Globalization and Cultural Knowledge of China

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China is growing at an unprecedented rate in the history of the world. It stands to cause ripples in the world as its presence in various aspects of the global economy grows. The policies that the Chinese government makes going into the future have to reflect on a globalization approach contrary to its former policies of isolation. The political uprisings as witnessed in the Sudan, global warming and pollution have now to be taken into consideration in its policy. China is keen on establishing a dominant role in Asia to secure its raw material hunger. It has grown to become Australia’s major trading partner. Globally, it has now become the world’s top energy consumer (Appiah, 2006).

Citizen of the world

This refers to a person who goes against the world’s current geopolitical demarcation. Instead, they view the world as one where the citizens need to co-exist, be governed by universal acceptable law, and appreciate each other’s diversity. Cosmopolitanism is an ideology that gives backbone to the world citizenry model. It portrays human beings to be having similar moral views and common community background. It doesn’t refer to the boundaries but relies more on the relationship between nations or people of different nationalities. Cosmopolitan involves mutual respect among the people who share it (Broinowski, 2003).

Chinese as other people, first are world citizens and have moved on to become cosmopolites. China’s rising economic might has positioned it to establish an economic relationship with many nations across the world. It’s in the realization that through attaining peaceful coexistence that a nation, can develop. No single country can prosper in isolation at this age (Broinowski, 2003). China imports a lot of goods from Australia.

The two countries’ economic relations have benefited both of them with China in need of the raw material. China also has invested heavily in Australian companies. This has led to a stronger Australian economy with additional jobs for the people hence a creating mutual dependence relationship. There are over half a million people of Chinese origin that reside in Australia. This moves from the economic, to reflect on a social relationship.

China’s rise in power gives it an appetite for regional influence. It, however, is detached to Asian events that do not reflect on its interests. It has developed an open policy for the whole world. It is not only interested in developed countries but in developing ones too.

The virtue of being cosmopolitan opens up a country to the risks that come from dealing with other regions and countries. This is tackled through regional economic cooperation. China has signed the ASEAN a free trade Asian zone and another one with Taiwan. In the world arena, it offers an available market of its economically rising one billion-plus population. It is still far in terms of the basic services ranking in the developed western world and is at the same time playing catch up.

This nation has benefited more than any country from globalization but on its security responsibility as a citizen of the world, it has not done so well. The cases of Iran and Sudan reflect its lack of global responsibility by using the excuse of the non-intervention policy of not wanting to meddle in another country’s affairs (Broinowski, 2003).


As more people continue to migrate in and out of China, it is increasingly becoming a diverse rich country. Initially, the people of this country practiced closed cosmopolitanism. This meant they were a locked upcountry with an attitude that was only favorable for locals. With diversity, there is a rise in people from different religions and races. China’s identity as a Nation has changed largely due to its rise in economic status.

Asian countries, as well as Australia, have witnessed a new working relationship with China keen on maintaining its international reputation. China views the international community as a vital guarantee of its interests than a risk to its interests. Its culture has transformed from conflictual to a more cooperative one in dealing with the other players. China is working hard to improve its identity on the global platform. The Communist Party unites people, being able to inspire them from an inferior weak position to loyal proud people. With the new diversity of the people of the Republic of China are learning how to live amicably with other societies as they practice it from their cities (Burke, 2008).

Values and culture

Confucianism values have dictated the Chinese culture for over two thousand years. It disappeared at the end of imperialism but still maintains an ethical presence. It promoted the social culture of self-cultivation, mutual responsibility, and self-transcendence. Christianity has been gaining foothold coming from its new diverse composition. With a more developed cultural literacy, the business model of learning other people’s cultures fast and then engaging them with a non-interference policy has helped in the economic rise. Cultural literacy is the understanding of systems that rule a group of people and being able to negotiate them (Broinowski, 2003).

For a serious player in the global economic arena, one needs to master culture. By learning about culture one can recognize it when you see it. The process, through which the citizenry may form skills of cultural appreciation, is by first being alienated to their own culture. Inquiring of the cultural symbolism that is practiced in society, and the significance it poses to the people’s lives. These skills will help in learning and appreciating other people’s cultures and aid in the ease of adapting oneself to them. Engaging with other people of a different culture is not always easy or peaceful. It is characterized by fear, violence, colonization, and exploitation (Burke, 2008).


Globalization and cultural knowledge do help a nation’s citizenry understand how other people view them and place them in an easier position to know how to respond. Embracing cosmopolitanism helps integrate people of different nationalities and eradicate the common challenges that humanity faces. We need to all view ourselves first as citizens of the world and learn to appreciate each other’s diversity. Education is a powerful tool that is used to enhance China’s relations with Australia, Asia, and the world.

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