The Interrelation of Teams and Conflict

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The process of working collaboratively with a group of people in order to achieve a goal is referred as team. Teamwork is often a very crucial part of any business irrespective of its geographical location, as it is very necessary for employees to work well together, trying their level best in any circumstances. Teamwork means that people should cooperate, using their individual skills and providing feedbacks, despite any personal conflict between individual. While academic research on teams and teamwork has grown consistently and has shown a sharp increase over the past few decades. In earlier times the teams were not formed the way it is being formed since 20th century, neither the team work uses to take place but with the recent technological improvement & development in terms of skills, knowledge and expertise the trend has changed.

Team becomes more than just collection of people and performing a task, it lies where the performance of the entire team should be more than an individual could have done. Social scientists have identified many different types of teams. In general, teams either act as information processors, or take on a more active role in the task and perform activities. Various types of teams which are categorised by subject such as Actions team, Multi-Cultural Team, Virtual team, Command team, Project team etc. As the competition is increasing and the world is becoming one team due to globalization in work culture. Then the virtual teams come in play a key role in catering to demand of today’s work process. Virtual teams consisting of teammates from different geographical locations making a diverse team which is built on the ideologies of trust, collaboration, motivation, autonomy and communication. This concept helps the companies to use the best and lowest- cost global talent for their benefit. Virtual teams, if operating efficiently, provide the organization with a better chance to compete since they facilitate the adaptation to different situations. However, multicultural aspects need to be well integrated, forming an all-star team that works in favour of the organization and becomes a diversification for its customers. Multicultural teams put forward the new way of working with diverse people with new ideas and ideologies in the new globalised developing world.

Team size and team composition affect team processes and team outcomes. The optimal size (and composition) of teams is always debated and will vary depending on the task at hand. Whereas, conflict is a common occurrence on teams. Conflict itself can be defined as antagonistic interactions in which one party tries to block the actions or decisions of another party. Bringing conflicts out where they can be resolved is a very important part of the team leader’s or manager’s job. Conflict is very certain wherever there lies a team. It may be the conflict of the idea, perspective, emotions etc. Not all conflict is negative. Just as some forms of stress can be beneficial, so can some types of conflict can also be beneficial. If conflict is not appropriately managed, it can lead to hostility within the group, poor motivation and morale, resulting in poorer decisions. Other consequences of poorly managed conflict are stress, misallocation of resources, and diminished performance. Affective dimension of conflict, which is defined as personally oriented disagreement focusing on interpersonal dislikes and disaffections. Concluding that it is the affective dimension of conflict that causes problems in decision making. Affective conflict causes problems not only by undermining decision quality and understanding but also by reducing satisfaction and team member affect, which leaves residual consequences that can further reduce TMT effectiveness in the future.

Conflict often arises when team members focus on personal (emotional) issues rather than work (substantive) issues. Also, communication breakdowns play a major role in creating conflict and misunderstandings are exacerbated in virtual teams and teams with cross-cultural members. The project manager should be precise in his expectations from all team members and be easily accessible. When members work independently, it is critical that they understand how their contributions affect the big picture in order to stay motivated. There are various approaches/ styles to handle the conflict in team which work as a tool for the smooth flow of the functioning of the project/task.

Many experts are of the opinion that the conflict should be solved whenever it arises rather than waiting because if the manager/leader tends to wait for something it may likely hamper the overall performance. Conciliators have evolved strategies and techniques to resolve various type of conflicts. Conciliators involves third party which is impartial, non-judgemental into conflicts situations. These parties have depth knowledge into this type of field. They did not pass any judgement or take sides. Their interventions are limited to influence the progress of dispute their expert use of knowledge in conflict environment. The techniques which are used in conflict evolvement is designed to create an environment free space in which parties are free to express themselves so that the main problem can be caught. Secondly their focus shifts to the communications because conflicts are arising due to miscommunications between parties. In this process they encourage parties to listen to what others is sayings and address them own behaviours.

