Teen Driving: Annotated Bibliography

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Should the Driving age be raised?

Annotated Bibliography

Source 1

Citation: Steinberg, Laurence. ‘Brain Development Limits the Decision-Making Skills of Teen Drivers.’ Teen Driving, edited by Michele Siuda Jacques, Greenhaven Press, 2013. At Issue.

Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints, https://link.gale.com/apps/doc/EJ3010521227/GPS?u=cchs_main&sid=GPS&xid=eaa24bf8. Accessed 21 Jan. 2020. Originally published as ‘Brain Development Science Sheds Light on Teen Driving,’ Edmunds Auto Observer, 25 Feb. 2011.

Type of source: Article

Relevance: The relevance Of this article is that many people think that inexperience is the reason automobile accidents are the leading cause of death and disabilities in many teens around the world, but they’re wrong. Really the main reason why there’s teen accidents is the prefrontal cortex in the brain which makes important decisions isn’t developed yet in teens.

Summary: Inexperience is not the sole reason automobile accidents are the leading cause of death and disability for teenagers. Science plays also plays a very key role. Scientists these days are using imaging technology to see inside the brain and watch what happens when adolescents weigh reward versus risk. The prefrontal cortex helps process very complex decisions, it undergoes massive changes during adolescence. Brain immaturity is the reason teens cannot properly gauge danger in the face of achieving pleasure and excitement. For most teens nothing stands in the way of the pursuit of pleasure until the brain matures and is able to balance risk and reward.

Source 2:

Citation: Insurance Institute for Highway Safety: 10 States Could Reduce Teen Fatal Crash Rates by Half with Stronger Licensing Laws.’ Entertainment Close-up, 11 Apr. 2015. G

ale General OneFile, https://link.gale.com/apps/doc/A409146501/GPS?u=cchs_main&sid=GPS&xid=c03e0eaf. Accessed 21 Jan. 2020.

Type of Source: Article

Relevance: The relevance Of this article is that according to a media source 10 states in the U.S could more than halve decrease the rate of crashes between 15 and 17 year olds by adopting the five strongest GDL provisions. By making the GDL provisions laws stronger it could reduce the death of teens on the roads.

Summary: According to a media source release, at least 10 states in the US could more than halve or nearly reduce their rate of fatal crashes among 15 to 17 year olds. They can do this only if they adopted the five strongest GDL provisions. A new insurance institute for Highway Safety analysis shows this data. Separately a new IIHS study of GDL laws shows that progress on enhancing the most effective provisions of GDL has slowed. In recent years most revisions to young driver laws have addressed driver cell phone use and texting while other provisions are known to promote big safety benefits have seen little change. So by making the GDL provisions stronger it could make the teen death rates on the road decrease.

Source 3

Citation: Push to slam brakes on teen drivers.’ Sun-Herald [Sydney, Australia], 12 Oct. 2014, p. 6.

Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints, https://link.gale.com/apps/doc/A385501610/GPS?u=cchs_main&sid=GPS&xid=82866ca5. Accessed 21 Jan. 2020.

Type of source: Article

Relevance: The relevance Of this source is that the newly licensed driver plate age should be raised, and a nighttime curfew should be placed on a new and experienced driver. These things will decrease the number of deaths in teen driving accidents.

Summary: The p-plate age should be raised, a night time curfew should be placed on novice drivers and new drivers should be banned from carrying more than one passenger. A researcher has recommended these claims after studying the high rates of young driver deaths. Although young driver crashes have decreased significantly in NSW they still account for 24 per cent of road facilities in the state but make up just 16 per cent of all drivers. New drivers continued to die at nearly twice the rate of other drivers, said a researcher named Dr. Birdie Scott-Parker. Dr. Birdie Scott-Parker cares about this topic because she called for more to be done to prevent these deaths. Many new P-players are still unprepared for solo driving, her latest research based on interviews with new P-platers shows.

Source 4

Citation: Lund, Adrian, and Alex Koroknay-Palicz. ‘Should the driving age be raised? More than 5,000 teenagers die each year in car accidents. Some say they’re getting behind the wheel too early.’ New York Times Upfront, 4 May 2009, p. 28.

Gale In Context: High School, https://link.gale.com/apps/doc/A199683359/GPS?u=cchs_main&sid=GPS&xid=cf22aaf6. Accessed 4 Feb. 2020.

Type of Source: Article

Relevance: Yes the driving age should be raised because if even only raising to driving age by 1 to 2 years can limit the deaths of drivers. This article states that it may be tough for teens to wait longer to drive, but it will reduce deaths.

Summary: Yes the driving age should be increased.

Although many teenagaers don’t like the idea of waiting longer to get their licenses, raising the driving age to 17 or 18 would reduce crashes involving young drivers and in return save people’s lives. One year the Insurance Institute of Highway safety conducted a review of research on the subject. The data clearly indicates that an older driving age substantially reduces crash rates for younger drivers. People who say that teens need to be more educated about driving before they get on the road, but studies show otherwise. Studies show that teens who take driver’s education to those who don’t, don’t show any difference about teen deaths on the road. Ultimately teens who drive at a later date are less likely to get into crashes during their first years on the road.

