Positive Psychology in Other Related Areas

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The improvements in terms of the populations’ health are conditional upon the development of innovative measures addressing the existing gaps in the provision of corresponding medical services in a hospital setting. From this perspective, positive psychology is one of the areas contributing to the task since it is directly connected to the increase in the effectiveness of interventions in other related fields. This branch is primarily oriented on the promotion of well-being through modifications of people’s experiences by adopting various methods based on optimism, forgiveness, and personal strength (Carr et al., 2021). Meanwhile, these conditions, regardless of how suitable they seem to be for the specified objective, cannot be claimed appropriate for all areas of applied psychology without their proper consideration. Therefore, the examination of research findings from different fields incorporating similar goals concerning individuals’ health and the introduced positive techniques is feasible for verifying their efficiency in the treatment of the affected persons.

Evidence of Positive Psychology’s Feasibility

In order to confirm that the developed instruments inform other areas of applied psychology, it is critical to start with the examination of the reported results of interventions. According to Carr et al. (2021), they can be explicitly seen from the way the combination of psychopathology and well-being guarantees better outcomes for patients. As follows from the article, the main reason why these two aspects complement each other in producing better results is the former’s failure to increase life satisfaction, which is adequately addressed by the latter (Carr et al., 2021). In addition, the recurrence of symptoms and their longevity is affected by positive psychology since it allows for ensuring the long-term effects of the suggested traditional treatment (Carr et al., 2021). Considering these conclusions, the general impacts of this field can be summarized as improvements in achieving goals in a healthcare setting, enhanced patient confidence, and, consequently, happiness. These factors confirm its suitability for elaborating further interventions with regard to optimism as the key component, and its influence is seen from the shift in critical factors.

In particular, the psychological health of the affected category of patients is restored with the help of positive psychology, facilitating both practitioners’ work and people’s willingness to cooperate. The latter group is reported to have better indicators in terms of well-being, strengths, and quality of life (Carr et al., 2021). What is more important, these results did not depend on an area of application since they were uniform regardless of the context (Carr et al., 2021). Moreover, the effects were complemented by a decrease in anxiety, depression, and stress, which, in turn, implies overall optimistic projections (Carr et al., 2021). The mentioned outcomes and their correlation with all the related fields clearly speak of the need to examine the power of positive psychology in informing them. In this case, the main decisive factor is the long-term benefits claimed by researchers (Carr et al., 2021). Therefore, further analysis of the selected techniques alongside interventions in occupational health, clinical, organizational, and forensic approaches, and neuropsychology will help demonstrate their practical value.

Occupational Health Psychology

One of the settings allowing to reveal the advantages of positive psychology for people’s well-being is the workplace, and the objectives of their creators are specific to this context. They primarily include the necessity to increase employees’ participation in regular operations, promote their performance, and reduce job-related stress (Donaldson et al., 2019). In order to address all these goals, innovative ideas connected to the concept of “positive work and organizations,” which combines the theoretical frameworks and behavioral patterns, are introduced (Donaldson et al., 2019, p. 114). The difference between this technique and traditional methods is in the former’s capability to “develop positive qualities in organizations,” frequently neglected by the latter (Donaldson et al., 2019, p. 114). In other words, the skills of individuals required for performing specific tasks are complemented by their optimism and hope for better outcomes. These provisions are essential as per the field’s focus; however, to fully grasp the meaning of these interventions, one should pay attention to their practical results.

The findings in the area of occupational health confirm that the described techniques are beneficial on an individual and a group level in organizations. First, the incorporation of positive psychological methods correlates with improved well-being and reduced stress among workers (Donaldson et al., 2019). Second, they are reported to increase the engagement of people, strengthen leadership, and promote trust, forgiveness, and cooperation (Donaldson et al., 2019). Third, the undesirable patterns of conduct among employees are eliminated by the elaboration of similar projects (Donaldson et al., 2019). These results show that positive psychology informs the development and application of effective initiatives in the workplace, contributing to occupational health alongside corporate goals. Since they are more significant than traditional approaches to the tasks, it is advisable to consider this branch suitable for resolving numerous challenges neglected by the existing fields.

