The French and Indian War As a Major Historical Event in America’s History: Analytical Essay

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Jack Wilson is a young catholic Scott Irish boy who lost his mother at age 5 due to the persecution in his motherland. He was born on September 13,1742 in Ulster Ireland. He and his father migrated to America because of the persecution, unemployment, poverty and fear their homeland was offering .In addition because of the 1641 rebellion they had to sold their estates due to poor management and the debts they experience. The 1641 rebellion was an attempted seizure of power by Irish Catholic upper classes, who tried to annex the English ministry in Ireland to force modifications for Catholics. Jack and his father arrived in Boston, later moved to Pennsylvania seeing that it offered accessible ports and religious tolerance. Perceiving that Pennsylvania land space had reduced Jack Wilson and his father next moved south into Virginia. Jacks father Mr. Wilson had told him many stories of all of his mother’s unaccomplished dreams and goals. Mr. Wilson still experienced the feeling of depression and guilt because he knew the desire of coming to a new freedom land his wife possessed.

It was April 1764 an early calm normal morning. Jack and his father where opening their store as usual when one of their close friends came early with the unexpected news. He told them that the British parliament has pass a modified law that will require merchants like them to pay a tax of six copper pennies per gallon for the admission of imported molasses. This law was pass because Britain needed to pay the debt they had after the French and Indian War. When they received this notice, they knew how much this would affect their economy. Jack knew that there needed to be something done as soon as possible.“ But what could we do?” He asks his father. Mr. Wilson could feel his sons’ pressure because he knew they did have the enough funds to pay for this tax. Mr. Wilson told jack that they were going to accept this taxation due to the fact that they needed sugar to make rum. Mr. Wilson declared that they would need to work as twice as hard and just hope that there is no more of this unchivalrous and dishonorable obligatory assessments. As Jacks father had predicted they worked even harder to pay the imposition of this tariff by working in the field, selling newspapers and working with different merchants on the production of iron ore. The situation was rough for many colonists who thought that this situation was unfair. But what could they do if they didn’t have no power in creating a law because they were lacking representatives in the House of Parliament? To pursue with this situation, it was a tough year for jack and his father but what they didn’t know is that there was another bombshell waiting not only for them but for American colonists in the new year of 1765. It was another beautiful afternoon in March, everything seemed to look as usual for Jack and his father since last year’s Sugar Act. They were sitting in their house porch when Rose one of Jacks friends came running as fast as a storm could streak. She was frantic to tell jack and his father something. When she arrived Mr. Wilson told her to take a break and calm down while jack offered her some water. When she was better Jack ask Rose “so what’s the reason for your unspecified visit”. Then she answered with a crucial face “Well my father sends me here to notify you and Mr. Wilson that the British parliament has once more determined to tax the American colonists. The king George has determined that the only way to pay for debt is to tax us with this new tax called the Stamp Act”. Jack and his father’s face turned pale. “So, what exactly is the Stamp Act? Jack asked. “Well” said Rose “From what I have heard from my dad and other people is that we will have to pay for every paper that we buy for example newspapers, letters, playing cards and various forms of documents”. “What in the world do they think we are to make us pay for this!” said Jack.“Mr. Wilson what’s your opinion” said Rose . Mr. Wilson just sat down in a chair and gave a very deep sight. He said the following “You know Jack before your mother died me and her had a lovely acceptable conversation. She told me that in every situation no matter if it’s difficult we should always accept our Gods will. When she was dying, she told me to not feel bad, that there should always be faith on us and that if that’s what needed to happen then we will joyfully accept because at the end there will always be justice.” Jack didn’t quite well agree with what his father said but he accepted this taxation because he respected God and his mom’s wise words. “So, if we proceed from one, we can continue through all the obstacles together and accept what God has send us.” Jack hug his father and Rose and said “Aren’t you guys hungry cause I am.” Everyone started laughing and Rose said, “I invite”.