Source 5

Citation: Lund, Adrian, and Alex Koroknay-Palicz. ‘Should the driving age be raised? More than 5,000 teenagers die each year in car accidents. Some say they’re getting behind the wheel too early.’ New York Times Upfront, 4 May 2009, p. 28.

Gale In Context: High School, https://link.gale.com/apps/doc/A199683359/GPS?u=cchs_main&sid=GPS&xid=cf22aaf6. Accessed 4 Feb. 2020.

Type of source: Article

Relevance: No the driving age shouldn’t be raised because first of all according to the article even reducing the age and number of deaths in crashes is very difficult. The article also defends teens by saying those who want to raise the driving age have blamed the teens guilty on the road without some of them even getting into a car and driving yet.

Summary: No the driving age shouldn’t be increased

Traffic accidents are a big problem in the United States. In 2007, there were more than six million accidents on America’s roads which resulted in more than 40,000 deaths. There is an entire Federal agency, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration which is devoted to reducing these numbers of deaths but it has proven to be very difficult. It’s easy for politicians and interest groups to put the blame on younger people, who can’t fight back. Blame a group that doesn’t have high-powered lobbyists to defend them. Blame a group of people who can’t even vote.

Source 6:

Citation: Teen Driving.’ Gale Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection, Gale, 2019.

Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints, https://link.gale.com/apps/doc/PC3010999177/GPS?u=cchs_main&sid=GPS&xid=75c4dcae. Accessed 21 Jan. 2020.

Type of Source: Article

Relevance: The relevance of this topic is that the driving age needs to be raised because of motor vehicle crashes. Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of teen deaths, studies show that teens will get involved in a motor vehicle crash in the first years they’re on the road.

Summary: According to the Us Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for young Americans between the ages of sixteen and nineteen. The National Safety Council has stated that half of all US teens will be involved in a car accident before they graduate from high school. This statement is true because of errors in driver judgement related to inexperience. CDC data shows that 2,433 American teens were killed in car accidents in 2016, while a further 292,742 were treated in hospital emergency rooms for injuries sustained in motor vehicle crashes. From an economic standpoint, teen drivers accounted for 13.6 billion dollars in costs resulting from car accident injuries in 2016. Although all these numbers are high, new tools for improving teen driving are in the making.

Source 7:

Citation: Davis, Robert. ‘The Driving Age Should Be Increased.’ Teen Driving, edited by Louise Gerdes, Greenhaven Press, 2008. At Issue.

Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints, https://link.gale.com/apps/doc/EJ3010521211/GPS?u=cchs_main&sid=GPS&xid=2db93661. Accessed 21 Jan. 2020. Originally published as ‘Is 16 Too Young to Drive a Car?’ www.USAToday.com, 2005.

Type of Source: Article

Relevance: The relevance of this article is that many Americans believe that increasing the driving age would reduce the deaths of teens in motor vehicle accidents. American citizens aren’t just the only ones wanting this idea to be in action, but also many health experts in America.

Summary: A growing number of Americans believe that increasing the driving age would reduce the epidemic of fatal teen-driving accidents. Many brain researchers and safety experts agree with this statement. Evidence reveals for example that a 16 year old brain is not completely developed. When teens are speeding their brain’s thrill center is working perfectly but the part of their brain risks is not fully developed. Since a record number of teens will soon be driving, the time to increase the driving age and avert fatal car crashes is now. The idea of raising the driving age is gaining momentum in the fight to save the lives of teen drivers.

Source 8:

Citation: Katz, Francine. ‘Underage Drunk Driving Has Decreased.’ Cars in America, edited by Andrea C. Nakaya, Greenhaven Press, 2006.

Opposing Viewpoints. Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints, https://link.gale.com/apps/doc/EJ3010429223/GPS?u=cchs_main&sid=GPS&xid=1975e88c. Accessed 24 Jan. 2020. Originally published as ‘Testimony before the U.S. House Subcommittee on Education Reform, Committee on Education,’ 2004.

Type of Source: Article

Relevance: The relevance of this article is it’s important for people to know that the numbers of teens who drink and drive has decreased. The reason why the article states that the teen drinking and driving age has decreased is because many teens around the world are making the right decision to not drink and drive, because of this many teen lives are saved.

Summary: It is important to cite the progress that has been made on this topic of teen drunk driving to let parents know their efforts are working, and to salute teens who are making the right decision. Many teens around the world are making the right decision to not drink while driving. Teen drinking and driving fatalities have declined significantly over the last 20 years, according to the US Department of Health and Human Services. Studies show that 82 percent of adolescents today do not drink any alcohol products. This data shows that 20 million adolescents are doing the right thing by not drinking alcohol and not driving in their cars while doing so. It is important for people to know this topic and data to be able to stop making excuses for the deaths of teens drinking and driving.

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