The main conclusion is about how conciliators are creating a method so that the conflicts can be solved easily. The success of a venture is often a reflection of its team’s ability to meld talent and ability in a creative and coordinated fashion. The creation and successful management

of new ventures is often a team effort, shared among individuals representing a diversity of skills and experiences. The open exchange of ideas, the objective assessment of alternatives, and the meticulous contrasting of perspectives produces conflicts out of which creative ideas and solutions emerge. At the same time, such interactions may also produce anger and isolation, which can lead to disaffection and departure by the offended team members. Teams which perform well under uncertain and ambiguous conditions are highly coordinated and flexible. Teams engaging in functional, task-oriented conflict tend to overshined those in which conflict is dysfunctional and personally oriented. Eloquent conflict is thought to negatively impact performance. Firms that had been merged, acquired, gone out of business or for which the top management team could not be identified were excluded. Cohesive teams are more likely to share tacit understandings and values and so move quickly in the consideration of multiple issues without having to revisit underlying assumptions and goals.

In this study, conflict played two important roles in group process: facilitating learning during the distributive period and building consensus during the integrative period. These distributive and integrative cyclical patterns of group conflict extend the results of previous research which indicates that small groups develop through complex cycles of decision-making behaviour The work group in this study did not simply define an overall problem, characterized by a simple exhibition of conflict and resolution rather, the group managed large cycles of conflict and resolution during the initial meetings, followed by decreased, but persistent, cycles of conflict and resolution during the latter meetings. The cycles of conflict were necessary for the team to explore and define a complex set of technical design and project control decisions.

Research substantiates that groups need an initial period to define and clarify issues and to identify group members’ agendas. However, groups typically have a limited amount of time to complete an assigned task. The urgency of the task and the consequences of consensus make group members aware that they should ‘move on’ and solve the task problem. This study suggests that for complex tasks, participants may need to engage in enough distributive behaviours—’kicking the problem around’ to develop a sense of the problem—before they can cooperate. Our methodology offers several benefits for sequentially coding speech acts as interacts to analyse group communication activities progressively over time. Team leaders, group members, and outside consultants must be cognizant of the team’s progress to know when to initiate the transition to cooperative behaviours. Possible interventions to help the group move forward may include summarizing the salient conflicting points, issuing directives, such as stating that the group needs to begin to ‘pull things together,’ or reminding the group of management mandates for timely completion.

As the world is moving towards globalization, a need for speedy change in the trade has risen. The global working system has given an outburst to the new working culture globally. Technology has also played an important while connecting the world to work on same platform by developing the new virtual organization forming virtual teams. Virtual teams work in a complex manner with the changing environment. To keep the virtual teams on right path misunderstanding and miscommunication are to be avoided. A team can be made by having people from a homogenous background or can be diverse in their culture. According to study we see that diversity in culture leads to a better team, indicating the importance of different cultural values and importance leaving a great impact on the understanding of the teammates. The impact of culture lead to the development of a corporate culture. Corporate culture sets the standard for the understanding of the core values, behaviour and values and symbols and languages. The multicultural teams working in a corporate culture can faces different situation. The cases looked upon by the researcher suggests that, the companies having a strong corporate culture with multicultural team gives a better output than those who have a weaken understanding of the working culture. A multicultural team practising this reaches the equilibrium by attain the right balance between the strength and flexibility. The virtual teams portrayed to be a success by the excellent working of the multicultural teams. The conflicts which were noticed had the influence of a single culture dominating the whole working leading to a weak working culture in the organization.

The effect of gathering support frameworks (GSS) on gathering struggle and peace making. The target of GSS is to offer help to gatherings associated with synergistic exercises, for example, thought age, correspondence, or arranging. Scarcely any examinations have inspected GSS impacts over some stretch of time. While most GSSs are very easy to use, they are yet new innovations. This newness might be a debasing impact in GSS inquire about. Further, on account of gatherings that are required to connect with one another over some stretch of time, the improvement of compelling relational practices are similarly significant results. Wrong gathering elements can dissolve gatherings’ trust, assurance and cohesiveness. Gathering struggle and the administration of this contention are significant determinants of such relational practices. Groups show signs of improvement results than an accumulation of people. Since team members share resources and pool information, facilitated groups involvement eater efficiency, use assets more viably, and take care of issues superior to people. Groups are imaginative and creative on the grounds that they empower hierarchical network soul, which thusly releases the intensity of innovative critical thinking Elf. As more workers are getting associated with entire frameworks and groups, the requirement for apparatuses that care group procedures is expanding.

The handling of the conflicts in effective way can bring great significant to the team performance whereas inadequate conflict resolution can create ha great personal or resource cost. These conflicts arise due to the difference in geographical, cognitive or emotional distance. But mainly conflicts arises due to the dealing with other; friend or others person related to the organization.

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