Category: Abolitionism

  • Essay in the Form of a Letter to Harriet Tubman

    You were born an enslaved person in the Caribbean. The stories of the elders in the ‘slave quarters’ inspire you to gain your freedom. Journal your efforts to be free as well as the consequences of those efforts: November 20th, 1853 Dear Diary, My name is Shinnel Haggard and I am currently thirteen (13) years…

  • Essay on Abolitionist Movement Goals

    The abolitionist movement was not an abject failure to a limited extent due to the lack of organization and unity within the movement meant aims, methods, and goals were never fully decided. Despite this, the limited organization did mean that the movement was ‘heard’. As historian Hugh Tulloch states: ‘…All these were practical activities outside…

  • Essay on Harriet Tubman: American Abolitionist and Political Activist

    The word courage can be defined in many ways by many people. To some it means fearless or brave. How I define courage is someone who will risk their life for the people they love. To take action in a heartbeat without even thinking about it. Courage is a big word with different types of…