Medical Technologies Developing Healthcare

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Living in the era of modern technology requires taking advantage of its principles in the medical sphere. Consequently, the primary goal of this paper was to reveal the benefits of artificial intelligence, robotics, and 3D printing on the functioning of the healthcare. The detailed analysis with the examples was conducted to underline an advantageous nature of these concepts.

In this case, 3D printing helps optimize the production of prototypes and enhances the possibilities of bioengineering. Today, this innovation eases the transplantation of organs and helps patients in need. Thus, it not only advances the medical research but also assists patients, who require custom-made organs and appliances. Another critical aspect is artificial intelligence, as it enhances the educational opportunities for medical students by providing a virtual learning environment. At the same time, it improves the quality of treatments and the accuracy of the analysis, as the software allows considering all of the important variables when defining a diagnosis. As for robotics, they give additional opportunities to healthcare such as offering remote access to the organs and improves cost-efficiency. In the end, it could be said that despite the adverse characteristics of the described novelties, their intervention in the medical sphere will continue to upsurge, as the benefits outweigh the disadvantages.


Nowadays, the development of technology has a critical impact on different spheres of human life. The digitalization clearly affects the population of the world since the gadgets such as “laptops, cameras, and DVD players” are now affordable and owned by mostly everyone (Kumar, 2011, p. 84). One cannot imagine living without various technological applications described above, and healthcare industry is highly dependent on them (Kumar, 2011). This innovation causes some changes in the functioning of the world and the availability of the medicine. On one hand, it makes it more effective and available to the patients in need. On the contrary, it increases the costs of healthcare and upsurges the prices for the medical assistance (Kumar, 2011). Nonetheless, in the context of this essay, it is critical to depict the benefits of this novelty. It could be said that the use of 3D printing, artificial intelligence, and robotics is revolutionizing healthcare and improving the general perception of medicine.

In this case, the primary goal of this paper is to highlight a substantial role of technology in the advancement of medicine. Evaluating each benefit of aspects such as 3D printing, artificial intelligence, and robotics will help underline the initial claim. Thus, provisioning the future prosperity of these spheres will have a positive impact on the development of healthcare. In the end, the conclusions are drawn to summarize the main findings of the paper.

3D Printing and Its Benefits

The use of 3D printing is a relatively young breakthrough technology that is currently known for saving doctors’ time and helping patients all over the world. It allows the specialists to print hearing aids or even human organs, and it introduces the humanity to a completely new era in medicine. Initially, 3D printing was meant to ease the manufacturing sphere, as it allows creating objects with the help of “digital data as in an analogous way to how computer text is printed” (Michalski & Ross, 2014, p. 2213). This flexible and innovative approach to production revolutionizes the modern world and highly affects medical field. For instance, nowadays, almost 100% of all hearing aids are 3D printed (Michalski & Ross, 2014). At the same time, more than half a million pairs of teeth-straightening brackets are produced daily using this technology (Michalski & Ross, 2014). It could be said that these facts underline that 3D printing eases the production initiatives in healthcare and makes some products available in short-term.

The popularity of 3D printing is spreading rapidly around the world. One of its interventions is a revolutionary impact on bioengineering (Michalski & Ross, 2014). For example, today, this technology has also made its way into the production of prosthetics. 3D printers are widely used to print functioning limbs for humans and animals (Michalski & Ross, 2014). At the same time, there are also custom-printed spinal supports for scoliosis patients, brackets for shattered bones, and, in the most up-to-date expansion, 3D printed prosthetics of a human face such as ears, noses, etc. (Michalski & Ross, 2014). An extended variety of possibilities of 3D printing gives an opportunity to provide the patients’ in need with the required organs and supporting equipment. In this case, it not only eases the manufacturing process but also improves the quality of healthcare and makes it more patient-centered. Using the individually printed appliances makes healthcare more personalized and increases patients’ satisfaction (Greene, Tuzzio, & Cherkin, 2012). Thus, this approach in healthcare is rising in popularity, and taking advantage of its application eases the development of the patient-centered care as an essentiality and a definer of the perceived quality (Greene et al., 2012).

