Causes And Types Of Workplace Deviance

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In the past years we have witnessed an increase in the unethical behavior displayed by employees working in organizations, behaviors such as theft, treating coworkers badly, not giving their best working and so on. These behaviors are a massive concern for everyone around the globe.

Workplace deviance

The workplace deviance means action desire to cause harm to the company maybe the action described as the deliberate, voluntary behavior that exceeds institutionalized expectations and thus compromises the organization’s well-being. workers often create expectations for their organizations, when the expectations not met workers maybe make psychological contracts with their organization. This psychological contract ‘breach’ then poses potential problems, especially in the workplace.

Workplace deviance can result from the belief of the employee that his or her organization has in some way mistreated him or her. Employees often turn to misbehaving (or acting out) as way of revenge for alleged wrongdoing with their company.

Type of workplace deviance

the last five years had an interest in the company’s non-moral behavior. the intrinsic risks of unethical business practices have been brought to the public’s attention; thus, workplace anomalies such as avoiding commitment and coworker harassment are a pressing issue for most organizations. deviating conduct in the workplace is becoming a source of great concern throughout the companies. Public attention has been drawn to the inherent dangers of unethical business practices; thus, deviances of staff, such as avoiding commitment and ill-treatment of subordinates, are a pressing issue for most organizations.

Deviant behavior in the workplace is becoming a source of great concern throughout the world.

Concept of workplace deviance

Workplace deviance has also been described as a voluntary activity that breaches major corporate norms and thus undermines the organization’s well-being, its employees, or both.

You should remember that there is a great deal of theoretical similarity between workplace deviance and workplace violence, as both intention and purpose are aggressive. Several critical parts, despite several commonalities.

Production Deviance

  • conduct that is counterproductive to the quality and quantity of work produced.
  • Leaving work early
  • Excessive breaks
  • Intentionally working slowly
  • Wasting money
  • absenteeism
  • lateness
  • avoiding effort

Asset deviance

  • Unethical activity enlivens the assets or goods of the company
  • Sabotage equipment
  • Acceptance of bribes
  • Lying about working hours
  • Business fraud
  • robbery
  • vandalism

Political deviance

  • Using one’s power to hurt others in the business
  • Favoritism
  • Gossiping about coworkers
  • Blaming coworkers
  • Non-beneficially competing
  • spreading gossip
  • backstabbing

Personal hostility

  • Hostile or violent acts abusing others
  • sexual harassment
  • verbal abuse
  • coworkers cheating
  • endangering coworkers
  • physical assault

Personal Aggressive Behavior

The deviance from personal aggressive behavior at work can take the form of aggressive behavior. Common examples include sexual harassment, bullying, and open hostility towards employees. When employees show intolerance towards co-workers of different nationalities or cultures, deviance can occur in different work environments. In work situations, such as building, where security is paramount

Unproductive Behavior

Another example of deviance from the workplace is behavior that prevents or decreases productivity. Workers who spend time standing around the water cooler, taking the ‘scenic route’ when making sales calls or extending the time it takes to complete a task will hamper productivity, which will cost the company cash. Certain examples include late work, sick calling, sneaking out when in perfect health

Abuse of Property

Employees who misuse the property of the company commit deviant actions. Examples include workers who use company vehicles when personal errands are prohibited, who harm company equipment, or who deface work areas. Property abuse may also take the form of outright theft, such as taking home office supplies from workers or refusing to return items they borrowed from the company. Employees who are employed.

Company Politics

The ‘business rule’ game takes place in many workplaces and can be considered a form of deviance from the workplace. An employee can spread false rumors or gossip about someone else in order to gain a promotion or a more favorable job. A deviant act is also committed by managers who unfairly favor one worker over another or discourage worthy workers from advancing their careers. Employees who are monitoring.

Causes of workplace deviance

The aim of this paper is to analyze the effect of negative deviant workplace behaviors–those that breach organizational standards, policies or internal rules–as well as positive deviant workplace behaviors–on organizations that honorably follow them. The reasons people participate in such behaviors and some of the reasons why organizations require such behaviors.

Detailed explanation and highlight key examples of workplace deviance

Workplace deviance could be defined as the act of either actively or passively causing problems to sabotage the organization, mainly it is divided into two levels an interpersonal or an organizational level, the severity could be minor or serious.

In the case of interpersonal deviance employees target relationship level sabotage through gossiping and speaking badly behind other employees’ back. As for the organizational deviance employees take actions that could affect the organization badly for instance being late to work or absence or stealing from work and so on…

An employee could passively be harming the organization through silence if they have malicious intents to destroy the organization’s image or the organization as a whole. Deviance doesn’t necessarily have to be aggressive; it could be just unproductive which is still a negative behavior. In the aggressive behavior may occur when employees initiate violence of any kind, stealing, sabotaging property, assets, spreading bad words, obstructing work, or initiate strikes. And when it comes to the unproductive side of this matter when employees choose not to do their job properly, effectively, or efficiently. Handing their work late, or incomplete.

Being late to work or leaving work early for whatever reason, taking long breaks when there still is work that’s undone and awaiting, working slow on purpose, and sleeping on the job, these are all examples of production deviance. When it comes to sabotaging the organization’s property, stealing from the job, damaging company equipment, these are considered to be Property deviance. When employees or employers choose to take the actions of favoritism which a kind of discrimination towards employees, spreading rumors about others, falsely blaming others for things they didn’t do or actions they didn’t take, are part of political deviance. When it comes to Sexual harassment, verbal abuse, and workplace violence these are considered to be some kind of personal aggression.


There are so many steps an organizations can take to decrease the amount of organizational deviance. organizations can choose carefully whom they choose to hire by selecting potentially good employees that are professional. Using old employees as a Reference it is a good index of past deviant behaviors and potential unethical tendencies, but it might be difficult to get ahold of the true reason an employee is making these actions,. Separate from the hiring process, employers should give their employees the reason to remain disciplined by applying organizational justice to avoid future deviant behaviors.


Workers may participate in a wide range of inefficient, harmful, antisocial, and deviant job behaviors. Often accepted are articles on counter productivity legal and ethical issues and applicant and other stakeholder reactions to the organizational use of counter productivity selection systems. It is desired to submit theoretical work synthesizing and expanding existing literature as well as manuscripts providing empirical investigations into measurement and prediction. The workplace deviance means action desire to cause harm to the company maybe the action described as the deliberate, voluntary behavior that exceeds institutionalized expectations and thus compromises the organization’s well-being.

Workplace deviance has also been described as a voluntary activity that breaches major corporate norms and thus undermines the organization’s well-being, its employees, or both. Production deviance, which means that is counterproductive to the quality and quantity of work produced. Like Leaving work early, absenteeism and lateness. Asset deviance it is the Unethical activity of destroying the assets or goods of the company. Like Acceptance of bribes, robbery and vandalism. Political deviance, Using one’s power to hurt others in the business. like Favoritism, gossiping about coworkers, blaming coworkers, spreading gossip Personal hostility which is the Hostile or violent acts abusing others. Like sexual harassment, verbal abuse and coworkers cheating.

Workplace deviance in any shape or form should be avoided at all costs through organizational justice, the unfair treatment of employees or discrimination of employees create the feelings of hatred and jealousy causing them to act wild and against the company’s morals and rules, either actively or passively, acting a certain way to break the rules, harming others verbally or emotionally or even physically, creating a toxic environment through spreading bad words, damage the organization’s property and its equipment, or even remaining silence at these times. So, to avoid all of these a good manager should implement organizational justice and treat employees with what they deserve according to what they have provided the organization with.

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