The Abortion Dilemma: Islam vs. Christianity

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Human beings encounter diverse problems that affect their experiences, decisions, and relationships in their respective communities. Religion and ethics are two key areas that offer timely insights for dictating the way people pursue social dilemmas to meet the demands of the greatest majority. One of the primary concerns many individuals examine from different perspectives is abortion. The fact that it results in the termination of human life explains why it remains contentious. This discussion compares and contrasts the responses Christians and Muslims present addressing this question. It also describes how my perceptions have changed after completing the exercise by the concept of a global citizen.

Islam vs. Christianity

Abortion is one of the most controversial topics that continue to attract the attention of policymakers, religious scholars, and believers. Hoggart (2019) defines the practice as the intentional removal of pregnancy. Many societies support the idea because the available methods are safe and capable of delivering desirable results. In many societies, different policies exist that dictate the way people pursue or treat this subject. In religious circles, diverse options and views have emerged that encourage followers of such belief systems to make the best decisions. As such, Christians and Muslims approach the abortion debate differently, thereby presenting a wide range of options to the targeted believers.

Some of the teachings available to members of these two religions appear to converge. For example, Christians believe that life is precious and a gift from a Supreme Being (Kangwa, 2017). This assertion compels human beings to protect it by all means possible. Similarly, Islam teaches its followers that life comes from Allah. Muslims need to engage in actions and decisions that will protect them. The Bible teaches that any form of murder is wrong and capable of affecting the overall experiences of human beings; therefore, each individual remains precious for the creator. This knowledge explains why Christian believers need to do what is righteous when relating with others.

Another unique similarity in the way believers in these two faiths approaches the question is that they have permitted legal perspectives to dictate their decisions. Specifically, some Christians present the pro-choice ideology to explain why women should be permitted to make their unique decisions regarding this practice (Kangwa, 2017). Such believers acknowledge that some women might be forced to abort under specific circumstances, such as rape or possible danger to life. Similarly, some Islamic societies and nations have implemented some laws that permit abortion under certain circumstances. These observations explain why there is a strong relationship between the established legal guidelines and the decisions many believers make in both Christian and Islamic states.

Despite these aspects and ideologies regarding the abortion dilemma, some distinctive contrasts exist that researchers should take into consideration. First, the Bible states clearly that abortion is wrong since it results in the loss of life. Preachers in this religion acknowledge that the concept of absolute morals should dictate this subject and compel more people to make decisions that eventually protect life. On the other hand, the idea of abortion does not have any backing in Islamic books. Instead, the available consensus is founded on the legal and scholarly opinions different experts in Islamic subjects present. Frederico et al. (2018) acknowledge that the Quran fails to provide any meaningful passage to address the abortion question. Consequently, those involved in providing timely instructions indicate that the fetus will only attain a living ability after 120 days. It is at this point that Muslims should not think of abortion.

Second, Christians have been on the frontline to reduce the influence this topic receives from different politicians and policymakers. This happens to be the case since they believe that Bible is the primary guideline for addressing all questions regarding this ethical dilemma. Consequently, more people have relied on this kind of understanding to challenge all views aimed at supporting abortion. However, Islam allows policymakers and thinkers to provide insights that can dictate or guide the way Muslims address this issue (Ekmekci, 2016). For example, some professionals have allowed Muslims to abort before the 120 days after gestation. The divisions in Islam have led to emerging thoughts, whereby different schools offer their unique views and arguments. Some have gone further to allow followers to make their personal decisions regarding this debate.

Third, Christians have implemented divergent interpretations that continue to reshape emerging ideas and arguments. This development explains why some Christians are pro-choice and others prolife. The first group will allow some Christians to consider their wellbeing and the issues surrounding the targeted pregnancy. The second one will be keen to consider the fact that life will always begin at conception. This knowledge compels them to challenge abortion and encourage their colleagues to avoid it by all means possible (Castuera, 2017). Muslims, on the other hand, will make their deliberations based on the views, advice, and opinions of different scholars in the religion. For example, different schools of Islam will rely on the guidelines and arguments different leaders present to dictate their decisions. These issues explain why this debate attracts different views and ideologies.