Nonetheless, the principal update is the body parts printing (Michalski & Ross, 2014). Combining prototyping and manipulating manufacturing techniques with the concepts of medical research and bioengineering allows this technology to change the era of transplantation. Thus, the sufficient functioning of the designed organs is still questionable (Michalski & Ross, 2014). The human parts are complex mechanisms, and it will take some time to understand how to reduplicate their functions. While the work on the reproduction of entire organs is still in the process, the 3D printing is already capable of producing the components of human parts for testing purposes. As soon as the technology is able to print the whole organ, the patients will never have to experience an endless sequence of surgeries and treatments (Michalski & Ross, 2014). With the custom-made organs, they will realize and be assured of a carefully obtained life-saving body part (Michalski & Ross, 2014). Based on a combination of all benefits described above, one can clearly state that 3D printing has a positive impact on the healthcare industry. Simultaneously, it increases the quality of services, meets the expectations of the patients, and makes the medical assistance more personalized.

Artificial Intelligence

The implementation of artificial intelligence systems into the medical practice can be rationally explained by the endless help that it offers. It is presently able to train medical students, manage the treatment of most of the illnesses, and serve as a diagnostic aid to the healthcare professionals. The first ever artificial intelligence system has been used at the medical college (Peek, Morales, & Peleg, 2015). The mainframe has developed into an unbelievably strong diagnostic assistant, as now it is full of data from periodical articles, medical workbooks, and authentic evidence gathered from patient consultations (Peek et al., 2015). Using this approach not only enhances the effectiveness of diagnosis but also can be applied for the educational purposes. It creates favorable learning conditions for students (Chaudri, Gunning, Lane, & Rochelle, 2013). At the same time, it can assist them in applying theoretical knowledge into practice with the help of simulators and various case studies (Chaudri et al., 2013). Taking advantage of these aspects is critical for the medical sphere. Consequently, one cannot underestimate the impact of the artificial intelligence on the learning outcomes of the students in the medical and healthcare segments.

In turn, the artificial intelligence can have a positive influence on the improvement of treatment and the quality of the healthcare. Thus, this innovation highly takes advantage of the modern technology, and it is actively present on the screens of smartphones. For instance, the diagnostic instruments and tools are now available on various electronic devices such as smartphones and tablets (Peek et al., 2015). At the same time, the diagnostic verdict sustenance instrument is available for the patients for free (Peek et al., 2015). It could be said that actively employing this tool will have a beneficial impact on the accuracy of diagnosis. It is widely known that using information technology systems minimizes the percentage of medical errors, and, eventually, enhances the effectiveness of the prescribed treatment (Agrawal, 2009). At the same time, it gives patients a possibility to discover process from different angles and understand the nature of the applied interventions. Nonetheless, despite the well-defined benefits in this sphere, the inadequate application of technology can be a primary cause of mistakes leading to negative consequences. In this case, one has to be carefully educated about the usage of this tool to minimize errors and optimize the possibilities of intervention.

The future of this technological development are predestined to be successful (Peek et al., 2015). It remains apparent that in the nearest future, it will be possible to use the describe mainframes freely and evaluate high volumes of data simultaneously. It could be said that the doctors will be able to consider all of the patient’s symptoms, biometric statistics, personal facts and individual information (for instance, the patient’s diet or habits) and the complete genome (Peek et al., 2015). Taking advantage of this novelty will pertain to the well-defined and detailed diagnosis, as the majority of the medical errors will be avoided. At the same time, considering individual preferences of a patient will help enhance the overall quality of the healthcare and the overall processes more patient-centered. Respecting the needs of the patients and paying simultaneous attention to medical symptoms are the key definers of success in healthcare, and one cannot underestimate their importance. Eventually, with artificial intelligence, the medicine will be promoted to a new level of healthcare quality.

