Comparative Analysis of Tulsi Gabbard’s, Joe Biden’s, and Donald Trump’s Views on Health Care, Education and Criminal Justice Reform Policies

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Health Care Policy:

Tulsi Gabbard:

Tulsi Gabbard has many viewpoints on health care. She believes in revising the ACA and Coverage Expansion, believing that there should be universal coverage “public option.” She believes in finding international drug prices and matching, and reducing the cost of Medicare. She is pro-choice, stating women should have the full choice over their own bodies. She believes in Medicare for all without eliminating private insurance and opposes repealing Obamacare. She states: ‘In my home state of Hawaiʻi, hospitalizations and emergency room visits for opioid-related conditions have more than doubled in the last decade. More people are now dying from overdoses than motor vehicle accidents. This opioid epidemic is killing 91 Americans all across this country every single day.’ (Tulsi Gabbard, 2017).

Joe Biden:

Working with Obama has given Joe Biden a hands on experience with the problems America faces regarding healthcare. Biden stood by Obama’s side when he signed the Affordable Care Act into law. Biden plans to protect the Affordable Care Act, wanting to give Americans an insurance like Medicare that is accessible to all but with the ACA incorporated. Biden is a Catholic but believes abortion should still be legal. He reversed his position on the Hyde Amendment, which prohibits federal funds from providing for abortions. He now supports federal funding for abortions. Concerning immigration, he has not mentioned much but wants to expand funding for community health centers that accept people regardless of immigration status.

Donald Trump:

Trump’s main advocacy in the healthcare area is repealing the Affordable Care Act, known as “Obamacare.” Instead, Trump plans to replace it with a “free-market system” (Business Insider). According to the RAND corporation, Trump’s healthcare plan would have resulted in 15-25 million fewer people having health insurance, and a significant increase in the margins of the federal deficit. Although Trump has not been successful in repealing the ACA, he has weakened it notably.

Trump has made many promises through his campaign in the healthcare industry. One of his main promises was to get consumers to purchase drugs for the best value, requiring providers to post prices for their products. He has also promised to allow people to buy drugs overseas. This would ultimately have drugs be at international prices. Trump has also stopped reimbursing insurers who waived deductibles and copayments. Since then, insurance companies are raising customer’s premiums by 20%. There are positives and negatives to Trump’s promises, and a medium has yet to be found that is beneficial for all.

Education Policy:

Tulsi Gabbard:

Concerning education, Tulsi Gabbard supports increasing education funding to where college is free. This originated from Bernie Sanders’ legislation to remove undergraduate tuition in college, which she is a strong supporter of. She wants to target public colleges that make up to $125,000 a year. She wants to protect funding for education programs, especially for disadvantaged children. She believes in increasing STEAM opportunities for students and investing in early education in general.

Joe Biden:

Joe Biden opposes for-profit charter schools. He believes that public school education funding should take precedence, as more students attend and should be given the same opportunities. Biden believes in making the first two years of college free, and student debt plans should be expanded. In October he released a $750 billion plan that would make the first two years of community college free. He believes in increasing funding for educators as they are ultimately shaping a student’s knowledge. Biden is also a strong advocate for universal kindergarten and pre-K.

Donald Trump:

Trump’s campaign has not been notably focused on education compared to other areas. However, he has indicated his interest to eliminate Common Core, and his support for Charter schools. He claims education spending is a priority, but his proposed budget for the 2018 year cut funding for education by ~13%.

Many claim that his education budget completely overlooks the true needs of students in public schools. The administration has also included another proposal to implement private school vouchers into the federal budget, allowing $5 billion in federal tax credits for private school scholarships. Many deem this as unfair, and all expenses should be going towards public education, especially for schools who need additional help with expenses. Trump Administration claims budget cuts are necessary for popular programs such as the after-school programs as well as programs supporting healthy and safe schools.

Criminal Justice Reform Policy:

Tulsi Gabbard:

Tulsi is a strong advocate for criminal justice reform. She wants to fix the “broken criminal justice system.” She believes in the federal decriminalization of Marijuana, and get rid of the barriers to the hemp industry which would create jobs and help the economy. She is a cosponsor of the SAFE Justice Act which reduces sentence minimums for non-violent drug offenders. Gabbard also wants to act on the Juvenile Justice System, helping youth have a stable life after Juvenile detention. She desires to give them a “community-based system of support.” Gabbard also has strong view points on Human Trafficking Survivor Empowerment, introducing the Trafficking Survivors Relief Act to clear criminal records of survivors to trafficking victims.

Joe Biden:

Biden has supported many bills that eliminate minimum sentences for drug offenders during his time as the top Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee. He planned to create a $20 billion grant program that would reduce incarceration and crime in states significantly. He also believes in reforming the police, and facing crime hands-on, hoping to fine and abolish the primary source so crime rates will decrease. He defends his role in supporting the 1994 crime bill, which Democrats often oppose. He does not believe in legalizing marijuana and views it as a “gateway drug.” However, his campaign has changed his views and says he will decriminalize the use, and allow states to choose their own rules about recreational use.

Donald Trump:

One of the main reasons Donald Trump is so popular and successful with his campaign is because he resonates so well with traditional American citizens who go strictly by the book. In terms of criminal justice reform, Trump is known to be a “law and order” president and wants people to learn from their mistakes from their time in prison. However, during his Presidency, he has signed the First Step Act, a bill made to reduce recidivism, and give inmates a second chance at education, jobs, and rehab programs for those in need.

One of Trump’s most recognized cases was the case of Alice Johnson. Alice Johnson got life without parole for a first time non-violent drug offense. Kim Kardashian-West, a well known celebrity and lawyer, pleaded her case during an Oval Office meeting with Trump. Kardashian-West fought hard for Johnson, as Johnson had already served 21 years behind bars and been a model prisoner and took responsibility for her actions. Soon after, Trump commuted Johnson’s sentence and gave her a second chance to better herself from here on. The case sparked major media coverage, and gained Trump some likeableness.

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