Organizational Psychology

The above considerations related to people’s well-being in the first place are complemented by a thorough examination of the performance of employees as a critical factor and organizational productivity in general. The existing evidence in this respect confirms that the creation of a favorable environment in the workplace with the help of positive psychological techniques is equally significant as the individual benefits discussed above (Kour et al., 2019). According to Kour et al. (2019), the so-called “positive organizational scholarship” is laid in the basis of this goal, and this term implies the impact of a company’s strategic course on individual perceptions (p. 228). This concept underpins the dependency of workers’ previously examined personal well-being stemming from their improved relationships and an optimistic outlook on corporate responsibility. In this way, the positive characteristics viewed as the main conditions for everyone’s psychological health are expected to be applied on all organizational levels to ensure the efficiency of initiatives.

The link between the theoretical frameworks in the examined field and their practical advantages is presented by the evidence provided by scholars. They write that the main traits to be included in all types of activity in the workplace are “optimism, personal strength, and well-being” (Kour et al., 2019, p. 230). They are suggested as sufficient for addressing all needs of the participants and corresponding entities while being beneficial for enhancing performance in the long run (Kour et al., 2019). In addition, the connection between organizational productivity and these indicators is supported by the confirmed improvements in employee satisfaction (Koul et al., 2019). From this standpoint, positive psychology provides an effective framework for addressing multi-faceted challenges related to the balance between the needs of people and companies. It also serves as a tool for establishing standards in the areas which are not covered by traditional approaches.

Clinical Psychology

Another field that significantly benefits from the introduction of positive psychological techniques is clinical psychology, and this impact is explained through the lens of the mental health of patients. As follows from the review conducted by Chakhssi et al. (2018), the interventions of this nature help reduce distress in the affected persons. In the case of psychiatric and somatic issues, well-being through the adoption of an optimistic approach is significantly improved compared to traditional methods (Chakhssi et al., 2018). These observations are particularly related to indicators of anxiety, depression, and stress levels (Chakhssi et al., 2018). In other words, they are in alignment with the previously discussed results of the practical implementation of theoretical frameworks in positive psychology. This conclusion means that the developed methods are applicable not to a single setting but to a variety of contexts while producing similar outcomes for the affected persons.

In turn, the specific patterns attributed solely to clinical psychology after the adoption of the specified measures can be traced by paying attention to the details. For instance, the findings presented by Chakhssi et al. (2018) confirm that depression and anxiety were positively affected more than stress in patients. This fact implies that to elaborate appropriate mechanisms for addressing the health needs of individuals in different organizations, it is critical to thoroughly examine the spheres of influence of particular components. In addition, the review demonstrated the long-term nature of changes caused by the shift in implemented approaches (Chakhssi et al., 2018). These results are also aligned with the conclusions of Kour et al. (2018) and Donaldson et al. (2019). Nevertheless, the difference in clinical psychology is in a greater emphasis on developing positive methods for overcoming challenges. Thus, the discussed field provides theoretical frameworks suitable for mental well-being while being more critical for healthcare facilities rather than corporate settings.


Another area under consideration regarding the effects of positive approaches to well-being is neuropsychology, and it is vital for demonstrating the dependency of cognitive processes on these methods. According to Randolph (2018), the practical implementation of these techniques in this respect was not initially accepted. Nevertheless, the situation changed due to the confirmation of the link between human qualities and better outcomes in this aspect (Randolph, 2018). Since this field is more complex than occupational health, organizational, and clinical psychology, its assessment with the adoption of innovative measures was more challenging (Randolph, 2018; Chakhssi et al., 2018; Kour et al., 2019). Meanwhile, it was beneficial to determine what tools can be applied to the pre-determined domains in this area.

The first consideration concerning positive psychology and its feasibility in practice is compensatory strategies used for promoting health. They are connected to “attention, memory, and executive functioning” significantly improved by the use of mindful meditation for reducing stress alongside internal and external organizational instruments (Randolph, 2018, p. 288). The second factor, activity engagement or, in other words, physical, social, and intellectual interactions, is effectively enhanced by guaranteeing the required complexity of tasks (Randolph, 2018). The third domain, preventing cognitive dysfunction, also benefits from positive methods which allow regulating this process by managing sleeping patterns and depression, among other aspects (Randolph, 2018). In this way, a more optimistic outlook is guaranteed by the inclusion of the mentioned practices in people’s routines.

