Poster Presentation: Apple in India

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Briefly describe the content of the poster and organization

The poster gives a summarized case study of Apple Inc. in India; it is presented to give the full details of the company’s operation in the country. The poster has made use of both textual and graphic elements to represent the company’s portfolio in the country (O’Guinn 132). It looks into the history of the company, its business strategy, the success it has attained, its problems, and finally offers some concluding remarks rapping all the information presented in the article.

The poster is organized in a strategic manner where it starts from a general point of view of the company; this is where it offers the history of the company right from its incorporation. When offering the history, it did not limit itself to the operations in India but focuses on the origin of the company. It did mention key figures in the company’s history, recent past and present. When portraying the company’s history, the poster touches on the key products that the company is making without going into details of any of them (Norman 1-23).

After giving the company’s historical background, the poster discussed its international strategy; it is trying to go systematically with the company’s growth to prepare the poster reader on what will come in the end. In this section, the poster only concentrates on the company’s business strategy; it discusses briefly how the company has been able to attain competitiveness in the international arenas. Under the same title, the poster discusses the company’s international business strategy where it brings out the major strength of the company; the section introduces the company’s international strategy before zeroing on the case of India (Creative eye, 18-19).

The poster discusses the introduction of the company in India, it starts by pointing out the reasons why it is in the country and the target market that it has. In this section, in the efforts of domesticating the poster, the poster has a photo with two people of different ages but undoubting of Indian origin. The poster goes ahead to display the products that it focuses on in the country, its strength in the country, as well as the problems that the company faces in the country. Towards the end, the poster offers the business approach that the company has adopted and concludes with a summary of the company’s business in India, it also offers some recommendations that the company can implement to increase its competitiveness in India (Free Communications, Poster Presentations: Case Reports Poster 94).

Which are the skills, according to your opinion, that you developed through the creation and presentation of the poster? Provide evidence for your ideas

Before even creating the poster, I have learned the process of a case analysis; the way I handle the case was a new skill that I developed, generally, I started from the general angle, and then narrowed it down to the specific case/area of the case that I was interested. When creating the articles, I learned that it was meant to give full information about the company, such that with a single glance, an interested party can learn about the case (Allen 421-416).

I have developed skills of communicating using a poster; the skills can be seen in the poster wear the poster starts from a certain point, then narrow down to other areas of interest. For example, in the poster, I started with the wide picture of the company, this included the history and key figures; then I introduced the aspect of international business as adopted by the company; this was to narrow down and open the reader to the businesses of the company; then the poster discusses the real interest case that of India.

I have also learned how to use textual and graphic elements; when a viewer sees the article, even without reading the title, he or she can know it is about an electronic company; then with the same glance, the photo can offer the reader the right picture of where the electronic company is situated. The photograph is an indication of the location of the company; again the photo has been used to discuss the target market of the company; it uses an aging market segmentation strategy (Waddick 1-22).

In the position of Apple strength in India, the poster by the use of graphics creates a picture of the company’s success in the reader’s mind; the skill developed here is how to capture the mind of the reader using simple animations that can be interpolated to create meaning. In the background of the paper, it has some images of the company’s logo; with the use of the logo to communicate and address the company; the importance of a company’s identity was created, I now understand better why a strong logo is an advertising tool for a company.

To sum-up, the skills developed are, how to analyze a case, how to communicate using a poster, how to combine graphics, photos, and animations to communicate something, and how business terms communicate mightily without much of explanations (NEW CAMPAIGNS: THE WORLD 29).

By explicitly using other posters you observed during the session as examples, discuss the strengths and weaknesses of your poster, also identifying some consistent and feasible strategies to improve it

From my previous experiences with posters and the way we used to analyze them, there is some strength portrayed in my poster. The poster offers a one-glance scenario where a reader can grasp the message presented in the poster at once. The titles used in the poster are guiding a reader on what to expect in the section; the color, font, and wording of the titles are eye-catching and can easily be understood (Hoffman, Mary, and Wang 131-134).

One strength of a good poster is one that is simple but can communicate to the users, under every title, there is specific information using terms that only be understood by the target user; the users of the poster are people who can understand business language. The use of business language offers the article the much-needed confidence of the message in a poster communication; the target readers can connect and establish themselves with the poster (Short, and Terrie 414-430).

The background color of the poster creates the picture of the case movement; it started with some green coloring; then it harmoniously introduced a yellow-brown color and finally introduced a blue background. The colors used are matching and one is developing into the other. They are not seen to be crashing or creating an impression of disgust (ParkeR 1).

Another strength of the poster is the connection that the photos and the graphics are having with the wording and the section; when communicating something, the photo on its own connects with the country that the poster is addressing, and defines the marketing policy of the company. When discussing the strength, the animation created shows a line of people probably buying the product, it connects with what the poster wanted to communicate. The problems section is also presented by a breaking linkage that needs to be cared for; it shows how risky it is to work in the international market built creates a thread of hope since the rope used is not cut fully (Foley 34).

From my analysis and experience with posters, I can confidently say that the poster can satisfy the five main characteristics of a good poster since it is:

  • Simple
  • Used the right combination of color and graphics
  • Convincing
  • Quick to analyze and grasp the information and
  • Can get the reader/viewers attention (Rembrandt 23-34)

The poster is not perfect, it has some shortcomings; I have realized. To fit on a computer screen, the poster needs to be magnified to about 60%, when this is done, reading the small font wordings becomes a problem. To read it effectively, one needs to have a larger magnification, which hides some elements of the poster (Posters 19-63).

The section on Apple’s invention has been well interpolated however, it has been fragmented into many subsectors (three), the section could as well have been analyzed under one title of Apple Innovation and serve the purpose; this could have probably made the poster fit in one page and remain readable.

Under the international strategy, the background chosen for Apple products displayed (black), is not appealing to the eyes; it is neither offering good visibility of the products it aims to portray (El-Shamy 86). Generally, the nature of posters is to offer a quick and fast look at the information; they offer information in a summary form; if someone does not understand the term used, and then understanding the poster becomes a problem. Posters are dependent on people having eyes and there is light; incase the two are not available then they cannot communicate the intended information. They tend to ignore that in society not all people are blessed with these two factors that the poster is dependent on (Allen 421-413).

The poster can be improved when some areas have been addressed; for example, the color combination and choice should be improved to offer more efficient communication. The images portrayed should be visible even from a distance, using “shouting” colors is recommended. The background color used in the title is the same color used to write the title name; this “soaks” the title making it less visible, another color should be chosen either for the title or the background. To improve the poster further, there should be a combination of colors that reflect and offer different shades of colors and give more information; for example, the poster may include some shining and reflective colors. In the era of improved computer software, the poster can be made to involve some sides (like those of power-point), and probably have some soft soothing sounds that can attract viewers; this would make the poster more appealing and attractive. Finally, the poster should incorporate some three-dimension aspects; the dimensions are more convincing and eye-catching (Ryan and Theodore 1-34).

Works Cited

Allen, Nancy. “Other Books and Pamphlets On Journalistic Subjects.” Journalism Quarterly 56.2 (1979): 421-431.Print.

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El-Shamy, Susan. How to design and deliver training for the new and emerging generations. New York: John Wiley and Sons, 2004. Print.

Foley, James. Computer graphics: principles and practice. Massachusetts: Addison Wesley, 1996.Print.

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Hoffman, Mary, and Wang Ye. “THE USE OF GRAPHIC REPRESENTATIONS OF SIGN LANGUAGE IN LEVELED TEXTS TO SUPPORT DEAF READERS.” American Annals of the Deaf 155.2 (2010): 131-136. Print.

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