Fourth, Christians rely on the Bible as the primary source for understanding how to pursue ethical questions, such as abortion. Despite the different approaches that have become common in various churches, it is agreeable that believers rely on various biblical passages to inform their decisions. They also allow ideas from the secular world to influence the choices some people make even though they ascribe to the Christian faith (Hoggart, 2019). This issue explains why there are believers who would rely on the relative moral concept to explain why abortion could be allowed under certain circumstances. On the other hand, some countries associated with Islam have viewed abortion as necessary when there is a need to protect the wellbeing of the women, cases of incest, or when the recorded economic reasons sound reasonable.

Personal Perception

The concept of a global citizen describes the state of being caring, aware, and knowledgeable about the major issues to do with cultural diversity. The ultimate aim is to act responsibly and eventually promote social sustainability and justice. After completing this research, I have realized that Christians and Muslims have diverse ways of approaching the abortion dilemma. Specifically, Christians remain divided over the question even though there are convincing passages in the Bible that encourage human beings to protect life by all means (Castuera, 2017). Those who ignore such teachings will be ready to offer additional insights for allowing abortion, such as the pro-choice ideology. Similarly, Muslims allow religious scholars and analysts to present their unique suggestions for analyzing this dilemma and providing timely solutions.

Despite such observations, my perception has not changed since the divergent views do not affect my own. I have always believed that abortion is wrong and capable of affecting the whole notion of posterity. Those who embrace the idea without any valid reason will be doing something wrong and threatening human life. Respect for human life is a duty that human beings can pursue by avoiding abortion by all means. However, I still believe that there are specific instances whereby individuals can permit abortion. However, such deliberations should be guided by conversations and ideologies that are genuine and intended to meet the demands of the greatest majority (Castuera, 2017). For example, people can only permit this practice when there is a case of incest or rape. These occurrences can be dehumanizing and capable of affecting the psychological wellbeing of the would-be-mother. Additionally, the newborn child might develop some of the disabilities and health challenges associated with incest.

Some pregnancies might develop various complications that can eventually have negative implications on both the fetus and the mother. While relying on the teachings of both Islam and Christianity, it could be possible to go a step further and appreciate the fact that there are women who die during pregnancy. This occurrence is attributable to some of the challenges and medical problems that might develop (Hoggart, 2019). The move to protect the life of the mother is critical and can guide more people to make superior decisions. This understanding explains why the studies completed above have not changed my position. I will always argue that abortion is wrong but permissible under circumstances that appear to threaten the mother’s physical, psychological, or mental health.

Undoubtedly, this idea is by the principles of a global citizen. This concept supports a world whereby people live harmoniously, preserve the environment, promote sustainability, and allow others to achieve their maximum potential. The whole practice of condemning abortion is acceptable since it will ensure that individuals do not engage in the practice whenever they opt to do so. However, circumstances that offer genuine reasons for promoting abortion are worth considering (Kangwa, 2017). Such an approach will empower more people, protect innocent lives, and eventually support punitive measures for those who disobey established policies. Both Muslims and Christians should consider these notions since they sound practical and capable of protecting lives and eventually meeting the demands of the greatest majority.


Abortion remains one of the most divisive sociological topics in the world today. Some people accept or condemn the practice depending on their religious inclinations, available teachings, and established policies. The above discussion has revealed that Christians and Muslims have specific attributes that are similar when it comes to this question. However, they also promote other opinions that differ regarding the acceptability or condemnation of abortion. Despite such views, my position has remained unchanged since I have always viewed abortion as malpractice that is capable of threatening the future of human life. Societies should, therefore, have genuine reasons for allowing it, such as medical concerns, incest, and rape. Such a strategy will make it easier for human beings to protect life and allow their descendants to achieve their maximum potential.


Castuera, I. (2017). A social history of Christian thought on abortion: Ambiguity vs. certainty in moral debate. The American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 76(1), 121-227. 

Ekmekci, P. E. (2016). Abortion in Islamic ethics, and how it is perceived in Turkey: A secular, Muslim country. Journal of Religion and Health, 56(3), 884-895. 

Frederico, M., Michielsen, K., Arnaldo, C., & Decat, P. (2018). Factors influencing abortion decision-making processes among young women. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(2), 329-341. 

Hoggart, L. (2019). Moral dilemmas and abortion decision-making: Lessons learnt from abortion research in England and Wales. Global Public Health, 14(1), 1-8. Web.

Kangwa, J. (2017). Abortion and Christian moral decisions: An African ecofeminist perspective. The Expository Times, 129(2), 62-75. Web.

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