Category: Abuse

  • Drug Abuse and Its Impact on Creativity

    The perception of weed smoking as a creativity amplifier is popularized in western cultures because substance abuse is frequently mentioned and even praised among famous artists. Moreover, the bias that masterpieces and exceptional works cannot be crafted without enhancing abstract thinking with drugs forces young people to underestimate their natural talents and achieve success with…

  • Combating Prescribed Opioid Abuse in the USA

    Table of Contents Opioid Abuse Problem Existing Strategy of Combating Prescribed Opioid Abuse Further Challenges in Combating Prescribed Opioid Abuse Conclusion References Substance abuse is one of the most acute and widely spread problems that American society is facing. Over recent years, the issue has become even more complicated due to the increased level of…

  • The Availability of Recovery High Schools in Overcoming Substance Abuse

    Table of Contents Introduction Availability of Recovery Schools Requirements for Admission Professionals Involved Demographics Conclusions References Introduction The article by Deborah Yaffe, titled “Recovery High Schools Make Dent in Teen Substance Abuse,” was published in District Administration journal in 2019. It talks about specialized high school for children and teenagers with substance abuse problems. The…

  • Child Abuse: Keep Kids Safe

    Mandated Reporter Statute Child abuse is a case when a parent or guardian, regardless of whether through activity or neglecting to act, causes injury, intended damage, or danger of genuine mischief. Mandated reporters are adults with stable positions in society, who are legitimately needed to report speculated children abuse if they have sensible reason to…

  • Drug Abuse: Impaired American Society

    Government involvement in the drug trade is often geared towards protecting American citizens from themselves because society has already identified drug abuse as an involuntary phenomenon once one becomes an addict. It is also argued that the economic effects of the drug trade are quite negative in the American economy, and this has even been…

  • The Issue of Drug Abuse in the Community of Kinsburg

    The life of people is extremely closely connected with society. The community and all its components in various organizations, traditions, and established trends impact both a person’s life and health. In some places, people have more access to technology and opportunities to self-actualize more effectively. In other areas, a lack of infrastructure and necessary institutions…

  • Substance Abuse and Its Effect on the Community

    Table of Contents Introduction: What is Substance Abuse? Substance abuse in relation to teen pregnancy and HIV Substance abuse in relation to domestic violence and child abuse Effects of substance abuse on the community Conclusion References Introduction: What is Substance Abuse? Substance abuse is the excessive use of addictive substances such as drugs alcohol, nicotine,…

  • The Neurobiology of Ecstasy (MDMA) Abuse

    Introduction The current paper explores the neurobiology of ecstasy (MDMA) abuse and conducts an analysis of academic articles related to the topic. The theme of the study is relevant to the field of biological psychology because it concerns a widely used substance which significantly affects the well-being of people. Therefore, it is important to study…

  • Substance Abuse Issues in Modern Society

    Table of Contents Introduction Aspects of Substance Abuse and Healthy People 2020 Similarities between Gathered and Generated Data Differences between Gathered and Generated Data Weaknesses and Strengths Areas of Improvement Conclusion References Introduction Substance abuse entails using illicit drugs, prescription or over-the-counter pharmaceuticals, or alcohol for reasons besides those medically intended or at excessive levels.…

  • Drug and Alcohol Abuse in Organizations

    The problem of using drugs and alcohol among the workers of the companies is an essential issue in the USA. It is possible to assume that the reason for this situation can be found in the historical past of the country. Before the industrial revolution the use of psychoactive substances was not forbidden. What is…