The West Colonialist Agenda: East’s Resistances

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Colonialism is the process in which a powerful nation exerts partial or complete control of both the political and economic elements of another nation. Powerful nations’ colonizing comparatively weaker nations, aim to get insight into the latter’s rich economic resources and take advantage of the same. Globally, colonies have been highly attributed to rich and vast economic rescues and lack of adequate infrastructure for the marginalized nations to extract, manufacture and utilize such resources properly. East counties are mainly rich in Oil, and there are perceived to have relatively weaker political structures. On the other hand, their west counterparts have a solid political structure with vast global influence as superpowers. Continuous encroachment of the West to the East with the desire to colonize and significate attain the resources from the East has met increasingly rising resistance. Such resistance has been met with precise revolution which aims at safeguarding serenity of the nation. This paper will aim towards analysis of vital aspects of the West towards the East regime in the implication of such actions towards the origin of resistance from the East against their west. East’s resistance to the west emerged from the desire to end oppressive west reign due to the increased agitation of violent actions from the West.

The resistance to revolution has occurred over time and has grown significantly in recent ages. Due to the aggressive nature and capability of the West, several implications were felt hence tolerance in the colonialism process. For instance, the adoption of forces was considered particularly when perceived as the ultimate key to realizing colonialism goals. Society perceived the use of force as a negative implication. As a result, it failed to comply further with the set of conformations advocated by the colonialism mission; instead, several groupings and institutionalized informal meetings were instituted with the society’s mark resistance. Being known for a rich land, the reluctance to change was evident as the region was capable and dependent on other aspects, hence resistance to the efficacy of the main aim of colonization (Tan, 2018). The regional leaders started formulating tools to use against the actions of colonialism. As a result, tThe desire to protect and promote interbank culture highly manifested towards the locals of East regions.

Before the colonization, the west colonial plan was to improve the region’s development in terms of reorganization of cultural practices, political stutters, and social structures to meet the global civilization need. Such aspects enhanced the introduction of the current education system, the establishment of social protection institutions, mainstreaming of religious practices, and softening the balance of power to meet efficient economic resources demands of the country. The desire to enhance and improve the general wellbeing of the East region, which was mainly considered the most secluded region of the world, highly motivated the West to colonize the east. As planned, the execution of colonials encountered the challenge and resistance to change, further strengthened by rich social values that were natured by communism (Chentsova‐Duttonn et al. 2020). Within the region, increased activities of communists highly altered the local population’s perception of the colonial agender. For instance, the community perceived it as violating their cultural norms.

According to Mishra, the violation of community normal has attractive outcomes, which are revolutionary movements that aim to eliminate such unfair practices that society was subjected to. Mishra, in his book, advocated that the only surest way towards liberalization from such oppressive rule was revolution organized through the uprising of the minority groups. This was marked by the desire to abolish the oppression they were subjected to. The revolution within the eastern regions, particularly the Asian regions, marked the political reawakening call in the 20th century. The move purposefully aimed to reinstate internal adjustment to reconstruct the region not based on the West, perceived as their key colonies, but to the actual perception of the people within the region that were initially the subjects of the west colonial regime. Such actions reiterate the intensity with which the western regime had inflected the region in terms of colonials (Gann, 2020). For instance, the desire to restructure the Asian regime after the impending effects of the West seemed to have exhausted its resources already. This resistance implies a clear indication of the degree of colonialism in the region.

Mishra’s perception of the Asian region encompasses regions such as the Middle East, South Asia, and East Asia. In support of this, western historians are seen to have similarly elucidated the impact of the western regime. For instance, the impacts are visible without further consultation (Osuri, 2017). The West is perceived as the region that mainly encompasses two more extraordinary world powers: Europe and America. Such regions are also identified with a highly modernized culture rated higher than in the Middle East.

Similarly, the book of eternity analysis indicated the manifestation of oppression exerted by Western democracy. For instance, the consideration of western democracy as an opponent actively forced by the most powerful of the poor showcased the actions of the West. Arguably, oppressive actions in society have been seen to have direct implications. Global encounters, particularly instances in which the west proceeded with their oppressive actions, highly impacted the lives of the east dwellers. They mainly occupied the regions such as Iraq and other East nations (Merculief, 2020). the West rule negatively impacted such nations they intensively suffered at the hands of the superior West

Additionally, the increasing tortures, killings, am brutality at the hands of the West resulted in several cases of political and economic submission from the eastern nation. Actions of the West significantly contributed to the strain in operational capabilities of the political structure within the east region. The rule of the West Divide to conquer was an instrumental key which they adopted to interfere while they engulfed those states. The west republicanism continued its oppressive force against the east locals, and such actions resulted in the continuity of the communism buildup. Across the book, Iqbal explored several aspects associated with the West’s ruling regime in the region (Iqbal, 2021). In his writing, he indicated how the nations were suffering at the hands of the West. Colonization and increased torture attracted numerous repulsive dimensions from the regime to counter the increasingly oppressive West. Further introduction of republicanizing in the West worse the station. Facets that were keen on self-interest and self-gains spread the atrocities further.