The specified tasks connected to one’s cognition as per neuropsychology are complemented by other related fields with similar findings. Thus, the other three areas affected by positive psychology are public education, exceptional cognition, and positive cognitive outcomes, and they are also affected by alternative methods (Randolph, 2018). According to researchers, the proper “brain-behavior relationships” are guaranteed by managing depression, and dealing with undesirable memories and fatigue, respectively (Randolph, 2018, p. 290). The substitution of these issues by positive components corresponding to each individual case seems to be a multi-faceted initiative inspired by positive psychology. Hence, it can be concluded that this field effectively informs other areas for boosting their progress in eliminating risks.

Forensic Psychology

The final consideration with regard to the application of findings related to positive methods is the performance of tasks in forensic psychology. As follows from the article written by Velasquez et al. (2020), the intersection of these approaches is conditional upon the power of proper motivation in eliminating incidents of violence in a clinical setting by addressing aggressive behaviors. The main issues of this category of individuals include “association with antisocial peers, antisocial attitudes, substance abuse, poor family relations, and difficulties with employment” alongside other challenges (Velasquez et al., 2020, p. 571). Since these problems are not addressed directly by the facilities using traditional methods, the findings from positive psychology can come in handy (Velasquez et al., 2020). Hence, it is no wonder that the mentioned link between this field and forensic methods is discussed by scholars.

What is more important, the examination is not limited to theoretical consideration and the suggested potential of innovations in the absence of empirical data because these techniques are already being adopted by hospitals. For instance, positive psychology is included in the list of frameworks effective in the treatment of trauma or substance abuse, as well as the overall formation of suitable attitudes toward the recommended interventions (Velasquez et al., 2020). In addition, its methods do not contradict other solutions, and the creation of prosocial behaviors on their grounds is confirmed to bring substantial results for increasing the efficiency of forensic clinical instruments (Velasquez et al., 2020). Considering these circumstances, the role of positivism in managing people’s conditions is critical as it boosts progress conditioned by traditional measures.


In conclusion, research findings from positive psychology, alongside other applied areas within the field, show that the former is a powerful mechanism for increasing the efficiency of measures used for addressing people’s needs in different contexts. It is suitable for clinical and organizational purposes and, therefore, can be viewed as a multi-faceted phenomenon guaranteeing lasting effects of interventions. In terms of occupational health, this branch allows for reducing stress and promotes qualities critical for performing daily tasks while being crucial for productivity on an organizational level. In clinical and forensic psychology, alternative methods help motivate individuals to cooperate and improve their conditions by dealing with anxiety and depression. In neuropsychology, they facilitate people’s interactions and eliminate the risks of adverse outcomes while positively affecting cognition through increasing mindfulness. All these fields are clearly influenced by the examined innovations, and the common element attributed to their results is better behavior. Thus, it can be concluded that positive psychology informs other areas by modifying people’s conduct with regard to their particular needs.


Carr, A., Cullen, K., Keeney, C., Canning, C., Mooney, O., Chinseallaigh, E., & O’Dowd, A. (2021). Effectiveness of positive psychology interventions: A systematic review and meta-analysis. The Journal of Positive Psychology, 16(6), 749-769. Web.

Chakhssi, F., Kraiss, J. T., Sommers-Spijkerman, M., & Bohlmeijer, E. T. (2018). The effect of positive psychology interventions on well-being and distress in clinical samples with psychiatric or somatic disorders: A systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Psychiatry, 18(1), 1-17. Web.

Donaldson, S. I., Lee, J. Y., & Donaldson, S. I. (2019). Evaluating positive psychology interventions at work: A systematic review and meta-analysis. International Journal of Applied Positive Psychology, 4(3), 113-134. Web.

Kour, J., El-Den, J., & Sriratanaviriyakul, N. (2019). The role of positive psychology in improving employees’ performance and organizational productivity: An experimental study. Procedia Computer Science, 161, 226-232. Web.

Randolph, J. J. (2018). Positive neuropsychology: The science and practice of promoting cognitive health. Applied Neuropsychology: Adult, 25(4), 287-294. Web.

Velasquez, S., Bauchowitz, A., Pyo, D., & Pollock, M. (2020). Implementation of a specialized program to treat violence in a forensic population. CNS Spectrums, 25(5), 571-576. Web.

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