The Assessment of Tests on Personality

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Tests are an important part of professions that work with people and can be divided into considerable categories, but the one related to my specialization is personality. While I pursue many goals in my career, I am determined to help people and believe that I should learn the particulars of characters. Groth-Marnat and Wright (2016) suggest several tests in the personality category, including Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory, NEO Personality Inventory, and the Million Clinical Multiaxial Inventory. Professions involving direct work with people concern multiple areas, and specialists should know distinctive personality features that one can find in tests’ evaluation reports.

The Purpose for Testing, Content, and Constructs

Before administering a test, professionals in psychology and related areas should estimate its appropriateness. To evaluate a psychological test, one must comprehend theoretical orientation, practical considerations, standardization, reliability, and validity (Groth-Marnat & Wright, 2016). While each of the mentioned aspects is important, validity is the most critical point in test construction, and it assesses whether a test indeed measures a trait it is supposed to measure (Groth-Marnat & Wright, 2016). Tests are characterized by constructs, which are concepts meant to describe or explain behavior (Cohen et al., 2021). Furthermore, tests can differ due to many variables, such as content, which depends on the focus of the particular test (Cohen et al., 2021). Therefore, one should identify a test’s content and constructs and examine its validity to determine if it is appropriate to one’s specialization.

The University of Minnesota Press publishes Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory. Although the test has multiple versions, the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory–Adolescent–Restructured (MMPI-A-RF) is one of the most up-to-date (the University of Minnesota Press [UPress], n.d.). MMPI-A-RF is designed as an empirically-based personality assessment for use with adolescents (UPess, n.d.). MMPI-A-RF focuses on seeking pathology rather than assessing normal adolescent functioning (Stein, 2021). MMPI-A-RF is a revision of MMPI-A, and the latest version’s content consists of its predecessor’s items (Stein, 2021; Sharf & Rogers, 2020). MMPI-A-RF measures adolescents’ personality traits using such scales as demoralization, the construct of which represents feelings of distress and unhappiness (Stein, 2021). Stein (2021) proposes that MMPI-A-RF is suitable for adolescent attention span and has decent validity with well-established behavioral measures. However, MMPI-A-RF can be time-consuming and laborious, leading to errors (Stein, 2021). As my specialization involves working with different people, MMPI-A-RF is appropriate for my profession to assess pathological behavior in the younger population. Nevertheless, if I were to administer MMPI-A-RF, I would have to be extremely careful in the beginning to avoid mistakes.

Psychological Assessment Resources (PAR) offers services in administering NEO Personality Inventory. PAR has two versions of the test, but the NEO Personality Inventory-Revised (NEO-PI-R) is the standard commonly used a questionnaire (Psychological Assessment Resources [PAR], n.d.). Various professionals can use NEO-PI-R to obtain a detailed assessment of normal personality (PAR, n.d.). NEO-PI-R focuses on describing one’s emotional, interpersonal, experiential, attitudinal, and motivational styles (PAE, n.d.). NEO-PI-R construct concentrates on personality traits, measuring five domains, including neuroticism, extraversion, openness, agreeableness, and conscientiousness (Botwin, 1995). Botwin (1995) suggests that NEO-PI-R scales are depicted by strong consensual validity between self, peer, and spouse reports and can serve as a bridge between research and applied psychology. NEO-PI-R can be used in several areas, such as psychopathology, behavioral medicine, and vocational counseling (Botwin, 1995). For example, Oh et al. (2019) indicate a connection between different levels of NEO-PI-R domains and depression. However, work on the validity of agreeableness and conscientiousness needs to be furthered (Botwin, 1995). NEO-PI-R is appropriate for my profession, as I can apply the Inventory in diverse practice settings.

Person Assessments is the publisher of Million Clinical Multiaxial Inventory. The test has several revisions, and one of the most contemporary is the Million Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-IV (MCMI-IV) (Pearson, n.d. b). MCMI-IV is meant to deliver a comprehensive analysis of personality and quickly determine individuals who may require further evaluation (Pearson, n.d. b). MCMI-IV focuses on personality pathology and psychopathy assessment, including clinical personality patterns and severe personality pathology (Mohammadi et al., 2021; Rouse, 2017). MCMI-IV construct centers on abnormal personality traits, such as a loss of sense of reality (Mohammadi et al., 2021). However, Rouse (2017) suggests that although MCMI-IV is a continuation of the test’s previous versions, it does have considerable improvements, and validation evidence indicates a higher likelihood of false-negative errors than false-positive errors. Nevertheless, Groth-Marnat and Wright (2016) state that MCMI complements MMPI and provides a wide range of information while being relatively shorter. MCMI-IV is related to my potential field of work and offers opportunities to explore abnormal personality features that can significantly affect people’s lives.

Normative Sample, Sampling Procedures, and Intended Population

Normative samples can characterize MMPI-A-RF, NEO-PI-R, and MCMI-IV. MMPI-A-RF is intended for individuals between 14 and 18 years old, and the standardization sample included a subgroup of 1,610 adolescents from the MMPI-A normative sample (Stein, 2021). The participants were of two genders, mainly White (76.3%), Black (12.4%), and Asian and American Indian (both 2.9%) (Stein, 2021). The sample also contained the Hispanic race, whose small percentage (2%) can be due to English being the participants’ primary language (Stein, 2021). NEO-PI-R normative sample was stratified to correspond to 1995 U.S. Census projections and included 500 males and 500 females 17 years old (Botwin, 1995). Groth-Marnat and Wright (2016) state that the NEO-PI-R sample was criticized, as the participants were relatively better educated than the general population. MCMI-IV standardization sample consisted of 1547 people aged 18 to 85, but most participants were between 26 and 49 years old (Rouse, 2017). The participants were gathered from clinical patients, reflecting the diversity of education attainment, marital status, race, and ethnicity (Groth-Marnat & Wright, 2016; Rouse, 2017). The tests involved many people but had some shortcomings in variety.