Using his influence, Iqbal encouraged the adoption of a communist regime for the Al-Afghani, which was later followed by adopting the Quran as a fork of intellectual inspiration. As part of its objective, the Quran advocated for property, more petite slaves, which actively improved the social perception of the regime. The actions of Iqbal highly influenced the locality he was in. He further initiated the formation of a generation comprising of Iranian thinkers. Immediately the thinkers opted into the formation of the Islamic revolution by the year 1979 (Langan, 2018 pp. 65). The regime actively fought with west colonialism to end the west regime and initiate liberalization of the Muslim nation. Iqbal’s actions are not only limited to the formation of the revolution. Instead, he also went ahead to endear and appropriately save the civilization. His actions were instrumental in the fight against the uncalled practices of colonization from the West.

In a similar proportion, Israel’s Jews regime faced the worst form of treatment from Europe. The shameful treatment was manifested according to two worst state stages, after World War 1 and after World War 2, respectively. (Zhao, 2020) Such market the error of oppression of Jews Ans subjection to extreme treatments which highly marginalized their survival ship. Serval actions of the leaders in Europe resulted in pain and suffering to the Jews. Further, the British highly engaged participated in establishing Israel unilaterally purposefully to assuage its guilt. That resulted from the adverse treatment of the Nazis.

European colonists highly marginalize several aspects of their subjects. Notably, the far-reaching effects of colonies highly implicated various societal components ranging from social, religious, racial to intellectual. Such aspects highly limited the society the capability to overcome such a regime. This uncovers why the current regional ideology is still relatively underdeveloped. Such marginalization highly limited any form of likelihood to develop within the society. European rule was colorized by Several activities negatively being committed against the expectation of the population. Such actions were directed to the dwellers of the East that formed the proportion of change

Resistance within the Asian region was marked by charismatic intervals such as Iqbal. They adopted religious vocabulary that set the basis of their resistance in the region. The Voulgaris was used to oppose the rule of the West. These individuals felt the desire to end the increased oppression and the forced rule that the West exerted. British rule and its cruelty during 1900 resulted in father atrocities which ended up in the suppression of boxers which was just seen to be in the early stage of development within Asia, specifically in the county of china. Such actions provoked the region, resulting in the revolt that pacifist poet Rabindranath Tagore chaired. For instance, Tagore’s comparison painted a violent image well implanted by the society already choked by the British regime. Such actions actively resulted in the awakening fear associated with other violent-related activities. The implication is geared toward the halt of the colonialism extremes (Müller, 2020). Other authors condemned such actions and articulated the extent of the same in their book. The community directly perceived such articulation, which resulted in the desire it is liberated.

Furthermore, the increasing use of the vocabularies backed by the religion highly motivated resistance that emanated and forged towards the end of the regime. Such actors were instrumental as they are considered as orators of justices. Resistance within the Asian region resulted from incensing oppression and limitation to enjoy the social life. For instance, the British adopted laws that limited interaction amongst the locals. Some of the laws resulted in penalties when broken. Such actions highly oppressed society. The desire to engage in normal cultural procession actively played an instrumental role in the planning and executing of the resistance (Erthal, 2021). The East was mainly compromised of communist structures, as a result of colonialism, adoption of other structural adjustments occurred such highly affected the operations of the communist. As a result, staging of revolts was necessary to overcome the effect attributed to colonialism.

Similarly, marginalization, particularly derivation of freedom amongst locals, highly influenced the locals’ reactions toward the colonials. Being a component of change, the West targeted vital aspects of the population, particularly their freedom, as a change factor. Such increased limitations on how the locals conducted their activities and their freedom were highly affected. A revolution was applied sectary to overcome the impacts. Furthermore, racial humiliations highly resulted in the desire to revolt and end the colonial’s error. Increased aggressiveness of the West resulted in segregation based on races as a function of the rule. Such action disrupted the initially present pieces within the community (Dhawan, 2018). In response, the community stage facilitated retaliatory actions to overcome the negativity associated with such limitations. Racial injustices highly impact the community reacquisition from the same is considered fatal for the development of the society. As a result, the desire to end formed the necessity.

For instance, colonialism motive was vital economic resources, the realization of the colonial intent, and their reason highly resulted in revolution to safeguard the nation’s vital economic resources. Arguably, the West brutally exerted the ruling and domination to suppress any form of resistance while looting the nation’s resources. Upon justification of other actions, the community retaliation aimed at safeguarding the vital economic components of the softy. Most importantly, being a communist regime, the East was delighted with its structural arrangement. Their desire to improve their livelihood as a function of innovation, technology, and other elements of the colonialism regime was in progress. Colonization came as a disruption to their structural component. The West, while perceiving an improvement on Asia, later perceived disruption. As a result, the continuity in divergence continues to be experienced until later, when Asia’s highly marginal East regions are still underdeveloped. Even after the colonization era.

In contrast, while the West believed that they were improving the global societies, different dynamics of the populations existed. According to the communist regime, each nation had its own growth pace, and what worked for the West could not be considered is the best that could work for the East. Therefore, the west should be accommodative and encourage national development from different perspectives. Adverse impacts were seen to have constituted residence which later led to the end of the colonial error. Similarly, advancement and improvements were made in a few ends, but the colonization era of Asia highly affected the society negatively. The beginning of civilization was characterized by brave individuals who sacrificed their lives to fight for the best for society. This society should embrace the existence of such bravery to facilitate standing ad fighting for what is right. Finally, the West’s oppressive actions were evident in how the community reacted towards the postcolonialism era. Sikh indications are the viability of the idea that colonels had negativities assisted with the planned positives, which were well manifested in the minds of the colonizers.

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