Use of Robotics in Medicine

The use of robotics in medicine is the trend that strengthens its position among medical workers, as it has proven to be undoubtedly helpful and proficient. Today, the robotics can be used for everything from distributing medications to collecting dirty laundry. In this case, one of the most vivid examples is the implementation of a surgical assistant that already performed more than 25000 of operations since its launch in 2000 (Doarn & Merrell, 2015). Thus, it helps the surgeon be more focused on the work and pay critical attention to the details. At the same time, innovative technology such as nanorobots is also rising in popularity in the medical sphere. One of the examples is the fact that the researchers try to improve transferability of the robots in the human blood (Manjunath & Kishore, 2014). This matter will increase the capabilities of doctors to have internal access to different organs. At the same time, granting the robots skill to transform into the blood cells will improve the overall functioning of the immunity system (Manjunath & Kishore, 2014). Consequently, the tendency of incorporating the robotics into medicine will most likely continue. These examples reveal that robots are becoming essential parts of everyday activities. A similar situation occurs in the medical sphere, as the medical diagnosis becomes more accurate, and this novelty extends the opportunities for healthcare.

Another advantage of using robots in the medical sphere is its cost-effectiveness. Nowadays, the hospital robots are engaged in the healthcare segment and are involved an extended variety of jobs starting from easy tasks and finishing with complex assignments (Doarn & Merrell, 2015). It could be said that managerial authorities tend to engage more and more robots in the regular duties. Thus, the rising trust in technology is one of the drivers for their popularity. At the same time, another reason is the reduced labor costs. Employing robots is more cost-effective, as it is required to pay three times less than for the human medical workers (Doarn & Merrell, 2015). It could be said that these facts underline the need to utilize robots in the medical sphere due to their suitable price-to-quality ratio.

Lastly, exoskeletons have also made its way to the marketplace and gained their share in the medical segment. Initially, an exoskeleton is a kind of an exterior robot that is fastened to the human body (Doarn & Merrell, 2015). It could be said that its unique framework and design assist in restoring the patients from traumas and help them regain the opportunity to walk and function as an independent individual (Doarn & Merrell, 2015). It aims at improving the possibilities of the human body and assists the patients in need. For instance, recently, one American company presented the first exoskeleton that permits paraplegics to restore their motoric function and walk autonomously (Doarn & Merrell, 2015). This innovation is a clear advancement in healthcare, as it gives an opportunity for the patients to live independently without being reliant on their relatives and medical personnel.


In the end, it remains apparent that modern technology is an essential part of the daily activities. One cannot image his/her everyday routine without a smartphone or other gadgets. In this case, the essay revealed that technological development has a positive influence on the healthcare industry and medical sphere. Despite being often associated with high costs, it enhances the quality of the provided services, improves the possibilities of healthcare, and causes a breakthrough in bioengineering and transplantation practices.

In the context of the presented essay, artificial intelligence, robotics, and 3D printing are the most influential aspects of medical research and practice. 3D printing revolutionizes transplantation of organs and increases the possibility of printing them quickly. In turn, artificial intelligence has a positive impact on the educational processes and decreases the percentages of medical errors in diagnosis. As for robotics, this innovation optimizes labor costs and increases the overall possibilities of healthcare. To summarize the findings, one can clearly state that the development of technology advances the medical research and practices. It could be said that taking advantage of the described novelties will enhance medical research and bring the healthcare to a new level.


Agrawal, A. (2009). Medication errors: Prevention using information technology systems. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 67(6), 681-686. 

Chaudri, V., Gunning, D., Lane, H., & Rochelle, J. (2013). Intelligent learning technologies: Applications of artificial intelligence to contemporary and emerging educational challenges. AI Magazine, 34(3), 10-12.

Doarn, C., & Merrell, R. (2015). Robotics in medicine. Telemedicine and E-Health, 21(9), 695-696. Web.

Greene, S., Tuzzio, L., & Cherkin, D. (2012). A framework for making patient-centered care front and center. The Permanente Journal, 16(3), 49-53.

Kumar, K. (2011). Technology and healthcare costs. Annals of Pediatric Cardiology, 4(1), 84-86. 

Manjunath, A., & Kishore, V. (2014). The promising future in medicine: Nanorobotics. Biomedical Science & Engineering, 2(2), 42-47. Web.

Michalski, M., & Ross, J. (2014). The shape of things to come: 3D printing in medicine. JAMA, 312(21), 2213. 

Peek, N., Morales, R., & Peleg, M. (2015). Artificial intelligence in medicine AIME 2013. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 65(1), 1-3. Web.

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