and Its Impact on Society

    Introduction One of the most pressing issues affecting children worldwide is child abuse, which has garnered the attention of countries internationally. Parents, teachers, clergy, neighbors, and others can all harm children. An investigation of the case of Stacy, a youngster who was molested, is the focus of this paper. During her child abuse, Stacy found…

  • Drug Abuse Treatment in Nursing

    Presentation Jenny G., a 48-year-old recovering IV drug abuser, presents with general malaise, anorexia, abdominal pain, and slight jaundice. She is currently staying in a women’s shelter and looking for a job. She is divorced, with two grown children whom she hasn’t been in contact with for years. CC: “When I was on drugs, I…

  • Substance Abuse and Its Social Determinants

    Sociocultural Determinants of Substance Abuse Several “biological, social, environmental, psychological, and genetic factors are associated with substance abuse. These factors can include gender, race and ethnicity, age, income level, educational attainment, and sexual orientation” (Galea, Nandi, & Vlahov, 2004, p. 38). Moreover, substance abuse is intensely predisposed by relational, domestic, and communal changing aspects as…

  • Elderly Abuse, Its Nature and Causes

    The abuse of elderly people in various environments is a significant issue. They are a vulnerable population category that often cannot defend themselves. At the same time, they often require high maintenance efforts due to poor health. As such, abuse can take the form of active malice, neglect, and other undesirable behaviors. This essay reflects…

  • The Relations Between Drug Abuse and Criminal Justice

    Sociodemographic factors such as race, class, and gender have a huge impact on human behavior. Conflict theory sees these factors as evidence of inequality and the reasons for offenses. This sociological perspective searches for the relationship between sociodemographic background with drug use and crime rates. With the help of the conflict theory perspective, one can…