When assessing and choosing a test, one should determine its connection to a specific profession. A test can be considered related to one’s field of work if the group being tested is similar to a normative sample (Groth-Marnat & Wright, 2016). As the above tests are mainly intended for the general residents of the U.S. starting from 14 years old, the characteristics of the standardized samples correspond with the anticipated populations related to my profession. I believe the sample size and procedures were adequate to generalize the test results to people that a professional in my specialization would likely assess. Although MMPI-A-RF was oriented toward English-speaking individuals, it presented a balanced selection by including people from several regions across the nation (UPess, n.d.). As I intend to work with diverse people whose personalities can be affected by their family and peers’ characters, I need to understand individuals of various ages and backgrounds.

Test-User Knowledge, Skills, and Training

People need to be trained to administer psychological tests. MMPI-A-RF is published by the University of Minnesota Press but is distributed by Pearson Assessments (UPess, n.d.). Pearson (n.d. b) provides MMPI-A-RF test users with training in the form of a webinar that answers many questions. Pearson (n.d. a) offers more webinars for MCMI-IV, discussing the accomplishment of vital therapeutic goals. PAR (n.d.) offers online training on NEO-PI-R, presenting information on each instrument, sample items, and normative and clinical data. Groth-Marnat and Wright (2016) suggest that practitioners need to obtain knowledge correlated to measurement, main interpretive hypotheses, descriptive statistics, variables, expectations of diverse contexts, and other matters of clinical practice. Test users should also know how to evaluate the legal, ethical, and professional issues related to test usage. For instance, truth-in-testing legislation requires descriptions of a test’s purpose, subject matter, measures, and procedures (Cohen et al., 2021). Moreover, members of professions that administer psychological tests should know their codes of professional ethics that define standards of care related to diagnostic services (Cohen et al., 2021). Psychological tests are complex and require training to avoid errors.

When evaluating test users’ required knowledge, skills, and training, it is important to consider one’s specialization. Groth-Marnat and Wright (2016) propose that the learning mentioned above should be incorporated with relevant general coursework, such as the psychology of adjustment, theories of personality, and psychotherapy. The anticipated assessment training of my specialization corresponds with the competencies expected of test users. I will be capable of administering, scoring, and interpreting tests once I complete my degree and acquire sufficient skills and confidence.

Comparisons and Contrasts of the Three Tests

To conclude, MMPI-A-RF, NEO-PI-R, and MCMI-IV consider personality traits but have differences. MMPI-A-RF is a renewed version of previous MMPIs and focuses on pathologies in adolescents’ behavior among U.S. residents but is time-consuming and laborious. NEO-PI-R is a questionnaire that assesses normal personality based on five domains and is commonly used in several areas for individuals 17 years and older. MCMI-IV is a rather shorter yet informational alternative to MMPI tests for adults that evaluates abnormal personality characteristics. MMPI-A-RF is relevant when working with young people, whereas NEO-PI-R and MCMI-IV are oriented at older populations and may be easier for knowledgeable but inexperienced test users. However, the most appropriate test is the one that answers the questions of a particular study or assessment.


Botwin, M. (1995). Review of the revised NEO personality inventory. In J. C. Conoley & J. C. Impara (Eds.), The twelfth mental measurements yearbook. Buros Center for Testing.

Cohen, R. J., Schneider, W.J., & Tobin, R. (2021). Psychological testing and assessment: An introduction to tests and measurement (10th ed.). McGraw-Hill.

Groth-Marnat, G., & Wright, A. J. (2016). Handbook of psychological assessment (6th ed.). John Wiley & Sons.

Mohammadi, M. R., Delavar, A., Hooshyari, Z., Shakiba, A., Salmanian, M., Ghandi, F., & Farnoody, N. (2021). Psychometric properties of the Persian version of millon clinical multiaxial inventory-IV (MCMI-IV). Iranian Journal of Psychiatry, 16(1), 43-51. Web.

Oh, M., Kim, J. W., Yoon, N. H., Lee, S. A., Lee, S. M., & Kang, W. S. (2019). Differences in personality, defense styles, and coping strategies in individuals with depressive disorder according to age groups across the lifespan. Psychiatry Investigation, 16(12), 911-918. Web.

Pearson. (n.d. a). Millon clinical multiaxial inventory-IV. Pearson Assessments. Web.

Peasron. (n.d. b). Minnesota multiphasic personality inventory-adolescent-restructured form. Pearson Assessments. Web.

Psychological Assessment Resources (n.d.). NEO personality inventory-revised. PAR. Web.

Rouse, S. (2017). Review of the millon clinical multiaxial inventory–IV. In J.F. Carlson, K. F. Geisinger, & J. L. Jonson (Eds.), The twentieth mental measurements yearbook. Buros Center for Testing.

Sharf, A. J., & Rogers, R. (2020). Validation of the MMPI-A-RF for youth with mental health needs: A systematic examination of clinical correlates and construct validity. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 42(3), 527-538. Web.

Stein, S. (2021) Review of the Minnesota multiphasic personality inventory–adolescent–restructured. In J.F. Carlson, K. F. Geisinger, & J. L. Jonson (Eds.), The twenty-first mental measurements yearboo. Buros Center for Testing.

University of Minnesota Press. (n.d.). MMPI-A-RF overview. UPress. Web.

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