Planning Curriculum: Literature Lesson Discussion

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The paper is dedicated to performing a discussion of a hypothetical lesson in literature from the side of a teacher. The main points provide a discussion of various ways as of techniques, structure, and approach appropriate for contemporary students. The idea of a general outlook on practical means to provide productive and effective classes is outlined in particular. The sequence of making important steps for classes is proved by several written materials authoritative approaches. In this respect, the discussion in the paper is accompanied by an analysis of proper actions during the class. The supposed effects of the lesson in literature are stated analytically as outlined below. All in all, the idea of the paper thoroughly follows the situation and its requirements.

A teacher’s right approach toward education and its features proves an idea of successful and effective learning by students. In this respect, the role of curriculum and its planning is also vital due to making goals and their achievement clear. The reality proves an idea of a systematic approach toward the main purposes of the education and its program. The way a teacher chooses a program to make the studying of literature more improved is significant for the issue.

Knowledge is a sphere that needs constant fulfillment. According to this statement, the significance of knowledge provided to students should be applied with appropriate methods and ideas in order to make the process comprehensive and interesting for students. The paper deals with the necessity of curriculum planning in terms of its relation to the placement of different supplements and additional features to make teaching as well as studying processes effective and reliable.

Curriculum planning insists on making the education process based on three elements that provide the wholeness of its practical implementation, namely: “educational purposes, learning experiences, and evaluation” (Darling-Hammond et al, 2005, p. 184). Thus, a teacher should take into account the contemporary methodology of how it would be better to adopt the theme of the lesson and its reflections on students. This is why it is vital to know what is important to know for students and in what key should this be promoted, in fact. The planning of classes should not be too detailed due to the statistics which proves the idea of fewer students’ attention to the importance of the classes when such curriculum is used (Darling-Hammond et al, 2005). This is why a teacher should be able to create all measures for students’ activities during a class.

In my model classroom for making the process of studying literature with more facilities, I would recommend using the functionally and technically excellent framework before the start of the classes. By this, I mean that the most appropriate supplements should include a whiteboard, books, and cards with visible aids. Also, a portrait of a writer is applicable in a classroom, so that to make students aware of his/her figure among other eminent writers. This minimum of additional means for the discussion is everything that should be used for the performance of the lesson. It is so because the main purpose of the lesson touches upon the spread of reading culture and its development in students for further times. The classroom should be greatly illuminated so that students could read without any problem. Moreover, here is a psychological trick for the promotion of sincerity from the side of students. Web-based technologies are supposed to be used by students before the lesson. Digital libraries and reviews of experts are considered as additional components for the discussion.

To say more, the placement of tables will be arranged in a circular way, so that to make everybody see each other during debates according, for example, the negative evaluation of a protagonist’s deeds. Moreover, such a way of arrangement will make the communication possible in making further conclusions. Socrates once said: “Truth is sprout in the discussion.” That is why the ability of one student to discuss the features of the book will possibly provoke the rest of the students to build a counterfactual hypothesis. In this situation, a teacher should only drive the right rhythm and idea of the topic discussed. Another activity of a teacher props up against verification of the discussion process. A final outline can be helpful in order, to sum up, the contributions of every participating student in finding out the real reason for this or that action of characters in the book. This method will apparently make students concerned about the books. If this happens, as a result, then an entry-level teacher can be satisfied and motivated to face further challenges of the profession. After a brief introduction, I would suggest students participate in further discussion of a lesson by means of leading questions. Then I would like to support a discussion. It will be accomplished with the help of possible parallels between a writer, his life, and events observed in a book, and books of his/her contemporaries. Such design will provide a spatial picture of a book idea in terms of students’ better operating with facts and details discussed.

The above-mentioned concise description of a hypothetic lesson in literature is one of the numerous examples when talking about a schedule for the literature classes. In fact, there are many types of lessons appropriate for suchlike classes. Still, the role of curriculum planning is very significant in its connection to making words of a classic writer, supported by a teacher, alive in a student’s mind. In this case, a student is able to build different parallels and assumptions about the book and its author, in particular. “As its name implies, the Connections Parallel guides students to make connections within or across disciplines, topics, times, events, and people by looking at how they are linked through concepts and principles” (Tomlinson et al, 2008, p. 18). To explore more detailed information about the peculiarities of the epoch, rules, or manners of a definite period in a novel, it is good for a teacher to give such assignment to a particular student, group of students, or as a whole home task for the next time. Nevertheless, there should be no indifference in the lesson, but a warm or hot discussion in its essence.

If there is a screen version of a book, it is not a reason to let students know everything about the idea of a novel without reading it. That is why a teacher should be personally motivated. As for me, I would not prohibit this means for the discussion in the class. On the contrary, I would suggest watching some episodes and making compare/contrast analysis of it with the details described in a book. According to Drake and Burns (2004), such an approach toward the educational process projects the “Know/Do/Be Bridge” in learning. In other words, the previously mentioned attitude toward literal sources will encourage students to know about them, and then it will be implied in actions. Afterward, there comes an idea of a book incorporated in personal understanding with a teacher’s corrections, if needed.

Nonetheless, a teacher should plan his/her curriculum with points on the learning and scheduled process, but not as a complex of interesting information or activities. In this respect, the main attention should be grabbed on the importance of task analysis and predominant features which are to be imposed in the algorithm of a lesson. This is why the model for the educational experience of a teacher, even if it is not so long and varied in probable examples, should take into account the psychological approach. A teacher is a person who provides knowledge and controls the process of its spreading within students. The main goal is to be sure that knowledge is learned and mastered. Darling-Hammond et al (2005) emphasize this idea by the following statement: “Planning strategic opportunities for such feedback throughout a sequence of learning activities in the form of carefully planned assignments and assessments is critically important” (186).

Thus, the curriculum should be implemented rather on understanding, than on rote learning for just passing exams (Tomlinson et al, 2008). This is why the idea of a humane approach is vital when planning a definite curriculum. A predominant significance of teacher’s training and capability to be professional in his/her activity or to have a deep concernment in education plays a great role for curriculum planning and further use in practice.


Darling-Hammond, L., Bransford, J., and National Academy of Education. (2005). Preparing teachers for a changing world: what teachers should learn and be able to do. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.

Drake, S. M., and Burns, R. C. (2004). Meeting standards through integrated curriculum. Alexandria, Virginia: ASCD.

Tomlinson, C. A., Kaplan, S. N., Purcell, J. H., Leppien, J. H., and Renzulli, J. S. (2008). The Parallel Curriculum: A Design to Develop Learner Potential and Challenge Advanced Learners (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.

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