Christianity as a Contemporary World Religion

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Christianity remains one of the contemporary religions in the world today. Religion emerged during the first few decades of the Roman Empire. This was after several religious leaders began to get rid of various rituals and practices that characterized the Jewish way of worship. This means that the religion was not directly influenced by the Romans or the Jews. Instead, it emerged as a separate ideology that resonated with the needs of the poorer members of the Jewish society.

At the same time, the ideals of Christianity are attributable to the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth. The earliest followers of the religion acknowledged that Jesus was God’s son. This means that Jesus Christ can be singled out as the founder of Christianity. The worldview of this religion is informed by the teachings of the Bible. Followers of Christianity believe that religion is a representation of God’s kingdom on earth. This worldview originated from the teachings of Christ as described in the Bible. The practices and beliefs embraced by followers of this religion also emerged from the lessons given by Jesus Christ. Individual believers are usually encouraged to develop their worldviews, beliefs, and practices.

How Did I Get Here?

From a Christian perspective, human beings were created in the image of God. In the book of Genesis, it is indicated that God created the universe and every living organism. He went further to use His creation to create mankind. This is how humans found themselves on Earth. It is also the reason why people should obey Him and follow every commandment. Followers of Christianity also acknowledge that God created man in His image (Boyce 22). This origin of humanity explains why it is appropriate for human beings to live following God’s teachings.

The Bible offers meaningful ideas and lessons that can be used to explain or describe the reasons for every Christian’s existence. It asserts that human beings were created to glorify God and live following His commandments. The reason and meaning of human beings’ existence are to worship and proclaim God’s greatness (Novak 18). People should always be keen to accomplish God’s tasks and wishes while they are on earth. Those who follow His teachings will have a meaningful purpose in life.

Followers of Christianity believe that their successes, failures, and hardships occur for God’s glory. As every individual pursues his or her objectives in life, it becomes easier to determine the true meaning of life and how it should be used to praise God. Whitney asserts that Christians can praise and worship their creator by completing their roles diligently as mechanics, mothers, engineers, and even laborers (51). This is a clear indication that the ultimate objective of a person’s life is to do every activity properly since this is following the teachings of Christianity. Believers should go further to follow God’s commandments, support those who are in need and make the world a better place for all.

Purpose of Humanity

As described above, human beings are in the universe to glorify God and do everything by His teachings. The Bible (in the book of Matthew) indicates that human beings should not lay up their treasures on earth since it is full of moths and thieves (Boyce 32). As they praise God, people can engage in the most appropriate practices and behaviors that are pleasing in His eyes (Novak 48). The ultimate goal is for every Christian to focus on heaven’s treasure since it is the most rewarding gift. This is something necessary since every earthly treasure will wither or be destroyed.

To achieve this objective, all Christians are expected to live by the moral code taught by Jesus of Nazareth. This teaching goes further to explain why human beings should pursue a life of charity, humility, and love.

They should also be keen to get rid of every earthly practice or concern. Those who focus on such lessons will remain faithful and be willing to see God’s kingdom. Many followers of Christianity acknowledge that the Final Judgment is quite near as prophesized in the book of Revelation. Those who obey God’s laws while on earth will eventually be rewarded by their righteousness. Consequently, such believers will become part of God’s kingdom and lead an everlasting life (Boyce 37). On the other hand, the Bible goes further to indicate that all sinners shall be condemned to a life of anguish and pain in hell.

Those who promote or uphold these teachings will attain an everlasting life full of happiness. Christians are encouraged to spread the gospel and educate more people about God’s kingdom. They should also spread love, remain sympathetic, help those in need, and engage in practices that are pleasing in the eyes of their creator. In a nutshell, people should seek to bring the required glory to God since He is the creator of the heavens and earth (Whitney 28). These objectives can be achieved by remaining prayerful and reading His word continuously. Christians should also strive to become better people every single day.

What Happens After Death?

According to the Bible, Christians should never view death as the end of life. This is true since all human beings shall be raised to face judgment. They believe that all righteous people will lead a life of eternity after death. This kind of hope is embraced by Christians since Jesus resurrected on the third day after death. This is the reason why many followers of this religion argue that death is not the final destiny of the life of a Christian (Whitney 55). Since God conquered death through His only son (Jesus Christ), many believers acknowledge that they will eventually be separated from this painful experience.