Many things happen thorough out the years 1700s and 1800s one of the most impacting events were the imposition of taxes by the British parliament on the American colonies. Britain needed to pay for its war overdue payments that were caused by the French and Indian war. The French and Indian war was a major historical event in America’s history. It was a war between Britain and France for the control of the eastern North American. Britain and the colonies were allied while France and the Indian joined forces. Even though Britain was victorious, the war put them in a difficult debt. In this article it describes the major causes of Britain debt, and how it affected the colonists. The primary tax that was imposed in the colonies was the Sugar Act which forced all the colonists to pay a tariff for sugar and molasses like sugars, coffee, and some types of wines. Furthermore, another tariff that was put on the colonists was the stamp act. This tax would require for the colonists to pay a stamp for any legal documents and other possessions. As a result of this act many colonists decided to boycott the parliaments guidelines therefore the British decided to revoke it rather than reinforce it. Innumerable of things happened after this act for example the Townshend Act, The Boston Tea Party, etc. The outcome of this is one of the most remarkable wars in U.S. history “The American Revolution”.

Time has pass since the last British taxation. Now there was a more important problem Jack was going through and it was his father terminal illness. Since his father told him this horrific news, he hasn’t been able to put work in the store. He has been more focus taking care of his father that hasn’t worried about the issues going on around him. One afternoon Rose and and Jack were talking over all of the unexpected things that happen throughout this years. He could feel that Rose was nervous and that she was hiding something from him “but what could it be” Jack though to himself . With determination he ask Rose “So what’s your worry?”, then Rose responded “I didn’t want to worry you more because I know what you are going through with your father. But there has been another tax imposed to us . This taxation is requiring ous to pay a tariff for paint, paper,glass, and tea.” Jack started crying he was devastated because he knew that the store in honor of his mom will undoubtedly had to close . There were no more savings all of the money had been going into his father health. Jack knew his father will be very disappointed with this news due to the fact that Mr. Wilson was the one who proposed the opening of this building in memory of his wife. There was no turning back he went into his father room and told him the told him the condition. His father just smile and told him “You know son, I decided to open the store just so that I could feel your mother always close to me. Now that I know I am leaving with her soon, I will not needed”. Jack started crying again. “Don’t cry my boy , It was God’s will that this would happen. You are a strong person who will go through every obstacle victorious, and plus you have many people who support you specially Rose. I want you to be happy and to always remember that justice will soon take place.” Jack hug his father and stayed with him the rest of the night.

Eight years have pass since Mr. Wilson’s death. Many things happen during this time period for example Jack and Rose got married and had a little boy who they named Wilson after Jacks Father, and also Jack joined the continental army and now works together with George Washington. These past days there has been rumors of war between people from different colonies. The colonists are tired of having to pay for British taxation .The only final solution for the colonists to save their independence was fighting for it. Jack and Rose had already converse on the this topic. Rose was aware of the consequences this could bring to Jack. She knew that no matter what happen to Jack, she had to defend his son from the world. It was late at night when they knocked on the front door of Jack’s house. He was an army companion who came to let Jack know that tomorrow they would be heading towards Massachusetts. Jack knew that the war was about to happen and that it was Gods will. Jack dismissed his friend and entered his house with his wife and son. He hugged them both and said ‘Finally justice.’ Rose was a very strong woman who supported her husband. With a tear falling from her eye s he said resignedly “Do what you have to do that me and your son will always be here waiting for you with the victory. As predicted Jack left early in the morning with a confident soul.

It’s been days since Jack left his family to join the Continental Army. Rose and her son lead a normal life with the hope of knowing what happened to their relative. One day the most famous news of the moment surrounded the colonists ‘Shot Heard Round the World.’ This famous phrase represented the first shot in Concord that determined the beginning of the American Revolution. Years later an unfortunate news reached Rose’s ears. Jack was wounded in the last battle of Yorktown by a bullet and nothing could be done for him. He died within a few minutes but left a message to his wife and son that reminded them that it is always God who decides what happens to us and that justice will come sooner or later. This time justice favored the American colonists who not only won the Revolution against the British but also won the independence of their nation. Now it was time for Jack to meet his parents. And it was his son’s duty to secure his legend. His son Wilson and his wife Rose decided to honor Jack’s memory and opened a store that they named after his favorite and last phrase ‘finally justice’.

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