Gap Analysis: Global Communications

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Situation Analysis

Issue and Opportunity Identification

The issues and the opportunities which are discussed in the table take their origin in the increase of the Global Communication market. It is necessary to emphasize that this market has reached the peak of its development and it is almost impossible to offer something new for the customers. The prices for communication are constantly decreasing and the quality is constantly increasing. The companies offer the wide range of the services: internet communication, cell and satellite phone services, digital TV and traditional phone services. (Katkin, 2005) The amount of such companies on the market is the biggest – this sphere of the market is overfilled with communication companies, consequently, the communication has reached its peak. Originally, it is the central, however not the only reason. Another factor, which could reason such situation, is the necessity to increase the number of actors in this sphere. The fact is that the communication sphere is the sphere where the number of customers is increasing independently of the world financial trends and political issues as communication is the essence of human’s life. (Dyrud, 2002)

Stakeholder Perspectives/Ethical Dilemmas

The key conflict between the stakeholders is the outsourcing strategy, which is regarded by Global Communications as the only possible way for further development, while the Technologies Workers Union regards it as the unfair and unethical strategy, which violates the interests and rights of the present workers. (Dyrud, 2002) The fact is that, the further technical sophistication, which is required by customers, is impossible without stuff enlargement. This enlargement would reason the additional expenditures, while these are unwished, that is why the company is aiming to minimize these expenses by providing the outsourcing strategy. The Technologies Workers Union is not able to estimate this strategy from the perspective of benefits, as it aims to defend the right of the workers.

End-State Vision

The end state vision of the problem will depend on the mutual solution of the problem. The companies should clearly realize each other’s position and take into account the disadvantages of their own approaches. The fact is that the future of these companies may be full of conflicts, and the partnership will be terminated if Global Communications really take away the jobs from people, and create the working places in India and Ireland. However, the partnership may be prolonged, and the working places saved. In order to benefit, GC should offer the workers an opportunity to increase the qualification level by arranging the training for them, and offer the higher positions. It is possible to make positive recommendations for those who would refuse to work further for GC, and give them an opportunity to find other workplaces. This action would improve the reputation of the company and save the trustful relations with TWU.

Gap Analysis

The gap between the current situation and the solution of the problem is essential. Originally, the arrangement of the outsourcing department requires essential time and financial resources. Moreover the human resources are required to be employed as soon as possible, as the delays in the plan are unwished. As for the solution of the conflict with the TWU, it is necessary to mention that the gap of the solution depends on the solutions of the previous conflicts and the diplomatic potential of the management teams.

The issue of keeping the working places which should be replaced with the outsourced jobs depends on the workers themselves. The qualification improvement is the necessary step here, however, the matter of time gap varies, depending on the existing qualification level, and the direction for further improvement.


In the conclusion it is necessary to mention, that the central notion, which should be taken into account, basing on the experience of this paper is that any structural change aimed at increasing the level of revenue may cause the conflict with the trade union and violate the interests of the workers. Outsourcing, as the essential structural change requires essential resources, moreover, it may cause dissatisfaction of the employees.


  1. Charles, M. (2007). Language Matters in Global Communication: Article Based on ORA Lecture, October 2006. The Journal of Business Communication, 44(3), 260
  2. Dyrud, M. A. (2002). Global Contexts: Case Studies in International Technical Communication. Business Communication Quarterly, 65(4), 127
  3. Katkin, K. (2005). Communication Breakdown?: The Future of Global Connectivity after the Privatization of INTELSAT. Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law, 38(5), 1323


Table 1. Issue and Opportunity Identification

Issue Opportunity Reference to Specific
Course Concept
(Include citation)
Global communications companies are experiencing the peak of development. The companies are providing the wide range of the services and the competency level is the highest Merging of the efforts and the regulation of the outsourcing activity would give the opportunity for further development With the onslaught of competition in the telecommunication industry, Global Communications has come under tremendous economic pressure. “Local, long-distance and international markets are all competing for the same business but the industry suffered a huge blow at the hands of the cable companies, who stepped in to provide complete solutions encompassing computers, televisions and telephone service” (Charles, 2007). Competition in the telecommunications industry
Global Communications senior leadership team has developed a two-pronged aggressive approach. First, they plan to realize growth through the introduction of new services, primarily to its small business and consumer customers, who will now be served in both local and long-distance markets across the country. The local and long-distance services will give an opportunity to increase the company’s market activity Communications is in the telecommunications industry, and as any organizations within this industry, it is facing too much competition. To address this issue, Global Communication is planning to introduce new services to its small business and to globalize. However, conflict exits between Global Communications and Technologies Workers Union following the release of this strategic plan to outsource part of the domestic call centers to India and Ireland. (Katkin, 2005) Conflict between Global Communications and Technologies Workers Union
Senior team has identified the cost-cutting measures that will improve profitability. To maximize both of these initiatives, the company plans to market itself more aggressively on an international level with the goal of becoming a truly global resource Cost-cutting measures would attract new customers and increase the competitive capability of the company In order to move forward with cost-cutting measures, Global Communications must communicate lay-off plans to its affected employees. These measures will eliminate jobs in the United States. In turn those jobs will be outsourced to foreign labor sources in India and Ireland where the labor is highly skilled and cost efficient. (Dyrud, 2002) Lay-off plan communication

Table 2. Stakeholder Perspectives

Stakeholder Perspectives
Stakeholder Groups The Interests, Rights, and
Values of Each Group
Global Communications The Global Communications are willing to decrease the expenses and increase the profits. Originally, they wish to arrange their call-centers in India and Ireland – the countries, where the workers’ rights are not so tough as in other countries, and the cost of the working power is cheaper. The idea of decreasing the team of employees is often regarded on the meetings, however, it is not fully supported by the management team. The customers are requiring more technical sophistication, however, the increase of the stuff is not beneficial, that is why the company is aiming to develop the outsourcing experience in order to satisfy its customers
Technologies Workers Union The union is anxious of the potential outsourcing strategy. It is considered that TWU is not seeing the Union-Company relationship as quite the give-and-take association that the Europeans do. The actions, which are planned by GC are regarded as unethical and unfair, as they are aiming to take away jobs from native people, and give it to people in India and Ireland.

Table 3. End State Goals

End-State Goals
If the End-State Vision for Global Communications is to create the call-centers in India and Ireland, and save the trustful relations with TWU, the End-State Goal will be to save the jobs or at least part of the jobs domestically.
End-state vision – saving the working places
End-state goal is to arrange the training for these workers for their qualification improvement, and offer them professional advancement
The end-state vision – further improvement of technical sophistication and increase of customers’ base.
The end-state goal – invite specialists from other countries, and arrange the experience exchange cooperation with other companies

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