Jesus encouraged his disciplines and promised them that the righteous would eventually join God’s kingdom. Mailhot argues that Jesus’ teachings, sermons, and miracles revealed what Christians would encounter after achieving this objective (19). His act of resurrection was a clear indication that God had power over death. It also proclaimed how God was willing to transform people’s sufferings after becoming part of this promised kingdom. The Bible goes further to indicate that those who accept every teaching will rejoice when Jesus Christ comes for the second time.

Those who remain holy and obedient will lead a new life after death for eternity. They will rejoice and be united with Christ forever. Since the Holy Spirit brings human beings closer to God, they should be prepared to do what is righteousness to be part of His afterlife (Novak 72). This promise is what compels Christians to remain faithful and continue proclaiming God’s name in every activity they do.

Evil and Suffering in the World

The origin or source of pain and human suffering is an issue that has been studied carefully by scholars, archeologists, and historians. The Bible has been referenced by many people since it details the possible origin of evil on earth. In the book of Genesis, it is indicated that God instructed Adam not to eat the forbidden fruit. Failure to do so would open his eyes and be able to differentiate the evil from the good. According to this story, the nature and existence of evil in our world is something that exists because of man’s first sin.

The Bible goes further to indicate that Satan was in the world and ready to ruin what God had already made with His hands. The devil went further to introduce evil by deceiving Eve and Adam in the Garden of Eden (Prothero 27). Since that time, human beings have continued to struggle due to the problem of sin.

It is agreeable that an evil and a good deed will depend on the personality and views of a given individual. However, Christians believe that actions are good if they are pleasing in the eyes of God (Siker 69). This means that they should be pursued by the teachings of the Bible. For example, human beings should not lie, steal, or oppress others. People should also act by the Bible and follow the examples demonstrated by Jesus Christ while he was on earth (Prothero 42). On the other hand, an action is treated as evil if it against God’s commandments. For instance, stealing is an evil act according to every Christian.

From this kind of understanding, it becomes clear that true believers should get rid of evil by doing what is right. The occurrence of temptations, according to Christians, is something that can be attributed to the existence of the devil on earth. Human beings should, therefore, be keen to pursue what is holy and get rid of evil (Mailhot 62). This means that they will be acting following God’s teachings and eventually join His kingdom.


Christianity is a religion that has been in existence for many centuries. Its teachings are embraced and followed by many believers in different parts of the world. Some specific strengths and weaknesses characterize this religion. The first one is that it is organized. This means that it brings meaning to different people and makes it easier for them to lead their lives comfortably and conveniently. It also provides social coherence by encouraging believers to share common moral systems and values.

Religion also curbs the excesses or animal instincts in human beings. Christianity as a religion also encourages or promotes socialization in the world. On the other hand, religion has specific weaknesses that should be analyzed carefully.

For instance, it promotes or forces people to pursue unachievable goals or ideals. This is the reason why it has resulted in hypocrisy and frustration in the world. Religion also discourages people from expressing their thoughts or ideas. It has been associated with bigotry and oppression of minorities such as lesbians and gays. Religious teachings have been observed to present a fallacy that forces human beings to act according to supernatural laws or forces. This analysis explains why all people should pursue their religious goals carefully to achieve their potential and lead meaningful lives.

Works Cited

Boyce, James. Born Bad: Original Sin and the Making of the Western Mind. Schwartz Publishing Pty Ltd, 2014.

Mailhot, Jamie. Epic Christianity Companion Guide: A Resource to Help You Live Your Purpose, Reach Your Goals, and Create Your Best Life. Epic Christian Publishing, 2016.

Novak, Philip. The World’s Wisdom: Sacred Texts of the World’s Religions. HarperOne, 1994.

Prothero, Stephen. God Is Not One: The Eight Rival Religions that the World. HarperOne, 2011.

Siker, Jeffrey S. Jesus, Sin and Perfection in Early Christianity. Cambridge University Press, 2015.

Whitney, Donald S. Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life. NavPress, 2014.

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